
Chapter 57 - Narcist

Nagawa Sano was the first son of the Nagwa family, his family was considered new money among the elite rich circle. Indeed his family only rose to fame during his eldest brother's generation, so they were not like the other members of the elite. The elite these days is now split into traditional and new.

While most people try to curry favour with those who belong in the new money side. The ones with the real power are members of the traditional family. In order to establish his position in the family, he looked among the traditional families for somebody he could get close with.

He found the perfect girl that fit all the requirements.

A girl who would help him solidify his position.

The second daughter of the Ibuki family, Ibuki Sumire. It was not a coincidence that he bumped into her during that party, it was all planned.

He came here to Tokyo when he heard the news that she came here. But he did not expect to find her so close to another guy.

His gaze fell on the pair. For the past few minutes they were arguing about different kinds of sauce. It was a childish debate and yet he watched Sumire carefully. He never saw her that carefree with him before. It bothered him more than he thought it would.

He only used her, that was why when she served her purpose, he was in a hurry to get rid of her. She was the perfect girl who would help him, but at the same time she was dangerous. The girl is six years younger than him, he knew what the consequences would be if people found out. That was why he did not flaunt their relationship but casually mention how close they were.

Other people interpreted it ambiguously and congratulated him.

"As much as this debate interests me." Sano spoke up. "Should we not proceed with the meeting?"

Yuhi sighed. "Well I guess that is true. But what is there to discuss, I already prepared everything."

Sumire quickly interjected. "But Yuhi, you have to consider other things too. The time of the concert, and the end. When are the breaks? Will there be food stands available since it is a six hour long concert?"

"That stuff is troublesome."

"Quit being so lazy." Sumire pulled out some papers. "I already contacted these catering services, they are willing to help. But I do think that we need a bit more. We have to keep everything under the budget too. So the food isn't too extravagant but it isnt simple either. Keep in mind that they will be standing or sat for a long time, foods that are easy to carry are better."

Another thing he liked about Ibuki Sumire was her strong business sense.

He remembers one time where he fell sick and had so much work left to do. But when he woke up the next morning, all his work was complete. The only one who had been with him then was Sumire, so he knew it was her. When he asked her she said it was her.

"Perhaps we could provide packaging with the leftover budget?" Sano spoke up. "Most catering services tend to neglect their packaging."

Sumire nodded. "I agree there. Yuhi, we could use the logo you designed for the tickets.."

She is acting quite calmly today. The other day she seemed visibly shaken. It seems like she calmed down overnight.

For the next few minutes they continued discussing things calmly when the doors opened.

"Yuhi, come here for a second."

"President." Yuhi looked over at Sumire. "You okay?"

"Im fine, you should go."

"Alright." Yuhi bent down and whispered something in the girls ear.

Sumire laughed. "Silly, go already."

Sano silently watched them. It seems like they are in the flirting stage. After the two left yesterday, he tried to ask around about the two. But nobody knew a thing. Yesterday was the first day people knew their relationship. When Terashima Yuhi left with his friend, Sano took a seat beside Sumire.

"So, continuing from yesterday. Did you decide?"

Sumire sighed. "You know, after I beat you up yesterday, I thought you would understand already. Is the message not clear enough?"

"Message?" Sano feigned ignorance.

Of course he knew what she was trying to say. He was very surprised when she hit him. He did not know she had that side of her. She was always timid around him and obeyed everything he said. To think she developed a back bone in the time they did not meet. When Hino learned what happened yesterday, he said to him that he would help deal with Ibuki Sumire. But Sano refused his help.

He won't let anybody intervene.

Besides this girl still likes him. Her reaction yesterday proved it.

Playing hard to get? How many times has he seen this tactic before?

"Yes message." Sumire trailed off. "I would rather not talk about personal matters here."

Sano chuckled. "I see, that is like you. But I do have a question," he recalled the exchange from the other day. "-- are you living together with Terashima Yuhi?"


He thought as much but he found it very strange. She refused to move in with him back then, even though she was there often. No matter how late she stayed, she would end up leaving, she never spent the night. That cold and aloof part of her attracted him. She loved the thrill and the danger that came from their relationship. Sano could not deny liking it too.

So they are living together? Maybe they have already done it.

"Terashima Yuhi is quite the player, he has a very bad reputation, sleeping with many female artists."

"Those are rumors."

"What if I tell you, I have seen him do it before?"

Sumire who was sorting out the papers looked up. "If you are trying to create a rift between Yuhi and me, please forget it."

At that comment he raised his eyebrows. "Forget it?" He repeated. Why would he do something like that for? He will not stop this until he gets her. If he has to target Terashima Yuhi then so be it. He will make sure Ibuki Sumire returns to him.

"Yes, forget it. I owe that person so much, so no matter what he does I will not hate him."

Sano frowned when he heard those words. She owes him? What does she owe him? "If you have a debt towards him, I could lend you money.."

Is she talking about money?

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