
Volume 6 Chapter 376: Unintentional Crossfire Between Pure White Saviors and Black Warriors

Volume 6 Chapter 376: Unintentional Crossfire Between Pure White Saviors and Black Warriors

Translator: The Light

In the third arena of the Manasvir Empire’s capital, Macnadix City’s Imperial City Coliseum. Dragon Knight Lisha and “God Chosen Holy Maiden” Sophia’s team was currently taking on their first team of opponents, God Chosen Knight Scott and Hayden the Enchanter. Including the last fight between Bella and Lisha, this should be the second fight between transmigrators.

The God Chosen Knight’s mount was a White Tiger, and the White Tiger was emitting the clear aura of a Holy Beast. As expected of a transmigrated Savior, to even be able to handle a growth type Holy Beast. If not for the restriction against dragons, Bella suspected that this guy, Scott, would probably even have a growth type Holy Dragon up his sleeve.

Dressed in the white clothes of an array master, Hayden was currently looking at Lisha with complicated eyes while the hand he was holding the “Scepter of Descent” with was trembling slightly. He used to see Lisha as a companion, so he never expected that it would come to this today. He and Lisha had been strangers with each other since he abandoned his companion. Even though he wished to repair that bond, he had no choice but to give up in the end.

However, Lisha appeared quite relaxed. She had already let go of the past. Dressed in golden dragon knight armor, she stood there with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Even though she did not summon a dragon mount, Lisha’s domineering stance made it seem as if there really was a dragon standing by her side. The domineering aura of a Demonic Dragon Emperor was being vaguely transmitted.

Holy Maiden Sophia wore a resplendent golden priest robe which looked a little like couple outfits with Lisha. She was of an artificial divine race and was able to tell as soon as it appeared that God Chosen Knight Scott’s mount was one of the Holy Beasts, a White Tiger. Lowering her head, she whispered to Lisha, who was slightly shorter than her.

“Lisha, that White Tiger is a Holy Beast, and it’s the trickier growth type. It hasn’t developed yet, so it probably shouldn’t be too hard to deal with. But watch out for that guy, his body is covered in...”

“Divine artifacts, right? Big Sister Sophia, you don’t have to worry so much. You just have to support me when the battle begins. I’ve seen my fair share of divine artifacts, so I don’t mind seeing a few more.”

God Chosen Knight Scott’s face was sullen. He had already won three consecutive rounds. The previous three teams of opponents were all shocked with his divine artifact equipment and the growth type Holy Beast White Tiger, and they all looked at him with looks of adoration, allowing him to bask in the wonders of being a badass. But who knew that the fourth round’s opponent, Dragon Knight Lisha, wouldn’t even flinch. She actually ignored all the divine artifacts and the Holy Beast mount he had. Isn’t this girl thinking too highly of herself? He’ll have to beat Lisha until she kneels in worship!

There was also Holy Maiden Sophia behind Lisha who actually dared to ignore him. He will have to make her submit too after this. However, there was no way that God Chosen Knight Scott’s fantasies would be fulfilled. It’s not strange for Lisha to be unsurprised, because she was just like Scott just a few months ago. Clad in divine artifacts, sitting on a Holy Beast mount, she would show off all day and she thought she could surpass everyone and everything. In the end she still got flipped over and almost got done in by an Abyss Demonic King.

Lisha looked at Scott the way she looked at herself a few months ago, filled with both disgust and sympathy. It was no surprise that Holy Maiden Sophia wasn’t surprised either, as she had already seen all the super strong existences around Bella. After seeing so much of this side of the world, she was no longer surprised anymore. Plus, she herself was a Holy Maiden of Micah’s Faction, an artificial Half-God. Meeting a Holy Beast wasn’t enough to make her lose herself.

“Princess Lisha, ladies first. You can have the first move.”

“Really? In that case...Goodbye!”

Out of the need to show off, God Chosen Knight Scott allowed his opponent to go first just like in the last three rounds before he relied on the rebound of the array to blast his opponents back. This way, he will be able to achieve the highest cool effect while incidentally leaving an important impression in the hearts of his beautiful opponents. However, in the face of Lisha, who was also a transmigrator, he went way overboard.

Lisha quickly rushed over, charging so fast that she could almost stir up a breeze. As she held out her fist in a swinging gesture, Scott quickly cast a protective barrier, but Lisha’s speed was beyond his expectations. However, as long as the power of the Holy Guard was still there, Lisha’s fists won’t be able to hurt him.

Lisha smiled as if her prank had succeeded. Just as her fist was about to reach Scott’s Holy Guard barrier, she suddenly changed from a closed fist to an open palm, pushing with both hands. Before Scott could react, he was pushed straight back with his Holy Beast mount out of the arena. After landing on the ground, he was declared defeated.

When Array Master Hayden saw this scene from the side and planned to cast a barrier to support him, he wasn’t able to do it in time before he was tripped by Holy Maiden Sophia’s “Chain of Divine Punishment” and was the first to be thrown out of the arena.

“Princess Lisha, you...you...”

“Admit defeat, Scott. We’re taking the first round.”

Lisha turned around and tried hard to suppress the urge to smile. She did not even turn around to look at God Chosen Knight Scott’s handsome face, which was pale with fury. Who asked him to give her the first hit? It shouldn’t be against any rules to push him out of the arena. All’s fair in war after all. Falling for this trap just means he’s still lacking.

After Scott’s defeat, his ranking was instantly lowered, falling behind Dragon Knight Copperfield, the second hot pick who suddenly faced defeat. He lost in an even more miserable manner than Copperfield. He straightforwardly gave away the win of this match. Without even using his divine artifacts or Holy Beast mount, he was easily pushed to his loss by the opponent.

In the second arena next door, a duel between wizards was taking place. One of the male Saviors, God Chosen Mage Adelaide, teamed up with a holy knight to fight his big sister, Princess Ariel and “Scarlet Knight” Princess Pamela’s team. Princess Pamela was wearing pink knight’s heavy armor and was already engaging the opposing holy knight with her Unicorn mount. This side of the field was left for the two magical geniuses to fight it out.

Ariel was still wearing a grey cloak so outsiders won’t be able to see her true appearance. They won’t even be able to know what attribute the mage clothes she was wearing now were. In comparison, Adelaide wore a magnificent magical sage robe, as if he were afraid that people wouldn’t know about his high efficiency in magic, as well as the fact that he was covered head to toe in magical treasures.

Adelaide really couldn’t figure out how this ugly big sister of his had advanced. Unless, did Princess Pamela bring her here all by herself? That would be a very difficult task. Even though there weren’t many holy knights, the only knights who could make it this far were the dragon knights and holy knights. At least, even if someone at the level of a holy knight wouldn’t be rare to see in the finals, for Princess Pamela to bring her into the top hundred by herself as a holy knight was a bit over the top.

“O wandering wind, beautiful and gentle goddess of storms, heed my call...”

God Chosen Mage Adelaide was guilty of the top bad habit a Savior could have, and that was to show off before the start of a competition. He had not needed to cast any attack spells with such a chuuni chant, but in order to make things look amazing, he had deliberately copied the magicians on TV and waved the divine artifact in his hands, “Ruler of the Elements”, pretending to recite a magnificent spell before repelling his opponent.

The act worked out for Adelaide in the first two rounds. When he was reciting the spell, he was protected by a very strong elemental barrier. It was a protective ward imbued with the power of all magical elements that can defend him against the magical attacks of any attribute. Relying on the power of this barrier, he managed to defend against the magic cast by his opponents in the last two rounds that was meant to interrupt him.

But this time, luck ran out for Adelaide. His opponent was also a magical genius proficient in all attributes and Ariel had been working to dissolve Adelaide’s all-attribute magical barrier since the fight began. When she saw Adelaide chanting like a chuunibyou, Princess Ariel’s beautiful face that was covered by her grey cloak sneered mockingly.

“Goddess of the wind, please...Er, instant cast...How did you manage...”

While Adelaide was still busy with his performance, Mage Ariel launched an all-attribute magic attack, “Elemental Assault”. A huge sphere of various elements descended from the sky and fell towards Adelaide’s position like a meteor. This attack that was just like a meteor rain instantly pierced through the all-attributes barrier that Adelaide was so proud of, blasting him into the sky and throwing him right out of the arena.

“You were chanting for too long, bro...Your Excellency Adelaide.”

Ariel silently reached up to check that her grey cloak was still on and was silent afterwards. That all-attribute magic attack had only blown Adelaide out of the arena and made him lose. It did not actually hit him that hard. Looking on the fact that he was once a relative of her surrogate body, Ariel let him off the hook for the time being.

Ariel could have killed him just now if she really wanted to. If she had gone in with a big one after dissolving Adelaide’s all-attribute magic barrier earlier, that guy would have become a Grudge by now, becoming a tragic product of the outcome between a fight of Saviors. The reason Adelaide lost was because of the long “chanting time”. Clearly he could have avoided it, but he just had to ask for death, which ended in tragedy.

After Adelaide’s defeat, his holy knight companion quickly conceded. Without the support of the mages, a knight alone could not win against a team of both a knight and a mage.

In the fourth arena, Assassin Noreya and “Holy Maiden of the Commandments” Daisy were currently facing off against one of the male Saviors, God Chosen Holy Sword Akmans. Compared to the two male Saviors previously who were just asking for death, God Chosen Holy Sword Akmans was the more steady type and wasn’t the talkative type. While the two from earlier were busy being pretentious, this one had already quietly won three rounds in a row.

Unfortunately, Akmans was dragged down into the pit by his teammate. During the most crucial moment, the ice mage dropped the ball. While engaged in close-combat with Assassin Noreya, he was tripped by the opposing Holy Maiden Daisy. Daisy is a Holy Maiden from the Salo’s Faction. Besides wearing the clothes of a radiant priest and using light magic, she was no different from a Holy Maiden of the Darkness Church.

The male ice mage was too much of a gentleman. Daisy had only revealed her calf on purpose and he was already distracted, even forgetting to set up the ice defensive barrier he was supposed to set up. As a result, he was kicked out of the arena by Holy Maiden Daisy. More terrifyingly was, none of the male audience outside of the arena felt it was not worth it for this gentleman to have lost. Instead, they felt that he was a great man and all applauded this brave gentleman.

The Holy Maidens of the Radiant Church all wore priest robes of the conservative type, so you couldn’t see much. To be able to see even a calf would make this worth it for the rest of his life. If these boys knew what the Radiant Church’s Holy Maidens were like on Bella’s bed, then their faith would probably crumble.

God Chosen Holy Sword Akmans was almost angered to death by the sound of that applause. There’s just no way to justify this. He seriously chose a pig teammate this time. But this was the first time Akmans had ever seen an assassin who would dare go head to head against a swordsman, even though Assassin Noreya was covering her face. In terms of speed, she was actually faster than his sword. The treasured sword Akmans wielded was unable to touch her at all.

On the other hand, Assassin Noreya would occasionally nip through Akmans’ armor with her dagger, and the speed was comparable to the strongest imaginary enemy in his heart, the Human Race’s top swordsman warrior, Princess Kriss. After the supporting ice mage was dealt with, Akmans was pushed into a more and more passive position.

Holy Maiden Daisy’s support magic was disgusting. All sorts of debuffs were being tossed onto Akmans. If it weren’t for the Radiant Church’s priest robes that she was wearing, Akmans would have mistaken Daisy for a curse master or a dark wizard impersonating a Holy Maiden of the Radiant Church. Holy Maiden Daisy did not even cast a single supporting buff. All the way through, she showered him in curses, which put Chosen Holy Sword Akmans in a bitter position.

After being slowed down by magic, Akmans was slashed in the arm by Assassin Noreya after taking just one step. In a trace of white light, a cut that would not stop bleeding appeared on his hand. Akmans had traded with Bella before and sold his exclusive Savior equipment, the “Great Evil Slaying Sword,” to Bella. And now, he was screwed big time.

Chosen Holy Sword Akmans had not finished collecting his equipment yet, and he didn’t have as many divine artifacts as the two male Saviors who failed in acting big. If he was better equipped, then Noreya’s strike wouldn’t have cut through his armor. Now, it could only be said that this disparity would not have happened if he hadn’t sold his “Great Evil Slaying Sword”.

“Still want to fight? If this goes on, you...you’ll definitely die. The only people I will draw blood from twice are the dead.”

“I...I admit defeat. It’s your win.”

God Chosen Holy Sword Akmans helplessly made a gesture of surrendering, after which he left glumly while holding his arm. The look of a tragic hero could be seen from his back, but hopefully, this loss will teach him something. He was better off compared to the previous two. At the very least, he won Noreya’s respect as a good opponent. Akmans became the third Savior to lose. Without even putting up any acts, he quickly left the stage. He could only blame his luck to have met a thug like Noreya that would treat a competition as a life or death battle.

In the fifth arena, the last male Savior, God Chosen Priest Norris, was fighting hard, but he was even unluckier than Akmans from earlier. He ran into the combination made up of Marionette Master Elaine and Assassin Lola. This combination was even more perverse than Assassin Noreya. Marionette Master Elaine is one of the most terrifying amongst the Black Warriors by Bella’s side. Compared to just killing, this Black Warrior had some serious sadistic tendencies.

Assassin Lola was originally a comrade of Dragon Knight Lisha’s little sister, but she ended up following Demon King Bella and became an assassin with dark powers. She was currently stronger than even the number one assassin in Olsylvia Academy’s assassin department, President Ivy. And, after teaming up with Marionette Master Elaine, her danger level rose in strides.

Norris’s unlucky comrade, a Holy Knight of the Radiant Church, had already been driven off the field early on by these two girls with silk puppet threads. Now, he was the only one left. Unfurling his light element protective barrier, he faced off against Elaine’s silk puppet threads and Assassin Lola’s various dagger sneak attacks alone.

From a distance, everyone outside could only see someone hiding within a ball of light while a shadow was constantly moving around it, waiting for an opportunity to attack the person inside. From an even further perspective, a shadow wielding black lines was currently attacking Norris’s protective barrier from afar.

“Your power is too evil. While your mind is still intact...”

“Senior Norris. President Maris is my roommate so I will not trouble you to preach such things to me any longer. Whether the power is evil or not depends on the person that is wielding it.”

God Chosen Priest Norris was, after all, a Savior who had saved the Saviors of other world dimensions. Unlike God Chosen Knight Scott and the other three, he had already advanced into a Redeemer. From their earlier encounter, he was able to catch the vague scent of a Black Warrior on Marionette Master Elaine. Even though he knew that she could have been a Black Warrior, Norris could not deal with the matter and could only discourage them.

Based on the internal rules of the Redeemer Camp, dealing with Saviors like the Black Warriors was a matter for the higher-leveled Sin Breakers. As a Redeemer, he had no authority to deal with Elaine other than reporting her to the people above. However, he just felt that he couldn’t conclude that the other was a Black Warrior without seeing her dark side. Right now, Norris had no idea how he should deal with this matter.

“Alright, no more of this nonsense. You can withdraw now.”

“Wait, I haven’t lost yet! No matter how strong your evil powers are, it’s still not enough to subvert the light in my heart.”

“You...Look down at your feet.”

Elaine withdrew her silk puppet threads and looked at the wary Priest Norris with a smug look of success. Norris, who could feel that something was off, looked down only to see that the floor beneath his feet had been pierced through by Elaine’s silk puppet threads. Since Elaine was unable to break his barrier, she just broke the arena instead, digging out a pit for Norris to fall into. According to the rules of the competition, this is also considered being expelled from the arena and losing. Norris was so focused on his defense that he didn’t even realize he had fallen for his opponent’s trap. Without even knowing the other side’s true identities, all the Saviors lost to the Dark Saviors.

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