
Chapter 777 Like A Dream Part 5

Mamoru felt his cheeks redden. "I've been holding back, you know?"

He has been holding himself back from seeing and touching her. Mamoru recalled that brief kiss, and his face turned redder. Her lips were soft like usual, and she smelled of flowers. No, no, no. Mamoru frantically shakes his head. He is starting to sound like a creep, what on earth is he thinking?

"So? How was she?"

"I stand by my words from the other day. I think she needs your help." Mamoru trailed off. "But I don't want to leave it completely in your hands."

Toh sighed. "What was I thinking encouraging you of all people? Well, no matter. Sumire will still come with me."

Mamoru laughed. "It's because you're a good guy. When do you plan on seeing her?"

"I will be dropping by the University to set things up in a few days. I will see her then."

"Me aside, I don't understand why your dwelling on it. I know you missed her just as much as me and wanted to spend her birthday with her."

"Lucifer kept me busy all of yesterday too. He probably knew that we both wanted to go with her, and even Narasaki was late coming to her."

Mamoru frowned. He truly dislikes Lucifer's methods. He intends to break her down mentally. This is why he hasn't attacked her directly or appeared before her.

Toh must have understood what he was thinking since he started grumbling. "I don't know what Lucifer wants with her."

"I thought you of all people would-" Mamoru looked at Toh, disappointed.

"I've tried, and I'm his closest subordinate." Toh sighs. "What about you? You're always snooping around him and actually not getting caught."

"I've looked all over his offices in the different bases and even bribed his regular clients. Nobody knows. People only know that Lucifer wants Sumire to be his wife. As for the reason why nobody knows anything in detail." Mamoru felt frustrated.

He thought at least Toh would find something if he couldn't.

"That researcher Eli that Sumire slipped in as a spy may actually know something we don't. When I spoke to him briefly the other day, I understood that he knew more than what he let out. The issue is, I don't think he will tell us directly."

"Then, we could just ask Ki directly since he is surely collecting information for her."

"I don't think she will tell us."

Mamoru takes out his phone and is already typing a message; minutes later, he hears a beep.

From: Ki

Sure, I will tell you about it next time you come over.

Ru, did you make sure to take the lunch I made for you?

From: Mamoru

I will eat it gladly!

"Ki said it was okay."

A troubled look flashed through Toh's eyes. He seems irritated. "I thought when you two met again properly, it would be awkward. But, what are you doing exchanging messages like normal?"

"I-I had to leave her my new number. If I just disappeared, she would be upset."

"Now you are worried about that?" Toh trailed off. "What did Lucifer make you do?"

"Just a few odd jobs. What about you?"

"I had to accompany some strange women." Toh sighs. "Doesn't he realize that I won't take on jobs regarding other women anymore?"

Toh has truly fallen in love with Sumire. 'I thought I realized that sooner but seeing him like this-'

"Did you do anything to her?" Toh looked at him accusingly, and the memory of the kiss resurfaced. Toh sighs. "I knew it, you're just like any average guy."

Mamoru panicked. "It was just a quick peck, and she was sleeping and-"

"So, you took advantage of her in her sleep?" Toh was completely judging him now, and Mamoru had no comeback.

"I can't help it," Mamoru mumbled. "Whenever I am around Ki, I can't help but stare at her. She has become so pretty, and she continues to do so."

"There is a saying that love brings out a woman's inner beauty."

Mamoru looks at him suspiciously. "You are saying that so easily, but if that is truly the case. Then the reason Ki is prettier now is because of Yuhi."

"I don't understand why she likes Terashima so much. What is so good about him? There are all types of rumors about how he slept with numerous women."

"You know." Mamoru trails off. "Didn't you do the same?"

"At least I was with one woman at a time. I heard that Terashima went out with numerous women at the same time. A man like that has no morals."

"You've got him wrong. Yuhi is a very good guy, and he has always treasured Ki. I am sure you know the reason why they didn't get together sooner."

"I was aware when she first started to open up to me. It was one of the first topics we discussed. But that's exactly why. I understand his dreams are important. However, he could have delayed going to Tokyo until Sumire was ready. He didn't necessarily have to go." Toh said critically.

This is what he dislikes about Toh. Toh can read people's emotions very easily. He understands it's his job as a psychologist but having your thoughts read like this isn't very pleasant.

"Well, it's hard to say until I meet him myself. I won't judge Sumire's tastes in guys."

"You say that, but you judged me pretty much on the first day we met." Mamoru pointed out.

"That's because you had that stupid look on your face." Toh trailed off. "Anyhow, you should quit the organization. As long as you remain, Lucifer will use you against Sumire, and you don't want her to cry anymore, do you?"

"I know." Mamoru's gaze fell toward the window, and he saw a flower shop. "Hey Toh, can you stop for a bit?"

Toh follows his gaze and sighs. "Wait, I will find somewhere to park the car. I will get her something too."

He may have gotten her a present, but there is nothing wrong with getting her something extra. His thoughts broke off, hearing the sound of his phone beep.

From: Sumire

Also, it was too embarrassing to say this to your face. But thank you so much for talking to Huan. He is a good child, but I know he has been lonely without having a father figure. He has always reminded me of you and has been comforting.

I hope you will continue being good to him and that you will come by like you said. It would mean a lot to Huan and to me especially. I want to make up for the time we lost. Is that okay with you?

His gaze softened upon seeing the message. Ki has gotten more honest; if it were the past, she would have hidden her real feelings and thoughts.

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