
Chapter 834 You Are The Secret Which Blooms In My Heart Part 1


From the moment they met, he knew he was doomed.

Doomed to an eternal love that defies all logic.


Sumire goes out often, and skips class at the university. She insist that she is busy with idol work. But, the silly girl forgets that he keeps contact with Narasaki daily. So he knows very well that she had been skipping her jobs, and going elsewhere.

Since he met Ibuki Sumire, she seldom got injured. Most of the time the blood on her body after a fight belongs to her enemies. But, it seems like this time she was too careless or she let her guard down. In this case he is betting it is the latter.

He already knew when Sumire stepped into the doorway, covered in blood that it was her blood. He was in his room, sketching some new designs on his bed. 

Narasaki was trying to support her and Sumire kept pushing his hand away, insisting that she was okay.

Toh looked at him questioningly. Wasn\'t Narasaki the one who said that Sumire needed to be guarded at all times? He assumed they would be together and that\'s why he didn\'t bother going after her. Despite being worried. 

He knew that Lucifer was hosting an event nearby and would be freely walking the streets. While he has always encouraged Sumire to fight, and use her strength. Fighting Lucifer in the state she has been in recently is not wise.

"I didn\'t get there on time." Hino admitted. "I mean, I stopped the worst from happening but-"

Sumire weakly shakes her head. "Don\'t, don\'t blame yourself for this. There were children. So I had to-"

Despite her fumbling words he understood. She shielded the kids. Of course she would. She has children of her own now. 

"You need to feed."


"Sumire, don\'t be stubborn."

"I\'m not."

"It\'s either me or Narasaki. Pick. If not I\'ll choose for you." Toh snapped.

The girl turned quiet for a few minutes. Those few minutes seemed to drag on forever, at least for him.

"I\'ll choose you Toh." Sumire mumbled.

"Wise decision."

Hino nodded and quickly exited the room.

Toh lifted his hand. "Drink."

"Your neck.." Sumire mumbled.

"Is that better for you?" Toh asked, surprised at her suggestion.

Drinking from the neck is more intimate. He didn\'t think she would do that with him and that\'s why he offered his hand. Or maybe she isn\'t aware- Toh paused and took one look at her expression. No, she is aware. 

She slowly nodded and Toh pulled up a chair and sat down. Sumire watched him warily before walking over. She stood in front of him, confused on how to do this.

Toh chuckled and pointed to his lap. "Sit here."

Before she could protest, he grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her onto his lap. Sumire shifted uncomfortably.

Is it really that bad for her to be so close to him? It\'s true they are not dating anymore. But, he will never do anything to harm her. Such a contrast from when they were together. She used to be very comfortable around him. Long before they even started dating, Sumire allowed him to touch her freely. But now, just brief contact has led to her flinching away from him.

Sumire must have sensed his turmoil emotions, since she suddenly put her hand to his cheek. 

"Don\'t get me wrong, I do trust you. I have always trusted you. It\'s just I have never done this with anyone who isn\'t Yuhi before, and err I am aware of how-"

\'-intimate it gets.\' Toh finished the sentence for her in his mind. It makes sense that\'s what she is worried about. No wonder she doesn\'t want

"Yet you suggested my neck?" Toh commented amused.

"Err, I don\'t have experiences drinking from other places. I don\'t want to do it wrong." Sumire explained.

Toh chuckled and Sumire exclaimed loudly. "It\'s not funny! You know I don\'t like not knowing, and making mistakes."

"I know." Toh said softly.

How can he not know? It was the same whenever they did anything intimate before. She would insist that she needed more information and to research. How many times has he heard her say that she is afraid of making mistakes? 

"I-I will start," Sumire suddenly exclaimed.

"Go ahead beautiful."

Sumire\'s lips were at his throat, just seconds after he finished that sentence. For someone who claimed to be afraid just now, she sure didn\'t hesitate in that second. 

Toh paused, recalling something. Right, he ended up with a small wound on his neck after doing a job for Lucifer a few days ago. For Sumire that wound must still be fresh. That explains why she suggested his neck. 

Or perhaps just having someone offering themselves is enough to provoke her. Sumire was right in saying she isn\'t experienced with this, occasionally he would feel a sharp pain against his flesh. 

He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through her brunette locks. It hurts, but the one causing this pain is Sumire- the girl he loves. How could he possibly be upset? 

That pain slowly dissolved into something more, something more intimate. It felt like the temperature in the room was rising by the minute. Toh could feel Sumire turning tense, and he whispered.

"It\'s fine, your under control and if you lose it, I will stop you."

As much as it pains him to do so, he won\'t take advantage of her. 

After he said those words, Sumire relaxed.

Subconsciously Sumire is still comfortable with him, that much he could see. However, Toh recalled her shivering when she explained what happened with her and Nagawa. Just the mere thought of it angered him. Since he returned to Japan, the two of them haven\'t crossed paths, at least not properly. 

Toh knew if he were to see him now, after hearing what Sumire told him. He would snap- his thoughts break off feeling Sumire slow and gentle bites. It was almost like she was trying to soothe his anger. If she is drinking from him, no doubt she can read his thoughts.

He takes a deep breathe and shifts his thoughts onto more pleasant memories. Memories of their time together, and his feelings for her that continue to grow.


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