
Chapter 1276 Guardian Of Darkness I

"Oh, stop being so anti-social," Beelzebub casually mentioned having arrived once the battle was over for some reason; he suspiciously sat there demanding we have dinner. "My niece. How are you? How's the little parasite."

"They're called babies, Bel." Aurelia tacked on.

"That requires a mother to feed them. Aka parasite."

"Facts." Said Zariel stupidly.

"Don't agree with him!" demanded Aurelia shooting my brother icy glare, who practically cowered away. "How dare you call our boy a parasite."

Sulking away awkwardly, a few scarlet eyes lingered on me as I spoke out: "Moloch… hows my uncle?"

"Oh? My disciple, you mean? Great. He's got a knack for torturing." he replied, leaning his head over his palm with a charming smile. "It's odd, though. No matter how I try to break that graceful poise he has, all it seems to do is refine it. Your uncle is quite regal. It honestly makes me want to become a monarch like you guys."

"Really?" Beelzebub chimed in, singling for the maids to begin serving wine. "You're not one to be tied down."

"Oh? Are you scared he might try to initiate a war with you? It is that time for Mythos to have a new ruler." Lucifer remarked, lifting his chalice to his lips. He sipped it, but his gaze remained poised upon Beelzebub measuring his reaction. "Or you could challenge Mephisto. He's leaving anyway."

"That is true." The trickster said, thanking one of the maids with a beaming grin. " But… you'll have to deal with Ishar and Amara. You know those two are hella close. Not to mention there all on our level."

"We'll join in too." Zariel attested, staring at the chalice with a curious gleam. "Amara is Aurelia adopted Mother. And Ishar is one of my allies."

"And possibly my son's wife!" Aurelia shouted, the childish grin upon her face beaming.




"Good luck with that." Everyone said, as even maids could not help themselves.

I haven't known Ishar that long, but judging from their reactions. I'm sure something was up… Was Ishar secretly a man? That would be the perfect trap. Dear lord, god help us all!

Tearing up a little as my thoughts wandered, I gulped, suddenly feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"You know… we can all sense your intent, right? We can practically read your mind. What idiotic thoughts are you having?" Mephisto remarked, grinning devilishly.

Gathering all my wisdom, I said: "Merely thoughts in passing nothing that should be shared. But what shall we do about Metatron? I'm sure he'll be an issue in the future."

"You suggest we kill him?" Moloch mused, shaking his hand in disapproval. "Even if we could, which none of us can. It'll be an issue."

"Back up. None of you can? Looks like you all were—" Pausing as I glanced down at the snow-white wolf with burning red eyes nudge against me. I frown, signaling to the maids. " get little Gadreel a bowl. Some of your best. And food. He seems to like..." recalling the hearts of many women gorged out of their chest back in his cave. I said: " Female hearts. Virgins, if that matters. Vampires seem to like that type of shit."

Many of the maids looked for Beelzebub for permission before they scurried off. But it was a big surprise that Gadreel would transform into a wolf from that earlier monstrosity. I truly want to hear his story. All that happened to him can't be because he fell. Can it?

Clearing my throat, I continued: " yes, it looked like you all were bullying the shit out of Metatron. So why can't you kill him."

"He's the Scribe of God." Mephisto was the first to say. "His very existence is to record the words of our Lord Father. In his arsenal possess some of the greatest powers you can hardly imagine. That bastard once turned me into a pillar of salt. Were it not for my ability to polymorph, I'd have died."

"But all that comes with a price," Moloch added. "The moment Metatron uses one of Father's Words, he brings him into the equation."

"What do you mean?"

"It means everyone is fucked." Beelzebub grunted, his disheveled hair and red eyes dimming as the conversation continued. "Father is fair. So he'll act as judge and juror. Meaning everyone will be punished. The Word of God is a final resort. One that can't be countered—"

"Without the word of the Abyss." I grinned as everyone paused. Everyone but Mephisto, who in turn grinned deviously.

"I'd not considered Big Aunties viewpoint," Lucifer muttered. "How's she doing, by the way? It's been so long since we paid tribute."

"... You've met her?"

Lucifer flinched and stared at me as though I were stupid. "We have met GOD. He's our father. No shit, we've met with the Abyss. Although, that was before the fall… Now that I think about it… why did we go?"

Everyone hummed, but none answered to my amazement.

"I know it's been a long time, but I thought you'd remember why," I said, noticing the silence continue.

"It's no use trying to remember," Mephisto commented darkly, swirling the content of his chalice, a gloomy shimmer ripping from his infernal eyes. "Our memories as to why we went or what we spoke about is absent from our minds."

"So… You all got mind raped." Aurelia mindlessly said. "How's it feel? Ya'll still raw up there? Want some ice?"

"Screw you!' Said Beelzebub, gritting his teeth. He stormed to his feet, slamming his fist against the table. " To wipe our memories at that point in time would be impossible."

"That's why the memories aren't fully gone," Mephisto said. "There is a noticeable hole in our memories, but unless you actively look for it, you'll never find it. Just like..."

"You knew of this?" Moloch grimaced, the calm exterior seemingly cracking. "And you. " He pointed towards Lucifer. " You seemed to have known."

"Yes… he came to me before the first battle in heaven before we fell. We've been trying to figure it out since. Is there a problem?" Lucifer asked calmly.


"Drama~" Aurelia chimed in, giggling away. "Look, guys, it's not so bad. Its…"

Covering his wife's mouth, Zariels stood up: "Let's go, Arsene. It's best not to get too involved in the Fallen. No one ever wins. Especially when drama is involved."

Hesitant, kind of wanting to see some drama, I sighed, knowing Zariel was right. If there was another battle, I was sure not to survive: "Fine. Come on, Gad. Let's go. We've got much to discuss."

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