
Chapter 314

Chapter 314: 314

Kaley and Jared started a comedic back and forth so I just shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt before standing up. I’m casually walking at the edges of the roof of the convenience store after laying down my Tavor. I completed a lap but I wasn’t finished. I started to do a handstand and I started to do the same route and it looked like it was nothing. Even if it looked effortless, the burden is a notch higher since I’m performing it with my fingertips holding me up. I slowly lowered my body as I folded my elbows bit by bit and I stopped right before my face touched the rock surface.

I faintly smiled but I took a deep breath.

My body started to slant towards the edge and I’m slowly pushing it while my body is still straightly formed. I went from being straight vertically to straight horizontally while still being held up by my arms for a few moments. My arms are starting to feel the burn so I quickly stopped and sat upright like my previous position. I took another deep breath to stabilize my breathing but the two are still going back and forth.

“C’mon! Kaley! Just give me a small hint of who she is and you’ll have the SCAR-16 if my bro gives me his SCAR-17! That’s a fair deal, right?!” Jared was getting hysterical.

“Deal? What kinda deal is that? I like how this AR15 looks more than that SCAR-16 you’re talking about so I’m fine! It looks bulky to me too so no thanks! Just look for her randomly and I hope you find the right one!” Kaley shouted from the tent.

“What?! The SCAR-17 is a beast! A BEAST!!! It’s a freaking battle rifle! Who cares if it- wait- You’re right, you’re right. Whatever you say is right so please throw me a bone here! Wouldn’t it be better if I know who she is so it’s easier for me and her?!” Jared retorted.

“Hmph! Who cares if it’s a beast! Well, suit yourself if you like it. I won’t tell you who she is but I’ll tell her that you’re excited to meet her. It will be up to her if she wants to tell you. Is that fine?” Kaley replied.

“Yes! That’s great! I’ll do anything!” Jared celebrated.

“Anything?” Kaley asked.

“Yeah! Anything! I just want a meeting to happen!” Jared replied, excited.

“Wrong move dude. Well, you did that to yourself and there’s nothing I could do about it.” I thought to myself.

“Hmm? We’ll see about that.” Kaley chuckled.

Jared was almost floating in the air as he glides around the rooftop with an idiotic smile plastered on his face. He’s dancing the waltz barely dodging the helicopter at the center of the roof. I glanced at the entrance which is closest to us and the only one we could see from our location so I had an idea.

“Hey Jared, quit dancing around. I have something for you to do.” I clapped to get his attention.

“Hmm? What is it bro?” He stopped and walked towards me.

“It seemed that the ones guarding the entrances weren’t in the basketball court earlier. They were also delivered food the same as you. What I want you to do is drop by and ask a few questions. I brought a couple packs of cigarettes so grab a couple with you and open with that. You’ve heard me talk to people so do something like that, okay?” I instructed him.

“Really bro? You know I’m better suited for guard duty type things not the crowd work you do.” he replied.

“Just think of it as training and keep the appropriate face as always. Talk and listen and don’t forget to not overshare.” I said before pushing him down the ladder.

I entered our tent and I saw Kaley wiping her whole body with wet wipes. Her hair is tied into a ponytail and there’s a change of clothes to her side. All of her equipment is at the side of the tent where our bags were. I left the zipper open so the cold breeze would come inside.

“Hey, it really is much colder in the provinces at night~” Kaley shivered a bit.

“Of course. Just the amount of trees present would add to that. Oh, I haven’t told Oscar we’d be delayed.” I said as I looked at my watch.

I pulled out my Sat Phone and I contacted Oscar. I stepped outside our tent and I sat at the edge of the roof while my feet dangled. I gave him a brief report of the things that happened on our side first and my call was at the right time since they’ve just finished their meeting.

Oscar called for Rin and she reported a brief of what was discussed.

They’ve sent 64 towards my old school and it got a bit confrontational for the people that were having complaints. They’ve been face slapped on the truth of the matter that they’re taking all the things being given to them for granted. However, we assured them that it’s just a simple relocation and we’d still be extending our help towards that place and there would also be volunteers to stay there with them.

Mark was actually one of the volunteers along with Brian, Aubrey, Lawrence, and Carlo though Mark would come back every other day. Oscar gave them their respective gears before they headed out and he called Benjamin that a few people would come over to join them as promised.

Benjamin contacted them a few hours earlier and said that the dynamic is a bit wobbly at first but it’s expected. He didn’t ask for representatives for both sides and instead of making them merge slowly, he made their lodgings be a mix of people from both sides. Most of their time was spent on moving and cleaning up first but they’ve slowly started on making the place secure. They’re following the suggestions I’ve given them and only time will tell if they’ll keep to it or would make some adjustments.

There’s a few more things Rin reported though we ended the call eventually. Kaley also stepped out of the tent and sat by my side. We’re looking at the light scattered about but several flashes of light came from the entrance.

“What was that?” Kaley stood up immediately.

I picked up my radio and I contacted Jared.


“Dude, what happened?”



“Bro, you have to see this like right now.”


I suddenly heard Tatiana’s voice.


“What? What happened over there?”



“Long story short, we killed something a little more… peculiar.”



“I need at least one person guarding this helicopter. Tatiana, can one of you come here?”


It took a few moments but Tatiana came back with Alexei and he was tasked to guard the helicopter. Kaley and I went down the ladder and we went to the entrance with Tatiana to check what Jared was talking about.

One of the residents guarding the place is face down on the side of the wall vomiting while the rest has just a disgusted expression. Jared saw us and he’s wearing a very difficult expression.

“Bro, just take a look and you’ll definitely remember something.” Jared seriously said.

He gave way and pointed to the corpse sprawled on the pavement with several bullet holes in the body. It’s an a.d.u.l.t male body devoid of clothes but its upper body is what’s worrying me. Aside from his normal arms that have swapped places, there’s a few dozen sticking out of his body where the longest ones are at the top and it gradually shortened to the size of an infant when it reached its navel.

What’s alarming is not only the amount of hands we’re seeing but how they were meticulously located in their own respective position. Most of the growth we’ve seen so far from the others were erratic but this time it was close to being perfectly symmetrical. I for one would praise things that are symmetrical but this f.u.c.k.i.n.g creature is too unsettling.

I lightly pushed at the base of one of the extra arms with my scabbard and the answer to Jared’s expression was answered. I also checked the normal arms for those things and they were also present.

“No f.u.c.k.i.n.g way. Here?” I thought to myself.

Kaley and Tatiana saw those things as well and they gave difficult expressions the same as Jared. The other guards were watching out if something similar would appear again but nothing of the sort happened.

“Were those extra hands moving when you shot that thing down?” I looked back at Jared.

“I’m not really sure if they do, even the normal ones. That thing is just moving straight and it’s moving a bit faster than the usual ones. It’s kinda brisk walking when it came from the direction of the city.” Jared explained.

A few moments later, Irene came running.

“I received the call, what did you find?!” she looked at our expressions.

“Stitches.” I replied.

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