
Volume 4 Chapter 187: The Inevitable Defeat of the Beastmen Coalition on the Harvey Plains

Volume 4 Chapter 187: The Inevitable Defeat of the Beastmen Coalition on the Harvey Plains

Translator: The Light

Edits by Grandia

The Demon King’s Coalition, the Dark Coalition, and the Beastmen Coalition were going head to head in an aggressive fight. Thousands of individuals engaged in slaughter on the wide grasslands. This was the first time that Bella had been involved in a battle that was so poetic in its destruction.

Bella blended into the battle, acting like a regular Death Knight and focused on killing as many rookies as she could. Using her underhanded means, Bella had managed to kill hundreds of Wolf Knights before they realized there was something different about this particular Death Knight. To put it simply, this Death Knight was poisonous.

Harrington easily stood out from the mass of Wolfmen soldiers. Those who were ranked above a captain would be wearing a special armband. As Bella killed those Wolfmen soldiers, she found that many of those were such high ranking officers.

Even though the armband on Harrington’s arm indicated that he was a general, his current performance was no better than a military deserter. The Wolfmen soldiers had already broken ranks and many of the Skeleton soldiers were already beginning to fight the Wereleopard warriors behind them.

“Lord Harrington, the Wolf King Springhall has sent out an order for you to retreat as quickly as possible.”

Once Harrington heard the Wolf King’s order, he immediately called for his troops to retreat. If he did not take this chance to back out of the battle, there was a chance that he would end up dying at the hands of the demonic beings, just like Ezekiel, the son of the Tiger King Titus. Bella already had her eye on Harrington. There was no way that she could possibly let him go without a fight and she immediately rushed over in his direction.

The Demon Guards around Bella pretended to switch directions, as though they were on their way there as well, and began to chase after Harrington as well. The Demon Guards’ combat ability was far stronger than a regular demonic being. Furthermore, those that were part of Bella’s followers were higher level Hell Guards.

These Hell Guards burned with an inextinguishable eternal hellfire. Along the way, any Wolfman that tried to come close were instantly burnt to a crisp before they could even attack.

The Leopard King Crofts stood in the middle of the Beastmen Coalition and watched as Harrington retreated back from the frontlines. If not for the Wolf King, he would have acted according to military law and executed Harrington on the spot. It did not matter that Harrington was running away. The worst thing was that he was being followed by a large group of elite demonic beings that were quickly advancing in on them.

“I... D*mn it. Harrington, get out of the way. Don’t come over. You idiot... do you wish to take us down with you!”

“Wereleopard King... please help me. For the sake of serving the Beast Emperor, please, give me a little boost!”

“Get out of my way and look for your father instead of me. If you get any closer, I will... hey, don’t you understand the Beastmen language?”

The Wereleopard King Crofts watched Harrington lead the large group of high level Demon Guards in charging towards his direction and immediately abandoned any thoughts of upholding his image as a Beast King and immediately scrambled away. The Wolf King Springhall was already nowhere to be found. That fellow that made his escape as quickly as he could and had dumped his useless son on him instead.

If not for the fact that his father was missing in action, Harrington had never intended to look for the Wereleopard King. In that moment, he felt that his only choice was to look for the Wereleopard King who was the nearest to him who could be of some help. The soldiers who were by the Beast Emperor’s side were all the cream of the crop. With them around, he might actually have a shot at taking down some of those Demon Guards that were closing in on him.

With the assistance of the Demon Guards, Bella managed to break through the crowd easily and managed to break into the area where the Wereleopard King was earlier. Bella was slightly disappointed that neither the Wolf King nor the Wereleopard King had the guts to face her in person. She had been looking forward to this for a long time, however, there was no Beastman warrior who was brave enough to face her at all.

By now, the Weretiger King Titus who had been overseeing the battle could not take it any longer. They had not been fighting for long before their coalition began retreating back to base. The one million Werelion soldiers did not respect the Weretiger King as their commander at all. When they were given the order to charge, they had given all sorts of excuses to refuse to obey.

In reality, only around four million troops from the Beastmen Coalition were actually fighting the war. Those Werelion troops were as good as useless as they did not obey orders at all. Left with no choice, the Weretiger King Titus had arranges for his personal elite team to retaliate against the advancing attacks.

“Locke, take Savannah with you and lead the troops. We must kill the Demon troops’ commanders in order to secure our victory in this battle.”

“Your servant understands. Please rest assured, Your Majesty.”

Bella was starting to feel a tinge of regret. She should not have gotten off her warhorse to engage in this battle. Now, she realized that she was too overdressed when she tried to hunt down Harrington. The Death Knight’s armor was a heavy duty one and it greatly impeded her movements. This made it nearly impossible for her to try to kill Harrington.

On the battlefield, Bella and her friends all wore a Demon mask to hide their identities as females. This would also prevent any potential trouble. Bella was in no position to abandon her Death Knight’s armor as removing it would reveal her female identity.

By now, the reinforcement Weretiger elite forces charged over just in time before the Wereleopard camp was about to be overrun with demonic beings. The leader of the Weretiger troops was a heavily built Weretiger warrior and his deputy.

Bella was not did not care about that Weretiger warrior at all. She was more interested in that Werecat girl who followed him. A cat kemonomimi clearly stood out amongst the Weretiger reinforcements. She was around the same height as the White Wolf Princess and Silver Fox Princess. A pair of snow white cat ears sat atop a head of pure gold hair.

This kemonomimi had a pair of jade-green cat eyes that were absolutely adorable. Bella was surprised that there was no hint of wildness in the way that she carried herself and felt like that cat girl was a kemonomimi who was rather serious.

The Silver Fox Princess Vanessa had once mentioned to Bella that she had not been on good terms with the Werecat Princess and Bella finally understood why. Both kemonomimis evidently had completely different temperaments and dispositions. The Werecat girl was extremely uptight and was the opposite of how the Silver Fox Princess carried herself. It was no wonder that they would not get along.

Seeing as Bella was in a daze, a few Weretiger warriors brandished their large blades and hit Bella, causing her to fall to the ground. The Weretigers were extremely strong and Bella was knocked off her feet before she could even react. Of course, she had not been injured. Those low quality weapons that the Weretigers were using would not be able to damage a Death Knight’s armor at all.

The Weretigers did not know that Bella was simply “playing possum”. As the battlefield was extremely chaotic, they did not have time to pay attention to a fallen Death Knight to check if she was actually dead. The Weretiger reinforcements did not bother to attack her again and moved on to the next part of the battle.

The Hell Guards were much more intelligent than the regular Demon Guards. They did not begin to slaughter indiscriminately in anger when they saw Bella fall to the ground. The leader of the Hell Guards pondered over the situation before determining that Bella was simply acting.

Demon Kings had no restrictions on the battlefield and could do anything they wanted. Playing dead was not something that was against the rules either. The leader of the Hell Guards made a few demon hand gestures which the other Hell Guards behind him instantly understood. With the cooperation of the Hell Guards, Bella managed to get away with faking her death.

The Weretigers’ combat abilities were far stronger than the Wereleopard or the Wolfmen. With their assistance, the Beastmen coalition managed to temporarily hold the fort. When the Werecat Princess walked past Bella, she did not realize that Bella was playing dead.

This Werecat Princess was dressed to the nines and was wearing a miniskirt. This meant that she could have come straight to battle from a previous engagement. Since this battle came too suddenly, she rushed over before she had the chance to change into her armor.

Bella made use of this opportunity to take a peek at the Werecat girl’s creamy white skin underneath her skirt as Princess Savannah did not realize that she had already revealed her skin to someone else. She swiped her claws at the enemy, killing the Skeleton troops that got in her way.

The Werecat Princess Savannah’s weapon was similar to the Wolf Princess Tania’s. Both were metal hook-like weapons made to look like animal claws. It was still rather useful against human soldiers and regular Skeleton troops, as well as simple demonic beings like zombies. However, it would spell certain death if they were to use it against these elite demonic beings such as their current opponent, the Demon Guards.

Taking into consideration that she was female, those Hell Guards tried to avoid engaging in combat with her, which drove Savannah crazy. Her goal was to work with the Weretiger elite forces to permanently get rid of the Demonic Dragon Emperor Alisha. This was the elite forces’ top priority.

However, the demonic beings seemed to be able to tell that she did not have good intentions and large numbers of Skeleton troops swarmed towards her, blocking her way. The other Weretiger warriors were not as fortunate as the witches. They had all been killed in cold blood by the Demon Guards.

The Demonic Dragon Emperor Alisha was surrounded by large numbers of heavily armored Dragon demonic infantry soldiers. From the beginning, the Weretiger’s plan was practically impossible to execute. In fact, it was much better to die at the hands of the Demon Guards rather than the Dragon Demon soldiers as the latter likes to play with their enemies. They would often cut off their enemy’s limbs and leave them to die in the most agonizing way possible.

The Hell Guards were at least five meters tall and wielded a Hell Blade that could take out five or six Weretiger warriors in one fell swoop. With the efforts of the Hell Guards, the reinforcement Weretiger soldiers began to show signs of defeat and the demonic army once again gained the upper hand.

Bella took this opportunity to grab on to Savannah’s delicate foot. The careless Werecat girl did not realize that there would be demonic beings who were playing dead and tripped right onto Bella’s body.

“You Demon, I’m going to kill... hey, how did you... let go of me!”

Bella grabbed on to Savannah and rolled over, pinning the Werecat girl underneath her body, arms at her side. The Werecat girl’s strength was similar to the White Wolf Princess Tania and was no match for Bella at all. Pressing the girl under her, Bella managed to temporarily conquer her.

Savannah’s legs thrashed wildly. It seemed as though she was being pushed to the back and was having unspeakable bad things done to her by a Death Knight. This Death Knight was terrifyingly strong. In addition, the knight was wearing a suit of heavy armor which made it nearly impossible to push the knight off her.

“You jerk, go to hell! D*amn it, when did these Skeleton soldiers get here?”

When the Weretiger General Locke saw that his deputy had been captured, he immediately rushed over and aimed his large blade at Bella’s back. This Weretiger general was pretty decent. At least, he was much better than the other high level Beastmen like Harrington and Ezekiel who only knew how to run away.

Unfortunately, Locke’s blade missed its mark. Bella was surrounded by demonic beings on all sides. As they closed ranks, a few Skeleton troops rushed over and used their bodies to block the attack. In the end, Locke’s blade hacked into the Skeleton troops and left Bella unscathed.

Taking advantage of the window between Locke’s attacks, Bella got up and transformed her hand into the Demon God’s Hand and threw a punch that landed at Locke’s chest. The immense force of the blow instantly blew through the Weretiger general’s chest. After the black energy passed through Locke, it shot behind him and killed dozens of other Weretiger warriors before finally dissipating.

“You... you’re really strong...”

Locke fell, his face filled with regret. No matter what, this Weretiger General had died honorably as he had been killed by a Demon King. It was much better than dying at the hands of a lowly soldier. At the very least, General Locke has left his mark in history.

“General Locke has fallen.. retreat...”

“But the Weretiger King’s orders...”

“If you’re not leaving, then I am. Why are we even helping these Wereleopards and Wolfmen? They were gone long before we even started.”

Morale dropped drastically among the Weretiger reinforcements as they saw their General being killed in front of their eyes. Many of them began to retreat, ignoring the fact that there were many Wolfmen and Wereleopard soldiers who were dying on the frontlines.

“Little kitty, where do you think you’re going? Your new home is going to be with me!”

“Who are you calling a kitty? You guys... when did you...”

As Savannah tugged on Bella to pull herself upright, she was already planning to make her escape. Who knew that Locke would be killed instantly by Bella? After all, he was a top warrior of the Weretigers. Before Savannah could make a run for it, she was surrounded by Skeleton troops and Demon Guards.

“Surrender. I have my principles and will not hurt girls.”

“I don’t believe... unless you... Demon, get away from me. If you get any closer, I’ll...”

Before Savannah could finish her sentence, a blob of sticky substance fell from the sky and pinned her to the ground. This was the work of Bella’s trusted subordinates, the Abyss Demonic King Slime and the Scourge of the Skies Grisbane. With their combined efforts, King Slime dropped down from the sky and captured Savannah.

Slime was even more skilled than Bella when it came to dealing with girls. Savannah did not even have the chance to hurt herself before the goo immobilized her. The special sedative flowed into her mouth and this proud Werecat lady finally fell silent.

When Savannah eventually stirred, the skimpy clothes that she had been wearing had already been dissolved by Slime. Right now, she was being held captive in Bella’s embrace, stark naked, and was seated on a Nightmare Warhorse.

Savannah’s hands and legs were bound behind her with spider threads and she had a red pet collar around her neck. A delicate little bell was placed in the middle of the collar, tinkling with her every movement.

“Little kitty, you’re awake. Stop shivering! It’s day right now, it’s not that cold.”

“What have you done to my clothes? Give them back to me, this is...”

“Don’t wear them then! Anyway, there are no men here. Oh little kitty, why are you so shy? The little fox and little wolf were not half as shy as you were.”

“You... you’ve captured Tania and Vanessa...”

Savannah’s jade green eyes stared at Bella with an incredulous look on her face. Apparently, this Death Knight was a human girl and it seemed as though she was the leader of these demonic beings.

Bella took off her knight’s mask, lowered her head and kissed Savannah’s beautiful face without hesitation. This made Savannah extremely awkward. She was a conservative girl and had always taken the Human upper class young ladies as an example.

Based on her knowledge on the workings of the Human race, Savannah knew that kissing was something that was done solely with the opposite sex. There were no records of any same sex kisses. In that moment, she did not know how to react.

“Why are you kissing me? Shouldn’t you be kissing...”

“Little kitty, what’s wrong with a master kissing her own pet! Forget it, when this battle is over, I shall take you home and educate you well.”

“You’re still thinking of taking me away... hold on, what is that... stop it!”

Bella took out a special soft ball and stuffed it into Savannah’s dainty little mouth. Such a cute little kitty, Bella decided that she should just keep her as a trophy. She did not even need to ask for her name. The Silver Fox Princess Vanessa has already informed her of the Werecat Princess’s name.

Savannah’s eyes were filled with resentment and fear. She did not interact much with the Dark Humans and her knowledge of the demonic beings were limited to the information within the Human’s books. According to the Human church’s records, Demons enjoyed eating their prey alive.

Savannah was now extremely worried. She was terrified that Bella had taken all her clothes off to eat her up. Technically speaking, she was not wrong at all. Bella did intend to “eat her up”. The only thing was that what Bella’s intention to savour her was completely different from what Savannah was thinking about.

Since their top warrior Locke was killed in battle and the Werecat Princess Savannah had been captured alive, the Weretiger’s retaliation attack came to a screeching halt. The Weretiger King saw that the tides had turned and had no choice but to send out an order to retreat. With the defeat of the Beastmen Coalition, the Dark Coalition was doomed to fail as well.

The Dark Princesses Elsa and Erica were not stupid. Once they saw that the Beastmen had run off, they followed suit and gave the order for their forces to retreat as well. Previously, they had been stuck in a heated battle with the Blood Demon King Eleanor’s Blood Knights. Since both sides were demonic beings, they would rise once again even after being hacked to death by the Skeleton troops.

Once the Beastmen coalition retreated, their Dark Coalition could easily be overthrown by the Demon King’s coalition. By then, it would be extremely difficult for them to come out of it alive. Bella, the commander-in-chief of the Demon King’s coalition, also had an important decision to make. She had to decide if she wanted to combine forces with Eleanor to overthrow the Dark Coalition, or to continue her pursuit of the Beastmen Coalition.

In the end, Bella decided to send out the order to pursue and annihilate the Beastmen Coalition and not to attack the Dark Coalition. This time, she would let the two Dark Princesses go. As long as they were still active within the Beastman continent, Bella would definitely have the chance to have another chat with them.

Eleanor seemed to have understood Bella’s intentions and immediately ordered her own troops to give up on tracking the Dark Coalition and follow Bella’s battalion instead. The most ironic moment of the “Battle of the Seven Kings” was when the Demon King’s coalition had marched past the Dark Coalition to hunt down the Beastmen Coalition and the latter did not react violently at all.

Instead, both parties were like allies and happily threw the Beastmen Coalition under the bus. When both commanders crossed paths, Princess Erica waved to the Blood Demonic King Eleanor as a friendly gesture and she returned the sentiment as well.


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