
Chapter 561 She Kept Her Word

Before anyone could spell JACK Joanna took to her heels. But to their dismay, she didn't go for the exit. Instead, she ran into the room Laura and the others came out from earlier and shut the door.

By this time Laura, Eva and Eunice were more than astonished.

Their mouths hung open as they turned and exchanged puzzled glances. For a minute they were too shocked to believe what occurred in front of them.

"Laura, what just happened here?" Eva asked still in awe. She kept her eyes focused on the brown door ahead of them.

"When I told you she was a born coward who was all talks and no actions did you think I was lying?" Laura who felt a newfound confidence spring from within said with her head cocked to the side.

[I can't believe I was worried for nothing]

A sweet smile found its way to Laura's face as she stared at the door her stepsister was trapped inside.

Laura diverted her gaze to where the guys stood after a minute had passed.

"I want her dragged here like a dog. Deal with her in a way even though those closest to her will have a hard time recognising her," Laura commanded coldly.

"The one who inflicts the most pain on her will receive extra rewards from me after we wrap things up," Laura added. There was so much hate in her eyes as she said this.

And because her friends were after the thrills they said nothing to dissuade the vengeful Laura.

Anyways they were all in this together so how could they possibly stop her?

Laura and her friends watched the four men including the driver stomp towards the brown door.

With their hearts almost burst from excitement they waited for the moment where they tore down the door and dragged Joanna out of there.

Just when the leader raised his leg to kick the door open, the door pulled out from the frame thereby sending the men flying across the room.

"What the..." Eva was too astounded to complete her sentence as her eyes remained fixed on the direction of the door.

Even her friends who had forgotten to blink were not spared from the shock.

"Is that a werewolf or a demon?" Eunice cried out, her hands pointed at the howling rainbow-coloured animal advancing towards them.

The three of them started to move backwards but they didn't take their eyes off the werewolf whose murderous stares were focused on them.

[She was never able to change into a werewolf. Her transformation failed even at her long-awaited 18th birthday party so how is this even possible?]

Laura was in deep thought as she kept her eyes fixed on the empty room the werewolf came out from.

"Laura, we need to shift into our true form now or else she is gonna attack us..."

"And why should we do that when we paid them for this job?" Laura shouted as they continued to retreat backwards.

"Also we didn't bring spare clothes, did you forget that?" She added.

Eunice was about to talk when the werewolf leapt in the air causing the ladies to scramble in all directions.

Joanna attacked them again and this time around the girls were left with no other choice but to shift into werewolves.

Although it was clear as crystal that Joanna was outnumbered, it turned out that not seven of them were a match for her.

Maybe if she relied on her werewolf power alone she wouldn't have been a match for her enemies who were out to make her pay.

But not when she combined her werewolf powers with that of the system. Her powers were too overwhelming for all of them to handle.

In less than seven minutes all of them except the rainbow-coloured werewolf were on the floor unable to move any part of their body.

After she was done with them she returned to the room, shifted back into human and put on the clothes she had taken off earlier.

"See, I kept my word when I said I wouldn't go easy on you the next time we fought," Joanna announced. 

She took one last glance at the werewolves on the floor before she turned and strolled out of the hall with her head held high just like she told Laura a while ago.

To punish them further Joanna drove away in their car when she could easily get to campus with her teleportation skill.

When Joanna reached their rehearsal room she met her group's members already practicing.

"What took you so long?" Raymond asked out of concern. He hurried to the door on sighting Joanna.

"I was in the middle of something but lost track of time," Joanna lied. She strolled to the bench and dropped her handbag on it.

"I am sorry if I caused any delay with my lateness," Joanna apologized as she moved to join where those modelling for their group organized themselves.

"It is so unlike you to arrive late but it's ok. We have mastered our steps and lines and as such can practice without your supervision..."

"Does that mean you don't need me anymore...."

"Nooo...." everyone chorused, despite that this was supposed to be her little chat with Lia.

Joanna was a bit taken aback by their reaction.

She stared at their smiling faces not knowing whether to cry or beam along with them.

If someone had told her a year ago that she would be accepted by the same people who made 18 years of her life miserable she wouldn't have believed it.

And here it was happening in front of her and she couldn't believe that this was real.

"With the carnival coming up in a day, I was worried our name will be included on the batch to perform on the first day but luckily for us, our group name appeared on the list of those to perform on the last day," Joanna addressed everyone.

She moved forward from where she stood so that everyone was able to see her.

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