
Chapter 831 Their Axiom Of Choice Part 10

Whenever he offers to cook for them, Sumire without fail would strongly insist that he is tired, and needs rest. Currently he was sitting in the arm chair, with the perfect view of Sumire cooking in the kitchen. It wasn't until he sat down, where he understood why Sumire always says those words and why Mamoru told him to eat. Ever since he became a hanyou, Lucifer has had him doing unreasonable jobs. Jobs that involve not just giving orders, but directly getting blood in his hands.

He has seen more blood the past half year, then he has his entire life. It made him think how sheltered he has been this entire time.

He was born into a rich family, and has always had money at his disposal. Money, a roof over his hand and good opportunities. However, the majority of those who belong in the underworld have had to resort to such dangerous methods in order to survive.

While Sumire couldn't access her inheritance until she was eighteen. The girl still had enough money to live a luxurious life style, and yet she chose to live a simple life.

She even joined the underworld.

The sound of the stew bubbling, and Sumire occasionally humming a tune lead to him calling out to her.

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

Sumire's gaze catches his, and her cheeks reddened slightly as she laughed. "I am okay, you should get some rest and uh not look at me so much."

She must have felt him staring at her since earlier, but she didn't say a word. The current Ibuki Sumore is vastly different from the girl he fell for and ended up dating. But, there are still traits there that remain the same.

Sumire tucks a strand of stray hair behind her ear and looks away. Shy, and innocent.

If others heard what he was thinking they would certainly call him out and say he was crazy. Sumire is the Queen of the underworld, there is nothing remotely innocent about her. She has stained her hands with blood far too many times.

If he thinks the horrors he has encountered are bad then what about the sights she has seen?

'I liked her hair when it was short, because her hair looked free, and wild.' It made her look like a warrior on the battle field. On the other hand her long hair makes her look like some kind of goddess, that doesn't belong to this world.

'I don't tell her much when I am drinking her blood.

I don't tell her how the taste lingers on my mouth, even after a few days had passed since they last met. I don't tell her how he counts the strange rose like markings on her neck. Don't tell her how frighteningly beautiful I find her.'

Sometimes he wonders how much Sumire actually knew about being a hanyou. From what he knows, due to the incident that lead to Sumire losing some of her memories. She forgot all about her hanyou side. That's why when they first met again, she looked weak and was on the verge of collapsing. Why she resorted to seeking his help. 

It's because of the powers she had to suppress this entire time. 

'Feeding. This entire time I have been drinking from her, but I wonder about her own urges?' How does Sumire handle her urges, or are they different from his? Does she have better control because she is a purebred and wasn't made like him? 

So many questions, and yet this current situation isn't bad. While he would like her to drink from him too, and give her as much pleasure. He knew better than to push it. 

Before he became a hanyou, Sumire drank from him. She relied on his blood for a few minutes. On the night they both returned to visit their hometown, she drank from him very intimately. He still remembers the sensation of the girl's lips on his neck, how she sucked his skin - how her legs wrapped around his. How close they were.

Since he became a hanyou however. Sumire hasn't tried drinking from him, and he wonders if she realizes. Realizes that if she drinks from him, he will truly lose whatever remaining self control he had. 

If that self-control ever existed. 

One of the reasons why Tsueno is so convinced he is kind is because he never slept with Sumire when they dated. Others have agreed that makes him a good person, since he respected their age difference. However a truly kind person wouldn't have agreed to date her, they would have waited until she was old enough and ready.

A truly kind person would not have made her do such filthy things. He may not have slept with her but he made her do plenty of other things. He wonders if she still remembers that, how he made her get down on her knees, how he made her beg to taste him.

If she remembers any of it, Sumire hasn't mentioned it. His thoughts break off when Sumire started placing dishes on the mini table in front of him. She opens the lid on the pot and waft of steam poured through the small space.

Sumire beamed happily. "I made plenty, so you should eat as much as you can."

"Yeah, you too."

How much longer will these peaceful days last?


He discovers the real reason why she asked for his schedule a few days after. Seeing Sumire in the alleyway through the building window. Sano immediately made up an excuse and rushed down.

'Lucifer is nearby, I need to get her out of here quickly.' 

It did not take long before he reached her, but before he could call out to her. Sano felt a familiar presence behind him. Even without turning around, Sano knew who it was.

"I wanted to negotiate." Sumire turned her attention to Lucifer.

"Oh?" Lucifer said amused.

"Leave star town alone, and just come at me directly."

Lucifer's lips curved to an amused smile. "I see, it's not Star town you want to protect. But Aki."

Sumire didn't say anything to that and Sano frowned. He has heard bits and pieces about this Aki person. But he didn't Sumire cared about him. The stories he heard made them seem like normal co-workers. 

His gaze darkened and Lucifer caught his gaze and laughed. "I think you should be careful my dear. That one-" Lucifer pointed to him. "-still has no control over his abilities. If you make him too jealous, he will unleash his rage on even you."

Sano wanted to deny those words but he knew he couldn't. Just the mere thought of her giving herself up, just to protect some random guy. A guy who wasn't even on his radar to watch out for bothered him.

Another guy.

Another guy who isn't him.


No matter what he does, why can't he break down the walls between them?


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