
Chapter 17

Chapter 17: 17

“We’ll have them on our side as we’ll recruit them. Let’s just say that I’m gonna make them an offer that they can’t refuse. Let’s just hope that they have a good head on their shoulders and they don’t do anything stupid. It would be easy to recruit the ones with their families; everyone wants to keep their family as safe as possible and ‘safe’ is something that we can offer. And the more people on our side, the faster we could rebuild.”

“That sounds like a perfect plan.” Oscar said with a smile.

The crowd showed their approval as they looked at me. We tidy up then I hear Zeus and Peanut barking at the gate.

The only issue with the huge gate is that we can’t see who’s behind the other side if you’re standing in front of it. You’d need to be in a higher position or you could slide the metal part above the mailing box to get a look at who is behind.

“Who’s there!” I shouted.

*snarl* *growl* *bang*

The two dogs continued to bark at the gate. I climbed up the barn but the figure hugging the gate is too close to even see from that angle.

Ken’s drone flew atop the gate and stabilized as it makes a few turns.

“Zombies! There’s four in the gate! There’s also a couple are coming from the left side and one from the right!” Ken said.

“Do we shoot them?” someone said.

I made Lois bring Zeus and Peanut to the house first while Jared lines a shot to kill the ones approaching.

*psshew* *bolt slide*

*psshew* *bolt slide*

*psshew* *bolt slide*

*psshew* *bolt slide*

He shot the ones coming from the left first. He turned and also managed to hit the one from the right.

“Got them?” I asked.

“Yeah, I missed once but the ones coming now are dead. How about the ones in the front now? He said.

A few of the guys now approached the gate carrying shovels, machetes and a sledgehammer while Oscar comes up with his shotgun. Some of the ladies led their kids at the house while a few is standing behind.

“Do you guys even know how to use that?” Oscar said as he pointed at the melee weapons.

“We just need to hit the head, right? Dong said while holding a machete.

“Yeah, that works but know that one scratch from them and we’ll shoot you, right?” Oscar said.

“…” the guys fell silent and was slightly startled at what Oscar said.

“What I’m trying to say is that you need to be careful when dealing with those things at close range.” Oscar explained.

The guys nodded. “We understand.”

“How about this, I’ll shoot three first and train you guys for the last one?” I said.

Surprise filled the eyes of the guys as I said it.

“Might as well learn some things aside from swinging it wildly!” I commented.

“Oh boy. He has that light again” Oscar said.

“What light?” the others said.

“That light in his eyes is when he starts something crazy and unexpected. He never failed though aside from a few stupid ones, so just ready your heart.” Oscar said to the three.

“Get ready. We’re gonna learn something new. Trust me.” I said as I opened the small gate.

The zombies are in the middle part banging it when I ran outside the gate. They saw me outside so they turned their attention towards me. I lured them first on the left side of the wall so Jared will have a clear line of sight in case anything happens.

I pulled my gun and aimed at the sights. Three quick pops filled the air and the three zombies at the front chasing me fell down. I left the older guy on the left for the others, it stumbled down on the bodies of the three as it tripped, so I circled around him and called the guys over.

“Come out if you’re ready, this is like a modified game of tag. You watch out for the hands and also the mouth if you are trying to run from it. But know that if you are trying to kill it like the person ‘it’ trying to tag the other guy, remember that it won’t run away but will also charge at you. Try to accurately judge the distance between you two and strike when you found an opening from a quick dodge to the side or bringing it to its knees first. Weapon type and length is important too. If you have a weapon long enough, it would be better to thrust it forward if it’s pointed. Just keep in mind if the weapon you’re holding is blunt or bladed. Using melee weapons is great since we could save our bullets and its quiet, but it increases the risk since we’ll be in close quarters.” I explained quickly.

“Too much information kid! Explain it in simple words!” Oscar shouted.

“Oh, right… uh, hit it in the head and be careful…” I said.

“…” The three.

As the old zombie from the distance slowly stood up, it turned its head towards us and it started to run to our position.

Dong and Mark readied their weapons but I saw Arnel frozen on the spot. Mark stepped forward then he sidestepped to swing his sledgehammer to its knee. The zombie immediately fell and Dong chopped it’s head off. The head rolled off and it is facing up, moving it’s jaw up and down.

“It’s still alive?” Mark asked.

“You guys must destroy the brain.” Oscar said as he walked outside.

Mark then swung the hammer down then blood and brain matter splattered on the ground and on everybody close.

“F.u.c.k!” Mark exclaimed.

“You should’ve used the machete, hah!” Jared said.

A few bits flew to Arnel’s feet and he suddenly threw up as he drops the shovel. Her wife, Vangie came outside the gate and she rubbed his back.

Oscar looked at me and he shakes his head.

“I’m sorry.” He said.

“You know the guy?” Oscar asked.

“No, I…I can’t stand the sight of blood.” Arnel replied.

Oscar gives a solemn look.

“That’s fine, But I need you to get used to it as soon as you can. I know it’s hard to overcome something that you suffer from but you have to tell me these things, you could have died if you were alone. For the meantime, I’ll task you with helping Zeidrick with construction.” I said to him. He nods as he wipes the vomit off his lips.

“We need to build a catwalk around the walls. So we could have a better view on them unlike the one that we have on top of the barn. We could also hit them in that angle if we are closer to the wall.” I said.

“Oscar, do we have enough materials for that?” I asked him.

“Asking a prepper if he has enough of something is insulting hah! Of course we do! We did get a lot from Wilcon’s. Good call, we haven’t thought of that kid.” He said as everyone gave me an approving look.

As everyone was about to head inside, I spoke, “Hey we need to take care of the bodies here. We can’t let them rot here, that will be another problem because we might contact other health problems when they start to decompose. Check their pockets and bags if they have anything, we’ll burn them after. A few of you stay back and help me.”

Oscar, Jared, Dong and Mark stayed behind as we start to search the bodies. We found two lighters, a pack of cigarettes, a few paper bills, a backpack, two belts, a purse, a stick of lip balm, face powder, three watches, a ring, a butterfly knife and five mobile phones.

I saw Ken’s drone doing a few laps around the compound. I glanced once more at the bodies and saw one of them wearing steel-toed boots. I started to untie it as everyone started to look at me with mixed expressions.

“Do you really need to do that? Don’t you have shoes?” Jared said.

“Yeah, these boots might save someone’s life you know. It’s steel-toed and offers a degree of protection. This guy might be working in the construction business. Too bad he got bitten in the neck, not in the feet.” I said.

Oscar examined the bodies before we move them to another area to burn.

“Looking at the bodies, it hasn’t been long since they were infected. No sign of decomposition yet, though what’s apparent is the black veins protruding from the bites and the bloodshot eyes. Everyone has either bites or scratches… except for this guy. Look, aside from the head shot from Jared, this guy has nothing.” Oscar explained.

“Wait, so was the guy alive when he was shot?!” Dong exclaimed.

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