
Chapter 46 - Snow Voice Part 1

"Say, can I change this part?"

Yuhi nodded and passed her a pen. "Here."

She knew this was very bold of her. Terashima Yuhi is the number one singer in the entertainment industry. Ever since his debut six years ago, nobody could beat him. The only one who would stand a chance is the number one female in this industry, but that person already announced that she would retire soon. In terms of the present generation, there is nobody that could beat Terashima Yuhi.

A talented singer but also a gifted composer.

For a young boy, he was a musical genius.

But even geniuses have their flaws. Sumire neatly crossed of the parts she was not satisfied with and replaced it. After a few minutes of adjusting, she passed it back to Yuhi. She watched as he examined it in detail before he burst into laughter.

Huh? That was not the reaction she was expecting.

"You\'re very interesting," Yuhi said. "Hey, why don\'t you join my company?"

Sumire still felt like this entire situation was a dream. But now? Now she was wide awake. Did Terashima Yuhi just offer for her to join his company? The entertainment company he is in now, Phoneix world, is the number one company in the Entertainment industry. Did this man offer her a place? Yuhi squeezed her hands and brushed his lips against her ear.


"Just to let you know, I\'m older than you."

H--huh? He is what?

"I\'m fifteen, but my agency wants me to pretend to be younger to appear a genius."

So he debuted when he was ten, not eight? So it was something like that.

"Hey Ange, do you have to go home right away?"


Meeting her idol, talking to him, singing together, and eating together was already enough for her. But to think she would even end up visiting his home. Sumire was cautious and on her guard, unlike earlier. Now that she has learned his real age, she wants to be careful. To think his agency made him do something like that for.

Does that mean he also has to attend school with children who are younger than him? Terashima Yuhi\'s apartment was on the other side of town, among the luxurious buildings. It was not a housing district, and the apartment building blended in with the regular shops.

During the entire way upstairs, Sumire could not say a word. She wanted to turn back and tell him yes she did have to go back. When her mother finds out, she ended up following a stranger home; she will undoubtedly get lectured. But for some reason, Sumire trusted him.

"Make yourself at home," Yuhi said as he flicked the light switch on.

Her eyes widened when she saw the inside. What is this place? A castle? While she lived in an actual castle-like building. It was nothing in comparison to this.

Sumire awkwardly walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Hmmm, you\'re underage, so I guess juice will do for you."

Her cheeks puffed into a pout. Is he treating her like a child now? Then again, for a fifteen-year-old, she probably does look like a child. To think he lives in a large place like this by himself, does he not get lonely? Yuhi eventually came over and placed a cup in front of her. It was not juice but hot chocolate.

Yuhi sat down beside her and extended his hand out to play with her hair, startling her. "Uhh.."

"So hey, consider my offer. I would like to work with you."

Sumire felt her cheeks grow hot. She was already exploding before, but now? Now she could no longer remain calm and composed. Unfortunately, she could not hide her face on time. Yuhi caressed her cheeks.

"I guess I could wait for you to grow up."

Isn\'t he a kid too? Sure fifteen is last year of middle school, almost high school age. However, he does act more mature than her. Is he retreating his offer until she is older than? She feels slightly disappointed. Then again, Sumire does not understand exactly what she wants from him. What does she expect by coming here?

"Um, why did you invite me here?"

"Oh, uh.." For the first time Yuhi looked awkward. "Actually the trains have stopped for tonight. Initially, I planned to crash in the karaoke place, but when I met you, I realized it would be better to bring you to my place instead."

Have the trains stopped? Sumire immediately pulled out her phone and saw several missed calls from her mother. Sumire wanted to call back, but there was no signal.

"The weather is bad," Yuhi commented.

Sumire stood up and walked over to the window. She pulled the curtain, and her sweat fell when she saw the blizzard. Bad? It looks like a nightmare outside. Then again, the weather did look bad on the way here.

"Do you mind? Staying over." Yuhi asked. "Though it is too late to refuse.."

"I don\'t mind."

Actually, she did, this person is a bit strange.

Yuhi laughed. "Don\'t force yourself. Relax, there are many rooms here that are locked. I will give you the key to one, and not even I can access it."

Sumire looked at him cautiously. All she can do is trust him, besides she knows martial arts.


When Yuhi told her there were many rooms here that are locked, she thought he meant a single room. But this? It was another wing in the apartment.

Yuhi pointed to the buttons on the side. "So, if something bad happens, you can use this. This one calls the police directly, and this one is for fire… Oh, this one activates a trap."

Her sweat fell when she listened to these instructions. What kind of apartment is this? But then again, he does live alone. There is nothing wrong, being cautious. She is a member of the elite, but they do not need for security like this since there are psychical guards that will protect them.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Uh, yes."

Yuhi nodded. "Then, if you need anything, I will be down the hall. Just call me." With those words said, Yuhi left the area.

Sumire slumped on the bed and closed her eyes. She shook away all the troubling thoughts.

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