
Chapter 304 Chase

Chapter 304 Chase

"So exciting!"

While Shadow and Cereal Killer were anxious about their current predicament, the two girls couldn’t help but feel excited, even Storm Moonlight who always wore a cold look on her face wasn’t an exception from it.

"Hahaha! This plan of Chakram is truly f*cked up!" Shadow started laughing as he looked at the huge horde of Orcs chasing just behind them.

"F*ck you man!" Cereal Killer angrily cursed as he quickly summoned an over one-meter tall silver wolf and rode on its back.

With Solitary Tempest and Storm Moonlight who followed his actions right after, and Shadow only summoned his own after the three people swoosh past him.


A humongous fluff of white ball came roaring out of the summoning circle, and Shadow quickly jumped on its back.

It was his newly acquired mount, a White Horned Bear, a common monster seen around Everwinter.

They had summoned them because a group of the infamous Wolf Cavalry appeared and had joined the fray, and if they didn’t summon them, then those Wolf Cavalry would certainly catch up to them in no time and hinder their path which would force them to fight head-on against an entire tribe of battle-hardened warriors, which is a situation that Shadow didn’t want to see.

Well, it would be a novel experience for them as they would at least be able to know it feels like getting drowned in a horde of zombies except...they are orcs though.

On the other hand, they’re quite lucky that they hadn’t encountered any of the Elder Orcs or even the Tribe Leader or else they would have been doomed to fail, and thankful that the orcs aren’t a race that excels in speed or they wouldn’t have even managed to cover two hundred meters before they are caught.

"How come this feels so easy that’s it’s making me feel that there’s something wrong going to happen!?" Storm Moonlight who had been silent until now said with a raised voice.

"F*ck! I just remembered that Chakram isn’t with us!" Cereal Killer shouted when he finally realized that someone is missing from their group.

"Relax, he’ll come over later! In fact, the reason we haven’t met any of those boss monsters is that they were the first ones to respond to what happened earlier and are currently chasing after Chakram, giving us the chance to break through their territorial blockade!" Shadow replied, answering both of their worries.

"How would he even know that’s all of them!? Oh right, that bastard told us about how many of them are" Cereal Killer gave a snort, but then he quickly remembered that the Grey Orc that had become his companion had told them about it.

"Speed up!" Solitary Tempest who was riding beside Shadow yelled when she looked back and saw that the Wolf Cavalry is gaining on them.

Even though their mounts are currently one of the fastest mounts, with the exception of Shadow’s mount.

The current terrain isn’t in their favor, as even though the snow on the ground is thin and was just a heel deep, but it still made the ground slippery, hindering their speed while the black wolves that the Grey Orcs are riding on had already long evolved and wasn’t hindered by the muddy terrain.

"Oh f*cked!"

Cereal Killer and Shadow turned their heads around when they heard her, and when they looked back, they saw a shocking sight which shocked them, even the two former assassins couldn’t felt but feel chilled when they saw the horde just a few meters behind them!

Whose numbers had already ballooned up to a shocking figure!

While Storm Moonlight squinted her eyes and she started to look around them for another possible way to escape.

"We’re f*cking dead if they catch us! They’re not really gonna eat us if that happens, right?" Cereal Killer said with a joking tone, his face full of cold sweat even with the cold temperature around them.

"Shut it! We’re almost there!" Shadow yelled in frustration as he didn’t expect that even the smallest tribe still has thousands among them!

’Just a little bit more!’

Shadow prayed in his mind as he could already see the exit of the gorge ahead of them,


Huff! Huff! Huff!

Chakram was breathing heavily from his injuries as he leaned on the cliff behind him.

He had just miraculously escaped from the pursuit of the Grey Orc Chieftain and several tribe elders and currently hiding with only a sliver of his health left.

"You guys be careful! The Orc Chieftain and the tribe elders had already ceased chasing after me and had started making their way back to their tribe. Make sure to escape from there as soon as possible"

He sent a message to the team channel warning them as he downed a health potion.

Inside, he was feeling incredibly happy and excited as it’s been a long while since he had experienced a blood-boiling event that made him remember his days of youth.

People might question why the group just didn’t detour around the tribe and bypass them, but what they didn’t know is that the land behind the mountain that they had passed through was almost similar to the Grand Canyon but bigger and more dangerous with monsters wandering around the land which could kill them in two to three attacks.

Of course, that also applies to the Grey Orcs that they are currently facing, but they’d rather take the bet of making their way through a flat ground rather than a rocky terrain where numerous monsters would surround also them, where they won’t even be able to take the advantage of the speed of their mounts.

And even if they do circle around the tribe, they would eventually meet another orc tribe, which is even larger than the ones that are causing them problems!

"Going in an adventure in this game world is real fun, but a pity that there’s a problem that would love to have a visit to us soon"

Chakram’s pair of eyes flashed with a cold glint when he remembered the report that was given to them last night.

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