
Chapter 741: The same world

Chapter 741: The same world

It was only yesterday where he held her in his arms; and yet Yuhi was already going crazy. Gee, how did he last so long before not touching her? He wants to see her soon. That damned Hino stealing her for work, because of that Sumire couldn\'t come home yesterday. He wanted to continue what they were doing in the music room at home.

\'Whenever I touch her in school, I subconsciously end up holding myself back.\'

Ever since he started dating Sumire, he has done his best to avoid acting like a beast and engaging in such behaviour in school. Whenever he thought back to his past relationship with Miyazawa Makino, he would curse his past self. What on earth was he thinking?

Even though Sumire knows what happened, she doesn\'t judge or scorn him like the rest of society would. Is she naive? No, it would be wrong to use those words on her. She is fully aware of her surroundings, she understands that he did bad stuff before she came. But, she still loves him for all his faults.

After he asked her if she would get mad being touched by him, Sumire was the one who led him along.

\'It was embarrassing but I\'m happy Yuhi.\'

Yuhi unknowingly increased his footsteps. She sent a message this morning saying she would be in school today. When he sees her the first thing he will do is hug her, and inhale her nice sweet scent before kissing those pretty lips of hers.

His thoughts break off hearing the sound of clashing and sighed deeply. Who fights so closely when there is a school nearby? Yuhi takes a quick glance at the park. Whoever it is he should stop them. He wanted nothing more than to hurry up the hill to school so he could hug and kiss his wife. But, that will have to wait.

In the past he would have just ignored the fight, but now it\'s different. Sumire always tells him that since they have power, they should use that power to help protect the weak.

Yuhi rushed to the source to asses the situation, preparing to help the weaker party. But what he saw in front of him surprised him. There were two people fighting, but the one on the weak side was somebody from the Black alice organisation and her opponent was Sumire.

"Damm. Damm. I\'ve finally come this far, the road to you has been long. . so I won\'t lose. "

"Do you think you reached me? I\'d think of your order of opponents first. The steps to the top, is still a long way to go."


Yuhi immediately identified her as the woman who was in the picture with Mamoru that the media sent before. It doesn\'t seem as though Lucifer\'s men is here, it must mean she\'s acting without permission. But is this woman stupid?

To go against Sumire, a person has to challenge Nase, Asuka, and Momoi, only then will you be able to measure your strength.

His thoughts break off getting a glimpse of someone wearing a black cloak kneeling to the ground. That\'s right, no matter what darkness Lucifer\'s people have; nobody can withstand Sumire\'s crushing aura and she\'s fighting too. Sumire is strong, far stronger than him and perhaps even Mamoru. If he tells her that however she will immediately deny it.

\'If I tell her later that I fell in love with her all over again after seeing her fight, she will be very pleased won\'t she? She really does look cool.\'

The girl manages to deflect Sumire\'s punch with a kick, causing Sumire to stumble slightly. Uh oh, Yuhi shakes his head. This is not going to be pretty. Indeed seeing the smile that crawled on the girls lips Yuhi was tempted to avert his gaze.

A one sided fight, Sumire doesn\'t even have to try. But, Yuhi understood her personality very well. If a person so much lands a scratch on her, she loses control. Sumire\'s next punches and kicks were stronger than before.

Yuhi sees Sara pull the blade out and was about to rush over, but somebody extended their hand out. It was Asuka, from the looks of it she had been here for a while now. But chose not to do anything.

"Stop. That\'s a one on one battle. If she\'s going to tarnish the rules, then she isn\'t a worthy enough opponent."

Shortly after Asuka said that, Sumire directly punched the girls\'s face and even when the blonde was on the ground. The continuous kicks towards her stomach were deadly, Sumire picks up the blade and throws it aside.

Her gaze dimmed. "You can\'t stop me either huh?"

That\'s right, Sumire she doesn\'t like violence. Even though she stands at the very top of the underworld society, she dislikes fighting more than anybody. The reason she continues to fight is most-likely to search for somebody stronger than her, somebody who will stop her.

Even though she admits that Mamoru is stronger than her, she doesn\'t count him in that list of people.    

Seeing the faint tear in the girl\'s eyes Yuhi rushed over and pulled her into his embrace. The dark gaze, although it was still there, softened slightly.

"Yuhi." Sumire tries to draw back and that\'s when he sees the blood in her hands. He reached over and intertwined them with his.

"Sumire. " Yuhi speaks slowly so he doesn\'t frighten her."It\'s alright."

\'It\'s alright, I am right here by your side.\'

"If I keep relying on you. I\'ll become weaker. I really love you Yuhi. But, if I become weak I\'ll be afraid. "

"That\'s right. You should released Yuhi already."A familiar voice said.

Blonde hair and curls, Yuhi identified the woman immediately It was Sara. The woman who up until last year was in a fake relationship with him.

"So yeah I get that you two are in love with each other. But with so much opposition not just in the media but disagreements in the delinquent world. Can you really keep it up? The festival will be Yuhi\'s big moment too. You\'d better not do anything to hold him back. "

Yuhi frowned upon hearing her words. \'Didn\'t I warn her already? I thought that since she hasn\'t bothered me for a year that she understood. It seems like that isn\'t the case.\'

"I see. So you\'re the one. Even if the world were to disapprove, I\'d remain by Yuhi. Even if I were to lose everything else in the process. As for the upcoming performance, it\'s a group performance. "

"Loads of people came only to see Yuhi sing. You and the others are mere extras. But ah really, the Ibuki family is as imperceptibly as ever huh? Even though your families are rivals. "

His woman doesn\'t need defending; he\'s always said to Kou whenever the media gets on his case. However, Yuhi stands in front of her. There are certain occasions where he can bend that rule.

"Sara, drop it. Sumire doesn\'t call people enemies or allies, even in her dreams. We live in completely different worlds. I\'ve worked hard to make the festival a success. I was able to do that because I had her and the others. " 

If Sumire didn\'t come to Tokyo, he would never have considered forming a group with Kou and the rest. Because she came here, those guys followed, and he got to know them individually.

"Yuhi, but you could be a star if you go to Hollywood with me." Sara seemed puzzled. She didn\'t understand why he would refuse.

Yuhi shakes his head."I won\'t go with you, Yuria. I won\'t go to a place where Sumire isn\'t. I hope you enjoy the summer session and that Kourin-san gets better soon. Come Sumire; everyone\'s waiting for us." 

He wanted to hold her hand as he walked off with her. But alas, the blonde\'s words haunted his mind. That\'s right, no matter how close they get with each other, people still cannot accept them. He still has to earn their acceptance. She isn\'t the problem, Sara. The reason why people don\'t accept their relationship, it\'s solely because of him. 

"Yuhi. " Sumire calls out, and he stops in his tracks, "I\'m not sure what you meant by different worlds. But we\'ve all been working together, right? Doesn\'t that mean we\'re in the same world? " 

At that comment, Yuhi glanced back at the brunette; a bright smile was evident on her face as she rushed up to him and clasped their hands with each other.     

"Come on, let\'s go. Now hurry. " Sumire said happily.

\'Wouldn\'t it be better to let the girl you love reach over and pull your hand along?\'

Mamoru\'s words from the past echoed in his head, and he exhaled deeply. In the end, that guy predicted the future. 

Iro Road High School Music Room 5.

Sumire is going over the rest of the event with the others and helps them with their solo songs. On the other hand, he is on the couch, simply staring at her. His thoughts break off when somebody passes him his guitar. It was Jun who was looking at him with the same blank look on his face.

"You appear to be distracted."

Yuhi sighed as he accepted the guitar and strummed a few chords. "On the way here, I caught Sumire in the middle of a fight."

Jun stopped typing on his laptop. "Is that what surprised you? She used to get into skirmishes a lot. It\'s unusual that the media only found out about her connection to the underworld."

"So she did that in her first year too?"

"According to Senbi Nao, in middle school, she often showed up to class with injuries on her face. So, yes, this was normal. But I do believe it got especially worse after the breakup with Nagawa. It seemed like she was trying to keep her mind off the breakup." Jun explained. 

"Mamoru, he-"

"Of course, he did his best to stop her. But in his words, \'I\'m not Yuhi, so what I can do is limited.\'"

"Does he think I can stop her?" Yuhi mumbled.    

At those words, Jun sighed. "There you\'re doing it again, underestimating your place in your heart. Yuhi-san, I think you already know how obsessed she is with you."

Yuhi recalled her diary entries. "It was the same back then, too; she has always looked at only me. Had I not left her, perhaps those other guys wouldn\'t have stood a chance."

"You are correct there. Even if they chased her, she wouldn\'t have looked their way. But you would still remain in her heart even when she was dating others." Jun trailed off. "Let\'s take the tragedy that is Nagawa Sano as an example."

Nagawa, Sumire only dated that guy because she wanted to fill the void after he left. The time she started dating Nagawa, it was the same month he left Star town. It\'s quite clear why she dated Nagawa Sano. Even when Mamoru told him she was in another relationship. Yuhi understood exactly what she was trying to do.

\'I wanted to call her so badly then and tell her that I would snatch her back immediately. But I stopped myself.\'

Yuhi\'s gaze fell on the smiling Sumire. For a moment, he doesn\'t speak and just stares at her.

"I know. Despite having moments like this, I do understand."

"If you can continue to make her smile naturally like that. Then nobody else will pursue her." Jun starts typing away on his laptop again but continues to speak. "When we return to Star town, the guys in Nanairofeather may try. But, if they see how you are with her, they will stop."

When they return to Star town, huh? He had already promised Sumire that they would return together. Before he can say anything to Jun, he catches Sumire staring and coming over.

Sumire walks over happily. "My dear?"


She leaned forward and whispered something in his ear, and his cheeks reddened at her suggestion.

"You." Yuhi stared at her in disbelief.     

"Can we?"

If she asks cutely like that, how can he refuse? However, he steals a glance at the others in the room and grabs hold of her wrist. They can\'t just do that in front of people. Yuhi pulls her to the corner of the room. He backed her against the window and pulled the curtain over them before leaning down and softly kissing her lips.

"You\'re causing me problems, Sumire," Yuhi mumbled.

"This is a problem?" Sumire questioned. She had that mischievous look in her eyes, so he kissed her again.

"Mm, my dear. Tonight, can we continue this?"

"Why not after school? Unless you have work?" 

Sumire combed his hair as he lifted her shirt and touched her breasts. "I have to see Soujiro for a bit. Do you mind?"

Now there is a name he hasn\'t heard in a while. He doesn\'t quite understand it. But Makoto Soujiro\'s presence has always been an eyesore to him. There are plenty of other guys who like Sumire, and yet the one he finds the most annoying is that man.

Yuhi brought his lips to her ear and nibbled it. "Even though you know that I don\'t like seeing you with him? Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"I barely talk to him, though."

"I know, but you-"

"It\'s to annual our engagement," Sumire mumbled. "I have to meet him in person, and we have to take care of the paperwork. After all, we are marrying right after graduation next week, right? So-"

Yuhi stops her from finishing her sentence and kisses her deeply. To think their wedding ceremony is a week away from now. The graduation festival event is second on his mind. His main concern is finally being able to formally put a ring on her finger.


Terashima Sumire, he likes the sound of it already. 

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