
Chapter 135

Chapter 135: 135

“Shit, they’re really gonna fight?”

“Be quiet!”

“This is gonna be good.”

“So Tatiana has been teaching her.”

“Yeah, they always stay late training.”

“I wonder if she could do what Tatiana could do before?”

“Would boss actually hit her?”

“It’s too early to say. We never know.”

“It’s starting!”

Kaley tied her hair back while I cracked my neck and knuckles. I exhaled slowly while I relaxed my whole body. On the corner of my eye, I saw Matthew with a worried expression but Tatiana was next to him.

“He probably can’t move. What did she do? I for sure thought he would do something.” I thought to myself.

My hands are in front of me and they are open. I’m just watching what she’s gonna do since I’m curious about her progress.

“Never saw her fight in close quarters.” I thought to myself.

Like Tatiana, she started with the jumping spinning hook kick.


I felt the air it made but it’s still a bit lacking in power however, it’s faster than what Tatiana did before. I tilted my head to avoid it and just kept on watching her.

As she was about to land, her body lowers and the kick was followed by a sweep in which I took a step back to avoid. Those two kicks were done in a flowing motion and I smiled.

She got annoyed by it and she continued.

Everything that she throws at me are kicks though I’m watching out for her hands. It’s the same open palm as mine.

“She might try to grab me when I’m off-guard.” I thought to myself.

She continued on throwing endless kicks one after the other and she got annoyed and stopped.

“Not gonna attack?!” she shouted.

“Heh. Sure.” I smiled.

I immediately closed the distance between us and she got caught off-guard.


“OW!” she shouted while holding her forehead. When she removed her hands, there’s a small red mark and if this was a manga, you’ll see smoke coming out from it.

“Did he just…”


“I can’t even…”

“Well she did say hold back a bit.”


What happened was I flicked her forehead hard and it hit her squarely since she was surprised by our distance getting closed. She tried to grab me in anger but I quickly avoided her hands. She’s extremely annoyed now and her kicks are starting to have more power behind them though the speed lowered by a couple notches.

I decided to take one to see her power level.


I caught it with my shoulder.

“Not bad. Not over 9000 but not bad.” I thought to myself.

When she was about to throw another one, I placed my left foot over to her right leg and it was planted in place. It wasn’t a kick but a push with my foot so that the momentum needed to throw another kick was nullified but then she threw a left jab towards my eyes.


It was fast but the distance where she threw it wouldn’t reach me. I caught a small smile from her then her legs moved again.

“Oh, the jab was to impede my vision…” I thought to myself and jumped back.


Her right leg came from below right after my jump and quickly followed by her left as her right was about to touch the ground.

“That looks f.u.c.k.i.n.g cool!” Russel from the side exclaimed.

She looks extremely annoyed that it didn’t work add to that I’m smirking the whole time.

Her movement changed and she forms another stance. Her right hand formed a fist while her left is open and straight. She inched closer for a simple straight towards my chin but her right foot moved at the same time kicking me with a barely noticeable slide aimed at my heel.

I redirected her right fist with my left hand to the side while I steeled my left foot about to catch that kick.

Her h.i.p.s twisted to add more power to that kick.


I got hit but I immediately threw another flick at her forehead.


The quick hit to the skin resounded and she tried to form her parried fist to an elbow but I pushed her right shoulder after the flick so we could gain more distance. I thought she would scream again but she gritted her teeth.

Her hands opened once more and I thought to myself that she’s definitely going for a grab now.

I’m counting in my head the time and when it’s about to end. I baited her in grabbing me with her hands with slowed jabs. She grabbed with his right but I smirked and caught her wrist with my left hand when it was about to reach me and then my right hand coiled under her arms towards her neck and tripped her down. She fell to the mat though I caught her head gently before it hit with my foot to avoid any injury.




I helped her stand up by offering my hand and everyone watching has all smiles.

“Good job! You still need a bit more work but don’t worry. H2H is just an extra skill I want you to learn with CCW. You’re already far advanced in handling guns but you’re slowly making progress. Don’t stop in the middle of attacking me though and watch out for baits, it’s dangerous. Sorry I forgot to make you wear headgear. I just want to see your beautiful face while we spar.” I smiled.

She harrumphed as everyone in the crowd tried to tease us. Matthew was discussing something with Tatiana from the corner of my eye but he didn’t seem to want to approach us now. He just patted my shoulder as we were about to go to our room.

We ended the lesson and we changed clothes in our room.

“My forehead still hurts though.” she said while still rubbing it.

I looked at it and held back my laughter since it’s still red.

“What? What’s wrong?” she asked.

“It’s still red. Pfft!” I gave in.

“Why do you have to flick it?! Twice even!” she exclaimed while covering her forehead.

“You said to hold back, right?! That’s me holding back, want a fist instead? It would hurt since we’re not wearing gloves. Besides, I took a hit too!” I tried to defend myself while smiling.

“Did it hurt?” she asked.

“Are you asking me out of concern or how much damage you did?” I smirked.

“Wai- of course it’s for concern! A-and that too! I did ask for pointers!” she stammered.

I laughed and said, “It was a good hit. Just try to hit vital spots next time. And yeah, I’m still good.”

“Oh, right! I’m supposed to cook for you guys today! Help me and call Tatiana, Oscar, Jared and Matthew. Tell aunt we’ll be eating separately too. I’ll prepare some of the ingredients while you do that.” I said as I hurriedly put on clothes but she stopped me.

“Hey, that could wait. Let’s eat with everyone for now. You’ve already done enough for today. Besides, it would take a bit of time and I’d like to eat the chicken from Jollibee since we got a lot of the products there from the freezers. We’ll be eating when it’s past 10:00 PM if you start to cook at this time.” she said.

“Well that’s actually right. I’m kinda tired too.” I replied.

“You did fight several people. Tatiana might even ask for another spar later too.” Kaley said.

“Oh crap. She really might. You did learn a lot from her though.” I said.

“Why don’t you let Tatiana teach lessons for everybody too then? She’s a good teacher and you could have more time on your hands since you’re teaching several classes already.” Kaley suggested.

“I guess I could task her with some of the classes from time to time when I’m bound to do other things.” I said.

I looked at her and she’s combing her hair. She glanced at me while she’s doing it and her eyebrows raised.

“What?” she asked.

“Pfft!” I could still see her forehead.

“What?! F.u.c.k! It’s still red! How hard did you flick me?!” she exclaimed.

“You look like a dimsum with the red mark on your forehead… HAHAHAHAHA!!!” I can’t help but laugh at her expression.

She tried to throw a kick at me but she kept on missing.

I remembered something and I pulled it out of one of my display cases.

“Wear this for now just to cover it. I hope it don’t bruise.” I handed her a forehead protector. It was made with blue cloth and a rectangular metal sits in the middle of it with an engraving from the hidden leaf village.

“W-wait isn’t this from ‘Nah, Route 0’? The one we watched before?” she asked while putting it on albeit embarrassingly.

“Yup, though I got the metal piece made with titanium. That could literally block a bullet though you would feel the hit.” I said while I stare at her.

“Really? Can titanium really do that?” she asked.

“Yeah, remember to always wear that when we go out and some other time…” I said with a cheeky smile.

“Some other time? What do yo- oh… I could, do you have the matching clothes too?” she grinned.

My eyes shot up in happiness and she started to laugh.

“I definitely have several. You don’t know what you have gotten yourself into. You’re the best for agreeing so quickly! Wanna wear a few now?” I was ecstatic.

“Sure, you otaku.” She replied.

“I remember I placed them here…” I said excitedly but all of a sudden…




“TIME TO EAT~!!!” the kids came.

“F.U.C.K~!” I exclaimed.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Kaley started to laugh even louder.

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