
Chapter 994 My Beautiful Monster Part 95

Chapter 994 My Beautiful Monster Part 95

"You-why are you--" Lex couldn't believe it.

Is this another hallucination? At the start of his capture Agatha often mocked him with hallucinations of him escaping, freeing Norah, only to lose her again and get

Jacks raised his hand and small but powerful water droplets smashed the shackles in his hands. 

Lex blinked, he was still stunned when Jacks broke the cell doors and dragged him out.

Jacks takes his cloak off and places it on top of him. "Sorry, I didn't think to bring extra clothes with me. Just take this for now."

Lex nodded, thankful for the article of clothing. Ever since Agatha forcibly took him, she hasn't bothered giving him clothes anymore saying it was a waste of time.

"How come you're here?"

"I think you forgot Alex, but since you two decided to leave for the human Kingdom. Norah promised to write everyday. We literally have a group meeting every week and read the letter together. So, of course when the letters stopped coming, we got worried."

Of course they haven't been receiving letters. When the situation in the Kingdom was getting bad. Lex told Norah to stop the correspondence just in case Agatha caught word. Norah agreed, also worried that their friends would get caught up in their mess.

"Imagine my surprise when I came and saw the state of your kingdom, and your daughter frantically explaining how you two had to run. 'Mother and father knew if they stayed the village will be destroyed, so they fled in the middle of the night. Oh Jacks, i don't know what to do. I woke up in the morning and they were gone. Please, you have to help them.'"

Lex heart clenched in pain hearing those words. 'Syvlia, my dear daughter…' He and Norah knew if they woke her up and told her they were leaving, the girl would either persuade them out of it or come with them. They couldn't let that happen. The Kingdom needed Syvlia, otherwise their home would truly collapse. 

"I cant fucking believe this. If you two needed help you should have said so." Jacks exclaimed.

"We didn't want you to get involved. The woman Agatha is a powerful sorcerer."

"Who the fuck cares? No matter how powerful she is, she would never have been able to take on five gods and goddesses. Hell, it's not just us. If the council knew you needed help they would have sent the fucking spiritual realm at that woman's doorstep." Jacks yelled.

This was his first time seeing his friend so angry. He didn't think Jacks had this much anger in him.

"I cant speak for Norah. But I caused so many problems for the council, for everyone. When I first discovered what the humans were doing, I thought I could stop it on my own. Norah didn't even know. However, then I met the ringleader. That single meeting changed everything because-"

"She cursed you." Jacks shakes his head. "I cant believe you still haven't learned your lesson. Don't you know how crazy someone in love can get?"

That's right, wasn't his brother the same way? Lennon's feelings for Norah was so strong that he became obsessed with her.

"Did you know who this woman was before you met her as the ringleader?"

Lex nodded as he rubbed his hands. "She came from another Kingdom. At first I simply thought of her as a mere ambassador, but during one of the meetings. She suddenly proposed a marriage. I laughed it off but then the people she came with suddenly bowed and called her the Princess. Before then we spent a lot of time discussing an alliance between our Kingdoms. But, I didn't think she liked me."

Jacks exhaled deeply. "You have always been so oblivious to these things. Damn, this is why I told you to bring me with you."

Indeed, back in the spiritual realm. It was Jacks who told him when there was someone with bad intentions. 

"Where are the others? They came with you right?" 

Jacks nodded. "Elza went to get Norah and I insisted that Lyra went with Elza instead of me. Because from what your daughter told me, that woman clearly disliked Norah. So, there is no doubt Norah would be injured."

Injured. Her being injured would hurt him, but he is frightened that Agatha did something else. What she said that day often haunted his mind.

Jacks informs him how it was difficult for them to convince the council. But with the help of Norah's parents and his, they got the okay to come. 

"My parents?"

Jacks nodded. "I heard Norah's parents went to visit them. Even though they have been exiled, they still have sway over the council members."

"What were they offered?"

"Nothing. They said they would do this for free." Jacks trailed off. "I know I shouldn't say this but I think you should talk to them."

Lex gaze dimmed. "Do you not remember what they did? It's because of them that Lennon got away with-"

"Don't get me wrong, I hate them too. However, think about it. What parents won't do anything to make sure there children are happy. I have always been a trouble maker and yet my parents have turned a blind eye, and let me get away with everything. They have protected me many times. I know the situation isn't the same but-"

Lex sighs deeply. "It's not like I don't understand that. I get it, they were only trying to make Lennon happy. I know my mother has always felt sorry for Lennon, because Father has always compared the two of us growing up. After I was named the heir, Mother told me. 'From now on, I will focus on Lennon and will give him anything to make it up to him.' I didn't think much of it."

Jacks face palmed. "That was practically a warning, a red flag. Your so hopeless. I'm so glad you have Norah to take care of you now."

"Still, you can't blame me for not realizing those words included my wife." Lex shakes his head. "This is silly, we should focus on getting Norah. With Elza around, I'm not too worried but you have a plan right?"

Jacks nodded and explains the plan to him. 

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