
Chapter 274

Chapter 274: 274

The moment she processed in her head that I’m mocking her, the glare she’s giving me intensified. It didn’t affect me much so my smile just kept on getting wider. We met up with the other soldiers by the gate and we started to drive back to our place. They were excited from the amount of supplies we found and the only one not happy is the woman which is tied up in our truck.

“Sir, she’s just staring at you all this time.” Cruz mentioned.

I decided to pass the time.

“What’s the matter? You took the vow of silence too? You could easily remove that handkerchief on your mouth if you push it with your tongue.” I said as I’m staring at her.

After I spoke she tried to push the handkerchief off but she’s struggling. It took her a few seconds before she stopped and made muffled sounds.

“Hah! You actually tried! I lied you dumb f.u.c.k.” I was chuckling.

The soldiers around me seem to be still figuring out the right expression to give out. The woman we’re holding captive is still trying to speak with an intense look so I gave her one of my chilling looks. Her struggling stopped for a moment and she tensed when she felt my gaze. The people around me seemed to have sensed it since they gave wary looks toward me.

“I’m getting there.” I thought to myself.

“I’m gonna push that handkerchief down towards your chin so you could speak but if all that comes out of your mouth is f.u.c.k.i.n.g curses or stupid noises, you’ll gargle your blood or sweep your broken teeth on the floor. Do you understand?” I said as I looked at her.

She slowly nodded and her struggling stopped. I did what I said earlier and now she’s moving her jaw up and down since it must be sore from how tight the handkerchief was.

“You f.u.c.k.i.n.g murderer. All of you.” she muttered.

I was almost out of words to reply back to what she just said. Not just me, even the soldiers around me were confused from her words or were just having none of it.

“Well you’re not lying. I’ve killed not only members of your group so that makes me one. Is that all you want to say or you’re just that bored?” I replied.

“We’re just t-trying to look for food! You f.u.c.kers shot Tom and the rest of us!” she shouted.

“Seriously? Do you look for food by pointing your gun at us? Wait, by ‘looking for food’, does that mean looking for food from other people? Is that it?” I chuckled.

She looked like she was speechless.

“Oh? You didn’t see what that ‘Tom’ guy did? Let me show you.” I said as I pulled my gun out and pointed it at her. I even copied the exact motion that guy did and she’s trying to give me looks of disbelief. She flinched for a short moment though I could sense that she’s somewhat pretending, same as earlier.

“No! He’s just-” then I cut her off.

“He’s just what? Using his gun as a pointing tool? Are you a f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiot? You point your gun at some stranger you don’t just stand still, you react. Do you think that we have the time to think someone’s intentions outside when a stranger is pointing his gun towards us? That’s one way to get killed, I tell you that.” I said as I holster my gun.


“Liar.” I said.

“Wha- What are you f.u.c.k.i.n.g talking about?!” She’s getting more upset but she’s wincing everytime we hit a speedbump.

“What’s your name?” I smiled.

“Wha-” she’s even more confused now.

“You don’t know your name? Or is your name ‘wha’? Is that your first name or last name?” I huffed.

“What does it matter?!” she snapped.

“It doesn’t but let’s make it so. I’ll count to three, if you don’t answer, I’ll punch your gunshot wound that I made.” I said.

“What are you-” she’s shaking.

“One.” I counted.

“ARE YOU F.U.C.KI-” she snapped.

“Two.” I continued.

“I’M NOT GO- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” she started to scream hysterically so I made my move.

The third count quickly passed and I punched her right clavicle hard. There was a very loud thud and a bit of blood seeped out from her clothes. Veins started popping out of her forehead from the pain and her face is red all over. Her breathing became ragged and she’s almost convulsing from the pain she’s going through.

“Let’s try again. I’ll count to three, if y-” she cut me off.


“Cool.” Then I punched her wound again.

Her scream resounded once more and she’s showing disbelief. The people who aren’t familiar with my methods are giving uneasy expressions especially Iskoh’s soldiers.

“WHY?!” she shouted.

“Why? Let me tell you what I said earlier. Liar.” I smirked.

“S-sir, I think she wouldn’t-” I cut Cruz off.

“Wouldn’t what? Lie? Hah! She just lied twice already! She’s not Nancy Brillantes, she’s Karen Aguilar.” I mentioned and Cruz was taken aback.

Everyone is looking at me and I’m not sure if they saw her face when I mentioned her real name.

“Do you know her sir?” Mike was the one who asked.

“I just said her name, didn’t I?” I replied.

“I mean, before this thing started?” he said, not getting my joke.

“No. When I’m having a meeting with the mayor and the president earlier, he gave me access to all of his files and I tried my best as I scanned through most of them. I can’t scan through all of them but I managed to view all the criminal records. She’s actually wanted for homicide. The guy who Nikolas shot earlier was not ‘Tom’, he’s Larry Montenegro, wanted for s.e.x.u.a.l abuse and murder. I’m right, aren’t I?” I then looked at her stupid face.

Her face is showing shock and disbelief by me blowing her facade. However, I thought she would give up but she’s planning on going down swinging.

“No! You’re the one lying! That’s what you people in power always do! You make up stories just to oppress us poor people!” she bellowed.

“You’re gonna go down swinging huh? I have more proof of your identity.” I said as I started to remove her shirt.

“WHA- WHAT ARE- HELP! HE’S RAP- HELP!” she tried to make another commotion so I delivered a solid punch on her jaw.


Her face was thrown sideways and she spat out several teeth.

“That’s 5% power. Make anymore noise and your jaw would come off. I’m just showing them your sides.” I said as I pointed at the long scar located at her side.

“That is?” Tatiana was curious.

“Proof. It’s all on her records. She sold one of her kidneys probably in the black market. It was discovered when she got hospitalized after a turf war with another group. Information is such a powerful weapon isn’t it?” I smiled.

“But how did you remember all of that?” Cruz asked.

“I always eat the vegetables my mommy gave me.” I said and everybody except him slowly facepalmed.

“Is t-that so?” Cruz replied.

“He believes in me too much hah!” I thought to myself.

“I’m kidding. Let’s just say that I have a gift. Anyway, ‘Nancy’, I think I’m done talking to you for now. Well, we’re close too but let’s just say what you’ve experienced earlier is warmup. You’d wish you suffered the same fate as that ‘Tom’ guy we killed first. I-” then she cut me off.

“Please! I’m sorry! I’ll tell you everything I know! I’ll do anything! I’ll even s-” then I cut her off.

“Why are you saying it like it’s an exchange? Hah! YOU will tell me everything you know and YOU will do anything I say. This is not a negotiation, you’re just making yourself useful one last time. Well, we’ll see.” I said as the truck we’re riding came to a stop.

We’re now back at the City Hall and a small crowd of the people outside are forming around us. I dropped a couple boxes of snacks for them since a few routes we used were marked safe by them and they didn’t give out false info. They happily divided it amongst each other and they gave me a grateful nod.

“Thank you kind sir!”


“Thanks kid!”

“Don’t call him kid!”

“Thanks child!”



They were all smiles and even though a few at the back are still giving me doubtful looks.

“Just take that as payment for the info earlier. I’d also take reliable information in exchange for some of the supplies I brought. However, the guns would not be in the mix since the mayor has already bought them all. He’d given me something that is worth all of them. Well, I have more food to exchange since we’ve been successful on our run.” I told the people outside.

The gate was opened and we drove inside. I instructed the soldier to divide the supplies we brought and my share, which is the largest one, is placed near my pile which Jared, Avalos, and Honassan were guarding. Our captive woman was sent to a secure room as per my instruction and I popped back her dislocated arm. I then found out that Iskoh called every resident inside for a meeting and they’re still inside the huge conference hall with the president.

“Where’s Kaley and Micah?” I asked Jared, who was sitting on a chair, yawning.

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