
191 Chapter 191

Walking downstairs, I see Melody hunched over the table, her head resting in her arms. Her black hair, drapes down to the side as she turns her head and wriggles in the spot. A quiet murmur escapes her pink lips, but it was so quiet I couldn't hear it. Walking over, I softly place my hand on her shoulder, waking her up from her slumber. Her eyes flutter awake as she does her best to focus.

"I…an?" - Melody

"Hey." - Ian

Leaning back and stretching upwards, she lets out a soft moan as her chest puffs out. I could clearly see her exposed midriff as well as the tops of the two mounds. Looking away quickly, I clear my throat to get her attention.

"Sorry. I was quite tired from yesterday's ordeal. I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked." - Melody

"It's fine. Uh… Melody, think you can help me gather Howard, Noah, Gobi, Robin, Stellar, Gewari and Solar?" - Ian

"Sure! What's the problem, and where do you want to meet with everyone?" - Melody

"It's for what we are going to do for tonight and future nights. As for the meeting place, bring them to the meeting house. I'll wait for you there, okay?" - Ian

"Got it. See you soon." - Melody

A smiling Melody leaves the house, rushing to find everyone, while I leisurely walk over to the meeting house as I collect my thoughts. Within minutes, everyone slowly walks in, guided by Melody.

"Everyone, yesterday was very difficult for all of us. I know it was hard, but for tonight we can do something to make it easier for us. We know monsters come from the cave, and we know monsters come from the small entrance by the waterfall. Noah was able to defend that side with some archers and a couple of wolves, which means the monsters are easily manageable, so long their number is smaller." - Ian

"Right, while we didn't kill as many skeletons as the main battle, we were able to constantly fight throughout the night and even have time to help out at the main battle." - Noah

"Exactly, it was because the monsters were in a tighter space and with less room for them to attack. I was thinking, rather than wait for them to come to us, we go to them. If we defend the cave entrance, we should be able to hold the skeletons back. Furthermore, we will be able to do a rotation for the fight. That way, no one burns out, and we will be able to continue doing this for a long period of time." - Ian

"I like that idea. Yesterday, both Gobi and I were too burnt out. There were too many enemies, and we were slowly losing ground as other people got injured." - Howard

"That's good and all, but how would the rotation work? And the archers will have a more difficult time since the area where they can attack is small. The cave will also be very dark since it is night outside." - Robin

"We can set up torches inside the cave, along the ceiling and near the tops." - Gobi

"But that won't last for the whole night." - Stellar

"I think we don't need to. The skeletons have blue flames in their eyes, which are pretty bright already. In the dark cave, it would look like floating blue flames. If we have torches at the front of the cave, we should be able to manage." - Gewari

"I can set up a small area where I can perform first aid with Lucina and her group of nurses. I can also come in and fight with everyone if needed." - Solar

"Great, we have a plan." - Ian

"How about the rotation of troops?" - Howard

"I have an idea about that, but Noah, do you want to share any thoughts first?" - Ian

"Hmm… Considering that we have already done a battle in the cave, I remember the most we were able to fit were 3 or 4 people at the front, right? The cave entrance is slightly bigger, so the number of troops fighting at one time will be either 5 or 6. We can construct a basic wooden wall or use a wall of older shields and prop them up with stones, and then use mid-range weapons to fight the skeletons.

Rotation can start with either Howard or Gobi, and we can rotate every hour. We have more than enough troops if we are limiting it to 5 or 6 people per fight, then we should be able to get through the night and be ready for anything the next day.

Weapons and armor are already being repaired by old man Hus and his team, however, they have been working tirelessly throughout the whole night and today. I suggest they take a break, and we work with what we have tonight, using older weapons. The golem spears and the stone spears will do the job if it is just the skeletons. Worse comes to worst we will use the goblin knives." - Noah

"That's a pretty good plan. I had the same thought about controlling the number of people at the cave entrance and blockading it, so we can easily fight. We can build a very basic wall and if that falls, Lynn will use Bone Wall to create a temporary wall while we get the shields ready. The rest of my plan aligns with Noah. However, I want Gobi to lead the first wave with the aura active the moment we engage in combat." - Ian

​ "Yes my lord. I'll get someone to notify Lynn about the plan then." - Gobi

"Do you still want Gewari and me in the forest?" - Stellar

"Yes, we still don't know what will come out of the pillar of the light that is near the forest. So, I'll need you to monitor it. Keep a scout ready to come back to HavenFall and ready to go to the Krepost to notify Kingston if there are any complications." - Ian

"Yes my lord." - Stellar

"I'll make sure to do my best, my lord." - Gewari

"Solar, ask Lucina if there are any more potions and have a scout deliver them to Kingston as soon as possible. I'm sure they will need it." - Ian

"Alright, I'll make sure to do it." - Solar

"Are there any other questions or suggestions?" - Ian

Looking around, I see everyone with determined faces, and with a quick nod, I clap my hands together.

"Then, let's do this. For HavenFall!" - Ian

"FOR HAVENFALL!" - Everyone

Everyone starts to move in their own directions to prepare for the upcoming battle. Noah and Howard made a beeline to find Owen and Rex to build the wall, while Gobi sent a scout to look for Lynn and Solar went to find Lucina. Stellar and Gewari prepared for tonight and went off into the forest while Robin made sure there were more than enough arrows for tonight.

"Ian." - Melody

Turning around, I see Melody behind me, holding onto a pouch.

"What's up, Melody? What's in the pouch?" - Ian

"It's potions. Lucina had them on the side for you, but I said I would give them to you." - Melody

"Oh! Thanks, Melody. Are you going to be okay tonight?" - Ian

"Yeah, I think so. Last night, I was mainly helping Lucina with the injured. I think I'll do the same tonight as well since I'm not really a fighter." - Melody

"Did you want to go and fight? Or is doing this okay?" - Ian

"I want to fight, but I'm not good at it. I had Howard and Gobi try teaching me, but I couldn't do too much…" - Melody

Patting her head, I speak to her softly.

"You are doing great even if you don't fight, plus, I'll protect you. Don't worry about a thing okay?" - Ian

"Really? Will, you really protect me?" - Melody

Coming closer, Melody looks into my eyes, pulling on the corner of my shirt.

"Of course." - Ian

"Will you make sure nothing will happen to me?" - Melody

"Of course." - Ian

"Will you rescue me if anything happens?" - Melody

"Of course, Melody are you okay? Did something happen?" - Ian

"Ian… I'm just scared." - Melody

"Why? Melody you can talk to me." - Ian

"There is something coming. I don't know what it is, before you woke me up I had a vision. It was really short but… It sent chills down my spine." - Melody

"Melody, I'm here to protect you and everyone here. Tell me, so I know what is going to happen." - Ian

"I… I saw the world go dark. The sun was above the clouds, but there was no light. It was like night even though it was the day and while it was dark there were more monsters. Everywhere." - Melody

"So you are saying, that there will be no sun or daytime?" - Ian

"Yes… I think so." - Melody

"I see… Don't worry Melody. I'll figure something out okay?" - Ian

"Really?" - Melody

"Yeah, of course. Trust me, okay." - Ian

"I'll be with Lucina okay… Talk to you later." - Melody

Melody rushes off leaving me with my thoughts. The world going dark meant that the Reaper must have done something to be able to cover the whole continent in darkness. I can't even begin to think about what it could be, however, it is going to be a problem. An endless wave of enemies 24/7 would be hell on earth. There would be nothing capable of stopping the Reaper's forces if this turns out to be real. With my thoughts racing, I get my armor and trident, heading off towards the cave.

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