
Chapter 534 - Sumire And Soujiro Part 3

"Indeed, it seems I have to include myself in the count."

Sumire froze when she heard him say those words. Uh, what is he trying to say? Or rather wait a minute, she has felt a bit strange ever since he started to stroke her hair. She carefully looked at his expression to see a tender gaze on his face.

'I wonder since when did he look at me like that? How unusual. This person got engaged to her only through a political reason.' Sumire understood that very well; the engagement did not happen because either side held feelings. This is simply their role, their duty.

But due to the accident that led to claiming her family's lives, she is no longer obliged to fulfill this duty.

"Our engagement. What are we going to do?" Sumire asked. It was the first time she was bringing up this question. She has had so many other things in her mind, but now that she has this chance, she wants to talk to him.

"I believe I stated my thoughts on this already."

Indeed they had a brief chat about it but not a proper discussion.

"You told me it was up to me. But that is very vague."

Besides, if he truly left it to her, she may end up doing something very cruel.

"My thoughts have not changed. I am not doing this any more simply because of the promises I made to your late parents. I do not mind if it is you, no I believe I would like a union between us two."

Sumire didn't know how to react to his words. For a while now, he has left her speechless. He isn't a simple person but didn't she know that?

"If we got married, I believe you would give me the respect I deserve even if there are no feelings of love. You would not cheat on me, and you would treat me well."

"This is the first time you have mentioned such things."

"There was a time where I thought if we got married, then I would no longer encounter such problematic situations or have negative thoughts. I could live a peaceful life, but-" Sumire paused. "If I did that, I would be running away."

She has power, a power far stronger than anybody in this world. The first time she discovered her abilities was a long time ago. But due to her frequent health relapses, she would suffer from a loss of memory. She would forget her abilities, remember, forget, and then the cycle would repeat.

If there is a reason for her to have this ability, then she would like to use it for the sake of good.

"But I understand very well that I am not a noble person; how many times have I stained my hands with the blood of an innocent person? Under the disguise of following orders. I have done many despicable things."

Soujiro placed his hand over her eyes. "Get some rest. I shall inform Terashima you are here."


A few days later.

"Soujiro, I understand that you're a much kinder gentleman now than before, and you're considerate to the guys who like her. However, you have to stop her; she's acting strange".

Soujiro looked up from his desk; he had been busy writing his signature several times on several documents that were now being stamped and put together by an exhausted-looking Naoki.

Once he realized how much work there was to do, he held a small regret about allowing his female guard some time off. But then he shook the thought out of his mind. That girl already works hard enough for him as it is, indeed like what she told him before she is up before four in the morning.

A young girl like her ought to value her sleep more, go to school and make more friends. Yet, she always prioritizes him before all others. He supposed as one of his guards that is something he taught them, and yet, sometimes he feels as though he's restricting the girl's freedom too much. But he supposed he would think about that another time, as he glanced over at the woman who had placed her hand to her chest and was muttering, ' scared me.

"What do you mean by strange?"

This person in front of him is one of the minister's daughters who came by the other day to report her father's activities. Her name is Alethia, the person she is speaking about is none other than Sumire.

For the past four days, she has remained in his mansion. It surprised him when he received that call from Terashima. Judging from the phone call, it seemed like the man was running away and was chasing somebody.

"Her eyes shone brightly just like the main characters in a shoujo manga. She walked like she was floating on air, and I think there were flowers somewhere. Though it's a gorgeous fairytale-like scene, it's so unlike her that it scared me." Alethia explained.

That is unusual.

Soujiro stood up. "Naoki, take care of things for a bit."

The half-dead-looking Naoki managed to only wave his pen in the air. Perhaps he should ask for some extra help. Naoki is at his peak already. Soujiro followed Athena out of his office and down the hallway.

Ever since that talk four days ago, the relationship between Sumire and him has changed slightly. Although they were comfortable around each other before, it appears to be more natural now.

In fact, it wouldn't be exaggerated for him to say that it's far better than it was before.

Though they were considered a couple officially, there appeared to be a rather strained atmosphere between them. Their conversations, too, always seemed strained, like they held back. In his case, it was his background, and in hers, her family wished to marry her into wealth and take over that family.

'I only learned this much later on when her family tried to get her engaged to somebody else.'

After he learned that the engagement was in danger, he did all he could to appease the girl's parents. It did not seem like Miss Bianca, Sumire's mother, wanted the riches of his family. But she wanted to take over.

"There Soujiro see!"

Soujiro's thoughts broke off and glanced over at where Altheia pointed. His fiance Ibuki Sumire was humming to herself in the rocking chair in the middle of the lounge area. A ball of yarn inside the basket on the table in front of her and a pair of needles in her hands as she entangled the yarn with the needles.

"She even started knitting and brought out the old rocking chair."

Indeed, she is acting unusually.

When she woke up the morning after that night, he passed on Terashima's message. It surprised him that she had stayed put this entire time.. The only visitor she has had the last few days was the young man called Jae, who only came by to drop off her belongings.

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