
Chapter 399 - Wargs

"What's the meaning of this?! Didn't we agree that our side will get fifty percent from it?! Why am I left with only thirty five percent of the agreed agreement?!"

Zero could be seen yelling angrily inside his office towards two shadowy figures from the holographic screen on his desk, and Charon who was standing at the side could only shake his head looking at his boss throwing a tantrum.

"Isn't your end receiving less from the deal obvious enough? If it wasn't for my son who started it, then you wouldn't even have enough reason to take them down and could only watch their riches from the fence!" The silhouette of the woman replied to his inquiry in a laughing but cold manner.


Zero angrily grabbed both the armrest of his chair and broke it into pieces while yelling, "You two are being unreasonable! Even if he is your son, he's still a member of this organization! And his matters in that country were matters of this group and not your company! Yaaa!!!"

"Who told you not to have a son like him?" the man in the other holo screen sneered in disdain.

"Oh~ fuck you, you old bastard! This matter isn't whose son he is, but the dignity of The Continental!" Zero shouted while shooting a glare towards the man through the screen.

Followed by a bellow filled with frustration, "I should have known this would happen! You two greedy jerks! I should have seen this coming when you suddenly contacted me about this the other day!"

"Oh please~! Stop throwing a tantrum like you're a ten year old kid" The woman said with a laugh, and her tone didn't sound like she was taking what's happening seriously.

Then the man followed with his own opinion, which further infuriated Zero, "Exactly, what are you? Ten? You're already over fifty, start acting like one"

"You know what?! F*ck you! Both of you! Bye!"

Zero yelled at them in anger while shoving their faces with two middle fingers with his hands before cutting off the call in frustration!

Then he looked at Charon and said, "Charon, did you see that? Can you believe those two?! They are so unreasonable! Their company didn't even do shit when we took down those five syndicates! And they had the audacity to take the bigger piece of the cake! Even the Joseon Government only asked for fifteen percent of their assets! Ugggh!!! Stress!"

Charon just smiled bitterly and said, "So what are we going to do with the assets we had taken, sir?"

Hearing him, Zero immediately stopped grumbling and resumed his cold demeanor and said, "Of course, liquidate all of them! We don't have any use of them right now. Sell them at them at the open market"

"What about the Joseon Government, sir? They have contacted us with the inquiry of what we were planning to do with the assets currently in our hands and they had asked if it is possible to sell those properties to them" Charon asked as he brought up a matter that happened earlier this morning.

Zero raised an eyebrow and looked at him and said, "Did they quote a price?"

"Yes sir. They quoted an increase of twenty five percent of each of the properties" Charon replied as he started fiddling with something on the tablet in his hands before handing it over to Zero.

Zero took the gadget from him and looked at the numbers listed on the screen, and chuckled, "They're quite generous, aren't they? It seems they are not afraid of losing money at all. Well, this kind of attitude is what made their economy boom during the past few years"

Then he turned his attention back to Charon and said, "Then sell off the thirty percent to them, and the rest are to be sold in the open market. Better yet, contact Fox and see if she's interested in taking over one those properties"

Charon scrunched up his brows hearing such a familiar name but felt unfamiliar at the same time, "Fox? It's been a few years since I've heard of this name. It seems she has been in contact with you lately, how is she lately sir?"

Zero laughed and said, "Yeah~ I was actually surprised when she took the initiative to contact me after so many years. After all, she had always been sending someone as a stand in for her at every annual gathering. So it was surprising actually, and why are you curious about her? Still can't forget your feelings? Your wife will beat you up if she happens to catch wind of this"

Charon rolled his eyes and laughed and said, "Of course not, sir! It just made me reminiscence back to our youthful days"

Zero couldn't agree more and replied saying, "Yeah, we were so reckless back then, and looking back now, we were such troublemakers that we had almost offended every Tom, Dick and Harry back then, hahaha!"

"Isn't that the reason why almost all of the countries had banned us from entering their nation?" Charon chuckled while leering at Zero.

Zero's eyes suddenly became sneaky and he just smiled and said, "Hahaha, enough about our past. Instead let's get down to business"

"Then let's talk about the suspicious movements from a second class organization called Wargs," Charon said while lightly fixing his glasses.

"Ohh~ what about them?" Zero asked, a little intrigued about why this assistant of his is talking about such a small to medium sized organization.

Charon seemed to know what Zero was thinking and said, "Of course, bringing up the matters of such a small group is surprising and rare, but the reason I'm bringing it up is that they seem to be gathering a few small organizations and a couple of local gangs"

When Zero heard that, he raised an eyebrow and slowly sat upright as he slowly became interested saying, "Ohh~? Don't tell me they're planning a merger with those groups to create a larger organization like us?"

"Yes, but that's not all there is to it as something like that happening is pretty common, and they're not really considered as a threat to us, but it seems the hands of a few people have suddenly become itchy and started dipping their hands in our line of business" Charon said with a flashed of cold glint.

Zero's lips slowly curved into a sinister smile and said, "Who?"

"Senator Reeves of Northern Rica Principality and his political party"

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