
Chapter 88 Adhara Put On A Show

"Get that ghost out of here! I don't want to set my eyes on her," Laura shouted angrily.

Before Joanna could get to show them exactly what she was capable of, Anthony, who had been quiet, jumped up and stood in front of Joanna.

"Big Sister is going nowhere," Anthony yelled. He glared and growl at the guys telling them to back off.

He was so ready to bite off the hand of anyone who dared to touch his sister.

"You little brat! Watch and see how I teach you a lesson," Laura said as she stomped down the stairs.

"Stop that Laura. And you are not allowed to call your little brother like that….,"

"But he is acting like a brat. How dare he betray us for that daughter of a mistress…,"

"That's enough, Laura," Adhara shouted at Laura to the surprise of Audrey who hasn't witnessed such a sight before.

If there is any good quality about Adhara it was the fact that she dotes on her two children.

She treats them like King and Queen. It's rare to see her get furious at them especially at Laura since she always listens to whatever her mother says.

Seeing Adhara shouts at her daughter for the sake of Joanna was a very rare sight.

"You are not to speak to your little brother like that. Also, your father has already permitted her to live here so she is going nowhere…,"

"But mum," Laura said unhappily.

"You always treat her as an eyesore in the past so why are you suddenly humouring her?" Laura said furiously.

"Did you suddenly develop a soft spot for her just because she arose from the dead?" Laura asked.

She stomped away in anger before she could let her mother explain.

Adhara turned to face Joanna after Laura has left. "Don't mind whatever she said. I won't chase you away just because she dislikes you," Adhara said softly.

Any other person would have felt happy hearing a person who has treated and spoken to you harshly all your life suddenly treat you nicely but Joanna was different.

She had goosebumps hearing her talk nicely like a good person.

Suddenly a popular phrase suitable for this situation popped up in her head.

[Is this really what people call 'A Calm Before A Storm?']

Joanna stare at the lady not understanding what exactly she was trying to get at by being nice to her.

Did she really scare the heartless woman so much or is she pretending to be afraid of her so that she could use this opportunity to strike her unawares?

"Although none occupied your room after you died…. No, I meant after you left," Adhara corrected herself almost instantly.

"Some unused things were moved into the room but don't worry I will have the maids clean it up so that you can spend the night here," Adhara said. She stretched and pulled Anthony away from Joanna.

[Whatever she is planning I will make sure to see it to the end but since she is quite good at acting why don't I show her my acting skills too]

Joanna grinned inwardly as she stared at the lady putting on a fake smile.

"I will have to trouble you and the maids then," Joanna said as she smiled at Audrey.

Audrey had to nudged her for Joanna to stop smiling.

"Stepmother, I haven't seen Drey for a long time. I plan to hang out with her today, I hope you are ok with that right?" Joanna asked pretending to be an ideal daughter.

F*ck the title of an ideal daughter, she doesn't want it.

"Suit yourself then," Adhara said to the surprise of the maids who were expecting her to yell and also kick Joanna for daring to want to slack from home chores.

'Is the Madam ok' This was the question on their minds as they watched the charade called a family reunion?

"Big Sister, can I come…," Adhara covered Anthony's mouth not letting him complete his sentence.

"Be good and stay at home. Big Sister will come home later, don't worry," Joanna waved at Anthony.

She and Audrey left the house with Bacon flying around them.

Joanna and Audrey went to a cafe to do some catching up.

In the cafe whose interior design was a mixture of milky and brown colour, they were only a handful of customers.

Joanna and Audrey sat close to the glass wall with only a cup of coffee and dessert in front of Joanna.

"Anna, what was that in there? Are you and Adhara on good terms? Have you forgiven her for all she put you through all these years?" Audrey asked curiously.

"Forgiven her?" Joanna chuckled as though there was something funny about what she said.

"Do you think someone like her deserves that?"

"If you haven't forgiven her then what was that earlier? You guys were talking like real family…,"

"She was putting on a show so I helped her to perform well, is there a problem with that?" Joanna asked carefreely.

She took a sip from the coffee only to spit it out. "Gosh, that was too bitter," Joanna said as she returned the cup of coffee to the milky colour centre table.

Audrey smiled on hearing Joanna's explanation. "Oh… so you were only acting? That is good to hear".

For an hour Joanna and Audrey chatted. Because they have missed half a year of each other's lives they were a lot of catching up to do.

Audrey did most of the talking since Joanna refused to mention anything about what happened to her during the last six months.

"So what are your plans now that you have returned?" Audrey asked seriously.

"I know I shouldn't have asked you this since you only returned last night but as you know you have missed a lot in these six months and need to make up for it".

Audrey took time to explain herself in case Joanna misunderstood her intentions.

"It's ok. I am cool with answering your question," Joanna said. She adjusted the way she sat on the brown chair.

"My plans, for now, are simple. Since my elementary school to university scholarship is still valid I want to continue schooling," Joanna said firmly.

"That is nice," Audrey gave her thumbs up to show that she was in full support of that plan.

"I also want to continue working so I can save money and get out of that hellhole called a home…," Joanna trailed as she leaned back on the chair.

"Since you have always wanted the best for me, I am sure you wouldn't want me to remain in that home in which I could get poisoned anytime and my body quietly disposed of right?".

Audrey stretched and held Joanna's hands laying on the table.

"Actually, you don't have to work very hard. I have an apartment now so you can come live with me I don't mind…,"

"My whole life has been depended on you and I don't want this to continue..,"

"But Anna, you know that I have never complained of these things…,"

"Are you planning to take care of me all my life?" Joanna asked seriously.

"Why not?" Audrey said without any hesitation.

She has always known how deep Audrey's love for her was but seeing how confident Audrey was while saying this word made Joanna feel a sense of warmth in her heart.

How could a person's love be so selfless?

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