
Chapter 652 Let's wait

Chapter 652 Let's wait

  Sumire sighed. "It's because I drank that glass of wine. Do you not know that I am a bad drunk Yuhi-san?"

  "Maybe I drank something again." Sumire mumbled as she pulled away briefly. "What do you think, Yuhi?"

  This girl hasn't teased him in awhile. Yuhi took a deep breath as he reluctantly pulled her away and hit her head lightly.

  "Don't mess around. I still have a fever and you're not well too. Let's just cuddle and watch a movie after we eat."

  Sumire sighed again as she returned to cooking. "Your gentleman side appears at the wrong time. But I suppose I can do something when we cuddle." She trailed off and winked. "You can look forward to it."

  Yuhi felt his already beating heart pounding louder. His cheeks turned red. If she keeps messing with him like this, whatever self control he has left will vanish.

  He wonders if Sumire truly understood how he feels towards her. Yuhi recalled what she said to Nagawa in the hospital. No, it seems like she does know now. 

  This silly girl, why did it take her so long to realize how deeply he feels towards her.

  Yuhi wrapped his arms around her and hugged her from the back as he occasionally brought his lips to her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

  "So, what was that about knitting?"

  "I know how to make clothes Yuhi-san. I think we could save money if I just make baby clothes myself."

  She seems very enthusiastic about this.

  "Also, now that I am pregnant again. I'm thinking, it should be okay now right? To live with Huan."

  "I will ask Atsuro, but if the children in your belly end up being power users too. I think it should be okay now."

  "Do you mind Yuhi?"

  Yuhi immediately shook his head. "I told you back then, that I will raise his child with you."

  He briefly looked around the house. "Should we move? I think this place is too small for three children and two adults."

  "But you have many apartments Yuhi-san, buying another doesn't seem right."

  "Then I'll sell the rest and keep two."

  "Is the extra for your mistress-" Sumire paused after he bit her neck. "I-I'm only joking!"

  "I never thought I would bother buying a proper house. But there are some good ones that have more privacy."

  "If I say let's hold on and wait, would you mind?"

  "What's wrong?"

  "After graduation, I was thinking of returning home to star town and buying a house there. If I did that would it upset you Yuhi?"

  "Your not going alone right?"

  Isn't she asking because she wants to know his thoughts about moving there?

  "At first I thought of returning alone, but oh that was before we dated. I thought after I overcame the pain of losing Ru I would go back. Star town isn't like Tokyo, the music scene there is small. But it's a town with a good view of the ocean, and it's peaceful there. I do not mind spending the rest of my life in that place."

  'Wasn't I the one who encouraged her to visit the seaside before-' Yuhi paused. This girl, how much does she like him? How much does she think of him? Does she not realize those are the same reasons why he stayed in that town?

  "But then we started dating, and just recently I understood your feelings. It would be a bit hard for me to leave you alone after hearing that." Sumire turned around. "So I want to ask you, would you come back with me?"

  "You don't even have to ask. I'll go with you anywhere."

  "But isn't it inconvenient? For a top idol like yourself Yuhi-san."

  Yuhi shook his head. "You don't have to worry too much. My career is at a stable point. A few trips to Tokyo back and forth to record programs won't bother me. I can compose and write music anywhere as long as I have the right equipment." 

  "Then after university, we can go back?" Sumire said hopefully.

  Seeing how excited she was, Yuhi found it very cute.

  "Are you that eager to become my wife?"

  Sumire raised her eyebrow. "That's what I should ask you. I was walking past a jewellery shop the other day and the shop owner called out to me. He said something about how my husband has been diligently picking accessories for me for the wedding."

  "You seem busy recently, I do not want to disturb you."

  "I know but it is my wedding too, shouldn't I do something?"

  "I'm actually struggling to pick a dress for you." Yuhi admitted. "All of them look beautiful, but something is missing."

  "Then I'll choose it." Sumire trailed off. "A dress huh?"

  Yuhi didn't know what it was, but he felt warning bells go off on his head. "I'll leave that to you, but show me first okay?"

  "Mmm okay."

  But it's going to be another two years before they graduate from university. Sumire most-likely intended to return after high school graduation.

  "Let's buy a house here too. Since both of us will be going back and forth."

  "Then I'll start searching for some!"

  Yuhi placed another gentle kiss on her forehead and then her eyelids. It truly feels like a dream to him, to think the day would come where they would be buying a house together. Although she has lived with him for the past year. It's different buying an actual house.

  "You didn't notice you were pregnant?" Yuhi decided to ask her.

  Even now when he looks at her, he finds it odd. She doesn't look like she is pregnant. Maybe he ought to talk to a specialist. Even if she is a hanyou, isn't it unusual that it doesn't show at all? He has seen many pregnant hanyou women before, and their bellies at least showed their pregnancy. 

  Initially he said nothing to Sumire. When she was first pregnant with Huan, he didn't utter a word about how unusual her circumstances were. It was her first child, he didn't want her to stress and cause her to miscarry.

  That child will be a great support for her who just lost Mamoru, he can't say anything.

  But now that she has healed a little, maybe he ought to mention it. Her case is unusual, it's the first time he is seeing something like this. That scientist named Eli exchanged contact details with him recently. Maybe he can ask? It seems like that guy would have information.

  His thoughts broke off when he saw Sumire peering at him. "What is it?"

  "I am using my time wisely to admire how handsome my husband to be is."

  Yuhi stared at her speechless, but he turned her around and backed her against the counter. He briefly leaned forward. "I think your goals are too small."

  "Maybe they are."

  "Why admire, when you could do something more?"

  Why does she always look at him with those innocent looking eyes, and that bright laughter that reminds him of the sun. 


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