
Chapter 739: I have forgotten the reason why

Chapter 739: I have forgotten the reason why

She has truly forgotten the reason why.

"Is that what you came here to ask?" Sumire wondered. 

"I asked you this during our last fight, but we got interrupted. After that, you spent your days nursing Tsueno Mamoru, so I didn't see you again."

Ah, now that answers her question. She did meet him that year. She dated Toh, Ren, and Ru. Since he is asking her that question, it must mean his hostility is directed toward the Holy Knights. If that is the case, then it would make sense for him to join the Black Alice organization. Not many organizations are crazy enough to take down the Holy Knights.

"So, you dislike Aki?"

The moment she said that name, his expression turned dark. Ah, bingo. It's not the first time she is dealing with somebody who dislikes Aki. That man is even worse than her; he tends to make enemies faster than she does. 

Sumire laughed. "I don't know what he did to you but cheer up. That guy is a lost cause."

"You don't hesitate to insult your boss, I see."

"Of course not; subordinates have the freedom to insult their bosses. That is part of their jobs."

"Your relationship with him is truly unusual." Arata paused. "Yes, I joined the Black Alice organization because I want Aki dead."

"Then shouldn't you have chased after Aki instead of me?"

"But a life and death battle with the one person I fear takes priority."

So this guy is afraid of her but still wants to fight her? 

"You're insane," Sumire concluded. 

"That's a compliment coming from you." Arata stands up.

"Oh, you're going already?"

"Since your teacher has arrived."

By teacher, it's probably Shin. If it were any of the normal teachers, then they would have gotten the police by now.

"Then I won't be seeing you anytime soon?"

Arata laughed. "You'll see me around. But there won't be much of a fight. Being pregnant aside, you should get that heart of yours checked out. That sound isn't good."

Before Sumire could question Arata anymore, he faded into dust. Sumire blinked, startled. 'So, he must be an evolved human too. Yuhi-san did mention to her that evolved humans have an unnatural hearing.'

The sound of her heartbeat is strange, huh? It was something she noticed during the time she was taking care of Ru in the hospital. The chest pain, chest tightness, and shortness of breath with activity that became more frequent. It wasn't until Sano became her doctor where she realized that there was a potential danger to her heart. 

This was the only secret she was keeping from her dearest. 'Maybe I should continue seeing Sano personally as a doctor. He is the only one who knows about my weak heart. Will it be safe to give birth in this condition?'

If Arata can tell, how many other evolved humans will be able to? It would be bad if those who are extremely hostile toward her find out. They will certainly take advantage of the news. Her thoughts break off, spotting somebody familiar walking over from behind a tree.

It was Shin; he was staring at her with a complicated expression before sighing.    

"I chased after you to give you a book and then saw you getting attacked. I was about to join in, but your enemy suddenly took pity on you and started chatting." Shin had a look of disbelief on his face as he continued to speak. "I don't understand what happened there."

Sumire laughed. "It seems he wasn't after my life."

"Your so careless." Shin sighed and brought his handkerchief to her face. "You didn't get hurt did you?"

"I am alright. You said you had a book to lend me?"

"I dropped it when I realized you were in danger."

"Go back and pick it up." Sumire pushed him towards the hall. 

"But you-"

"I have a meeting with Yuhi at one thirty, so I will be fine. I won't go anywhere else."

"You do realize it is past two already?"

At those words, her eyes widened, alarmed, and she took her phone out of her pocket to see several missed calls and the time. Ah, she is late!

"Shin, we can chat another time. Oh, take care of those students over there, will you?" Sumire didn't give Shin the opportunity to speak and rushed off.

It took her an extra ten minutes to arrive at her destination. No matter how fast she ran, the old music room was still a distance away.

Sumire stood in front of the door and sighed deeply. It's true with her career taking off; she hasn't been in school a lot. But did she truly have to fill in that many career surveys? Isn't it obvious what she wants to do in the future now? Filling in the surveys only took fifteen minutes. What took up the rest of her time was being 'ambushed' by some strange guys. 

After what happened with Jun-kun last time, Sumire thought her fellow female classmates would be smarter. But some jealous girl still sent a group of guys after her. 

According to what Arata said, he simply followed those guys because they said her name. He didn't even know who they were. But Sumire recognized them. They were guys who liked a girl in her class Nishiki Hitomi, a quiet and shy girl who she got along with. At least it was like that until a month ago. 

Her thoughts break off when she hears a familiar melody coming from inside the room. It was the piano version of her song love chronicle. Ah, when Yuhi-san plays this song, it almost sounds seductive. Sumire opens the door, and Yuhi immediately turns to her with a bright smile.

"Hey, you're late."

"I'm sorry, Shin was lecturing." Sumire walked over, and Yuhi stopped playing. "Ah, don't stop. I want to listen some more."

"That's fine, but let's eat first. You haven't eaten yet, right?" Yuhi points to the lunchboxes on the desk.

"Ah you're right! My dear, you cooked for me?"

"I didn't want to wake you, so I got up early." Yuhi walked over and brushed his fingers across her cheeks."While we eat, you can tell me how you got this cut on your face."

Her sweat fell hearing his half-reprimanding tone. Of course, he notices. 

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