
Chapter 5 - The Same Colour

When he fell off the ladder when he fetched those supplies, Yuhi didn't regret it. He intended to show the materials to Sumire and wanted her opinion on it. So even though it was dangerous to get the supplies, he agreed.

He didn't think about it rationally at all. Come to think of it, the old man said it too.

'People's thoughts, wishes, hopes, and desires... We live in a time where many people govern our decisions and control our way of thinking. But, we still feel other emotions. People lie; they steal and try to harm others. If that's not irrational, then what is it?

Everything you have learned is based on theories and logic. Soon you will probably come to realize how pointless they are in the world we live in.'

Irrationality and logic.

Either way, no matter what, it seems like this world we live in really is complex. Ibuki Sumire taught him that too.

Only two-and-a-half hours had passed since he was last on the rooftop with her. Yuhi couldn't hide his concern for her. He was anxious. Would she be okay? She was crying.. Yuhi felt very awkward when he saw the girl cry. He didn't know what to do. He was not good at comforting girls.

After the Principal called, Akatsuki headed over. The Principal asked to see him later and seriously reprimanded him on the matter. It seemed like they caught word about Sumire and him being in the bar.

Thankfully, Yuhi convinced them not to blow up the matter.

Since then, he couldn't speak to her. Yuhi leaned back in his chair; he agreed to it, didn't he? He decided to be her partner again. In Iro Road high school, the second-year students have to pair up for the final assessment at the end of the school year.

He wonders if it was okay. Okay, for him to say it like that. Besides, it's not decided whether she is joining the art or music side. He can still be her 'partner' if she chooses music. They can collaborate.

Yuhi sighed, 'he can't stop thinking of her. It's driving him crazy.' There is one thing that bothers him. Ibuki Sumire had a fiance before she lost her parents because of an accident when she was twelve years old. That fiancé recently returned from abroad. If he finds out Sumire is alive, won't he come for her?

If that happens, he can no longer see her. Yuhi refrained from meeting her for so long for a reason. When she dated Tsueno Mamoru, Yuhi respected her wishes. 'He came too late.' Just when he thought of confessing, she already started to date that guy.

Say sensei, is this the change he spoke about? A drastic change that will impact his life, that change is Ibuki Sumire.

If so, then he wonders if it's okay for him to....his thoughts broke of when he heard the chair beside him slide. Oh, right, this must be the new transfer student. The black-haired boy turned in the direction on his left, only to spot a girl with brown hair and violet colored eyes.

Huh? Yuhi knew who it was, of course.

She must have realized too since her violet orbs widened, and she stepped back a bit.

"W--hat the...Yuhi?" Sumire said, startled.

Yuhi stood up, his eyes widened. He was shocked. "Sumire?" It was indeed Ibuki Sumire, but Yuhi didn't know why she was here.

His gaze flickered onto the purple folder in her hands. It was the same file they gave to the second-year art students. This folder acted as a guide, mini portfolio to put your sketches and small pieces in.

So she chose the art side? His gaze softened. For a while, her descision worried him, but it seems like he can see her works again.

Sumire laughed, "Aha. I can't believe this; we ended up in the same class?"

"Yeah," he mumbled. "There aren't many classes anyway, but still..."

'It's still a strange coincidence.' Did the Principal interfere? What's more, "Your seat..."

"Mmm, I'm next to you."

The same class and same seat, this is strange. After that stunt, he pulled last night. Yuhi thought they would separate him from Sumire. But it seems like that isn't the case here. How does he bring up the partner thing? Sumire sat down, so he also returned to her seat. However, after a few minutes, she suddenly moved her desk, so it joined his.

Yuhi raised his eyebrow, "What do you want?"

"I joined in the middle of class. I don't know what we're doing." Sumire admitted. "Show me."

Yuhi awkwardly lifts his sketch. It was a simple drawing of a bird, but he noticed how she was looking at it carefully. Isn't she way too close? He didn't know what it was. But he felt his heart beating loudly. Yuhi tried to edge his seat closer to the window, but he still got a glimpse of reflection from the window glass.

Large amethyst colored eyes, fair skin, beautiful chocolate brown colored hair. 'The same color as his eyes.' Yuhi noticed it immediately; it was the same as his. He awkwardly ran his hands through his hair.

"Do you like it that much? It's only a sketch."

"I love it!" Sumire exclaimed.

Yuhi couldn't miss how her eyes brightened when she said those words. But, 'I love?' This girl should know better than to say such words with that straight forward attitude of hers. That caught him off guard.

"You probably shouldn't say I love so easily," Yuhi mumbled as he averted his gaze from her.

"What do you mean?"

Yuhi did not bother explaining and turned to the window. It seems his school life won't be peaceful anymore.

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