
Chapter 241

Chapter 241: 241

Oscar’s sudden outburst made us all tense since we all share the same channel from our radios.

“Oscar is really loud sometimes, doesn’t he? He’s almost always at full volume when we interviewed him before.” Darelle said.

“Yeah, you don’t know how hard it is to convince him to buy that Salvo 12 for his shotguns.” I said then I spoke on the radio.


“What did you find, old man? Oil?”









“Wh- What? OH!!! F.U.C.K!!! SHUT UP!!!”


I received several curses from him but he eventually calmed down. However, Jared and Lois were the ones to tell me what they found. Everything was still not accounted for but they found several crates of guns and ammo on one of the military trucks parked inside the City Hall. It was just what they initially found but what made Oscar flip out is that there are four RPG-7s.

Even if it’s the much older model, not the Airtronic RPG-7USA which has more updated features and is much lighter, it is still a welcome addition to our firepower.

“Russel would flip out if he sees that as well. A bullet may have someone’s name on it but a warhead is more a ‘to whom it may concern’ situation.” I thought to myself.

They also found a few medical trailers in working condition and a couple of military jeeps that are the same we got for a trade in the DDR Camp. I intend for some of them to be placed on Woodlands permanently for added protection.

We’re making our way to the main building and there’s still a lot of bodies strewn about with varying states of decay. A few of them are soldiers which I always make a quick stop to check what’s on their person. I’d take their dog tags first before taking their M1911 pistol, extra magazine, knife, flashlight, cuffs, pepper spray and etc. The belt and the shoes they’re wearing are also military grade so I took what I could so it would be included in the pile. I gave a small radio call to check each body first before they burn each one so we wouldn’t miss anything important.

“Dude…” Darelle trailed.

“Hmm?” I said while checking a body near a hotdog stand.

“Do you really ne-” then he was interrupted by Kaley.

“Shhh, just let him. Can’t you see how happy he looks?” Kaley said, amused.

“B-but…” he was in disbelief.

“But what?” she asked.

“We’ve already spent about 15 minutes checking each body here…” he trailed.

“That is correct. They’re all valuable though.” Tatiana added.

“Don’t worry dude we do this all the time. We’re getting close.” I said.

“We WERE close! We’re already 15 feet away from the entrance earlier but we’re now several turns away from the building and I could already see Jared and the rest over there on the parking area!” he exclaimed.

“B-but… loot…” I was in disbelief.

He was speechless and he left us. He made his way towards Oscar and the rest while I happily looted everything I set my eyes on. Kaley and Tatiana were just following behind me and they would help me carry some of the things that wouldn’t fit in my bag. We finally reached the main building after an unknown amount of time.

Server rooms are usually always located in the centermost part of a building and not near an external wall, bas.e.m.e.nt, or rooftop. Doing that could protect it from water breakages, floodings, leaks, and etc. Not only that, building it in a central location also helps with horizontal cabling that would come from this room towards the other rooms.

The three of us made our way where the server room is but it is a sorry sight.

I caught a glimpse of it before but it is now very far from it. There were several racks neatly placed on this place before but some of them have fallen down and some of the cables have tangled off and it is now a mess. Bloody bits have stained some of the equipment and there is water dripping from up above to one of the server racks. It also seemed that one of those things crashed into one of the server racks since some of them have dents and scratches all over.

I was frustrated to see it in this way after all the things we’ve gone through. We gained a lot considering the other resources we’ve found but the main thing I wanted to acquire is in this sorry state.

“Can we still salvage them?” Kaley asked.

“Yeah, but I wish we could’ve acquired everything from here in 100% good condition. Just a shame seeing it like this.” I replied.

“How about the physical ones? The forms etc.? That could still be used, correct?” Tatiana said.

“Yeah! Like we did in the Police Academy before.” Kaley added.

“Well that’s a silver lining. C’mon, help me with removing the things we need.” I dejectedly said.

The two just looked at each other first before we quietly removed each drive. We separated the ones in perfect working condition with the ones that have been damaged. It’s a long shot but I want to at least scr.a.p.e something off of it or even try to see if it would still work. The desktop computers that they have here still have the drives inside and I took it in case there would be duplicates that might exist. The huge folders where the physical copies of the files here were also taken but some of the pages have damages and some pages are stuck together.

My mood has gone for the worse and if it wasn’t for the files from the Police Station which is right next to the City Hall being completely intact, I would’ve scared everyone off from the look I’m giving and the aura I’m emanating.

All the guns and ammo were finally accounted for and its amount is just slightly above the number for what the DDR Camp at our place has, based on what I saw. There’s four military trucks, six military jeeps though two only have a .50 cal attached, four medical trailers, and a multitude of different vehicles for the taking.

The food we acquired is also nothing to sneeze at since it is a f.u.c.k ton. Not only did we get supplies that the military trucks here also have, the amount from the City Hall and the other shops at the People’s Park is staggering. Granted a moderate portion of them have gone bad already but even if half of it has gone bad, it could still feed several hundred people a simple meal for a month or so.

There’s close to 300 50kg sacks of rice, several packs of snacks, dozens of boxes of different canned goods, and crates and crates of MREs. One of the groups also found a few cases of beer and liquor in a bar at People’s Park which a few of them were itching to take a sip of.

“Easy now. Hah! We’ll have a small celebration back home but we won’t go too hard. All of us have done something monumental and a little drink or two is a nice reward. The sooner we finish gathering everything of use, the sooner we could go home.” I said to everyone but all of them were still wearing excited faces.

“Sir! A moment!” One of the people that moved to Woodlands approached me.

“Yeah? Austin, right?” I replied.

“Does everyone get a share from everything here?” he asked.

“Everything you could see here except the guns. It was already decided before by the soldiers at the camps and my group. With the food here we-” he then cuts me off.

“Does the people who killed more have an extra cut perhaps? I killed ab-” then I cut him off.

“Twenty, right? I saw the footage. To answer your question, no. We share everything equally. Well, except the guns like I said earlier.” I said then a few people started to look at our direction.

“Wh- How did you know?” he was surprised.

“I counted it obviously.” I replied.

“So you know, this would be easy. Please reconsider!” he smirked.

“The f.u.c.k?” I thought to myself.

“Austin! Lay it off man! We’re already receiving plenty!” One of the guys named Henry said from the side.

“But why? I-” I cut him off again.

“If we’re going by kills, more than half the shit here should belong to me. That sounds a little unfair if you think about it, right? Well, if you wanted to have food for a couple of days instead for a month, be my guest. Besides, we’ve already agreed beforehand on what to do with the spoils. Maybe next time on another run we’d do it that way but since we’ve already agreed on something, let’s follow that for now, okay?” I replied.

He was speechless and a few of the soldiers were shaking their heads in amus.e.m.e.nt. His face was sour but he apologized before he followed his group to carry some of the stuff we collected. We even had to eat our lunch at this place since there is a lot to gather.

It took us several hours of work to gather everything we needed and the four cargo trucks we have now actually made a couple of trips back. There’s still the occasional sound of a gun being fired on the roadblocks that we made since we have started to attract some of them. I was dispatching body after body that would come close and I’m starting to make a small pile.

“Oh, I’m at Five thousand. Halfway from the goal of that sniper dude.” I thought to myself.

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