
Chapter 536

Chapter 536

I deeply sighed as I leaned my back on the railings while Micah just stared at me for a moment before leaning on the railings as well by using her arms. In all honesty, I slightly agree with the president's decision but I'd rather deal with a problem before it even came up or get worse. I ran several scenarios in my head before I turned my head to face Micah.

“When's the time you could fly here at the earliest?”

“Soon! I-”

“I need specifics. A day? A couple? A week? A month?”

“Wait… Yes! Are you-”

“Micah, answer me first.”

“A w-week at the earliest…”

“I'm sorry for not knowing but how many are they? Are they just the current ones or did you manage to get to the ones retired as well? How about their families? Are they-”

“W-Wait! One at a t-time…”

“Ah- Sure, how many are they? The ones in your group.”


“Fourteen?! Wha-”

“Some of them were still in training! They're not official members but you know… I wouldn't leave them for that reason… When I flew over their studio when it started I took everyone that would come with me… the others… I don't know… It was chaos when it started and I didn't know what to do when it set in that they've just left their families… Jill and Jackie were sisters but still… everyone was just crying while we were still in flight… No one wanted to be dropped off so we continued on…”

'Everyone got it worse huh…'

“Okay, fourteen… Is that all you'd be bringing here or would there be other stowaways like their friends or someone you're interested in?”

Micah looked away before answering, “Me.”

“You? What?”

“I'm staying here after-”

“Wait a sec. What do you mean-”

“You don't want me here?”

“That's not what I'm saying. You and the president, remember?” I signaled with my hands.

Micah pouted as she looked away, “He'll find someone else…”


“He will! It's not like I'm the only one he's f.u.c.k.i.n.g when we're in his place. He got dozens to choose from and everyone wouldn't hesitate because he's the president… They think s.u.c.k.i.n.g his d.i.c.k would make them famous, they didn't know it was all because of me… However, the reason I know that my girls were going around skipping jobs is when I caught him with the sisters. I already know he's f.u.c.k.i.n.g around like me and that's fine with both of us but it's… different… it felt different when I saw him with them…”

“Then what do you feel when you're doing it with us? Me? Kaley? Tatiana? Cynthia? Rin? The rest? I know we already established that we're just having fun and all but if you think about it- and I'm not taking sides here most importantly, is it just basically the same?”


“You also know that they're all of age and could do whatever they want, right?”

“Yes, but- it's different! I… I feel guilty that they have to resort to that and all I could f.u.c.k.i.n.g do for them was to talk to you about giving them a safe space in doing it! You know how it goes… what if they sleep around someone that has something contractable and it affected them? And- And… What would they do if someone started to force themselves on them? They don't know how to defend themselves and they will be easily overpowered… Some girls were doing the same as them but they're always on target because of their celebrity status… In all honesty, who wouldn't want a chance with one of them?”

'That's true… When their fantasies were suddenly in front of them, only a few could resist…'


“Talk to me, I'm not just saying this because I used to be famous, alright? I'm just calling it what it is. Tell me, you have a few people you wish you've done it with, right?”


“By some chance, I just want them to even eventually stop doing it and you know… live and find their own thing! Unless… unless that's what they wanna do and I would stop badgering them about it… I know I'm not their mother or their guardian but they're special to me… I want them to seek other options besides what they're currently doing so they could properly decide on the path they wanted to take… not being limited to just… you know…”


“I know I can't ask this thing to Iskoh and the only one I know that would listen and could actually pull this off was you. You have no idea about the things I've heard from the people you've taken under your wing especially Cynthia… She told me a lot of things and even if she was rarely taken out in your runs, she knows that it was just to protect her and experience life here… She couldn't tell me a few things but she's really happy that you two met and… and I could say the same for myself…”


Tears were flowing from Micah's eyes and she was constantly wiping them with the sleeves of her jacket. The cold wind was blowing constantly as we sat on the floor, staring down in silence. I just listened to everything she had to say while several things were going through my head. After a while, I finally made my decision.

“Fine… I'll make a way but we need to meet some requirements first.”

Micah was visibly excited, “Requirements?”

“First, I don't want any trouble with the president once you move here. If you're gonna leave his place, he shou-”

“Already taken care of.”

“Wait, what?”

“You're talking about being his you-know-what, right?”


“I already talked with him. He knows that you're pumping me full every single time I wasn't with him and you'd do me and Kaley simultaneously for hours and hours until we couldn't walk. He's lucky I didn't tell him you were f.u.c.k.i.n.g more than Kaley and me… Mr. Stud.”

My heart almost jumped out of my c.h.e.s.t, “WHAT?! YOU TOLD HIM WHAT?!”

Micah was now wearing a grin despite the tears she hadn't wiped yet, “Relax! I didn't say it like that but he got the picture. The reason he didn't want to know when and who I'm sleeping around with is that he'd feel… old and weird around the person but also…”


“He'd stop doing it with me for a while 'cause in his words, he'd feel grossed-out about the situation. That's when he would be with other girls not knowing that their holes had more mileage compared to-”

“Okay, okay- Let's stop hearing about the president's business…”

Micah sighed, “You boys always say that but you don't care if we're with other girls…”

I scratched my head in embarrassment, “We've strayed from the topic… c-can we get back on it?”

“Sure… what's next?”

“I could give them medical care and protection but it would be your job to look after them. Honestly, I have more things to do than just being a co-founder of this escort service or whatever we may call it so you'd be the one managing it. Not only that, if ever more people wanted to join in this 'industry', you'd be in charge with them as well. My doctors will make sure that their partners don't have anything on them and vice versa before doing it, and that no pregnancies would happen unless it's what they wanted to happen and they wanted to quit and settle down.”

“They already have IUDs like me, Kaley, and the rest, and I made sure of that. Aside from that, I'll make sure everyone does this responsibly, especially the ones that have something on them or else they're out. I'm familiar, well-read, and have researched on this kind of thing before it started and I'll also make sure that we wouldn't accept anyone that's in a committed relationship unless allowed by their partner. I wouldn't want to cause rifts between people and I'll make sure they wouldn't go behind my back. Also, I'd made sure each session is private and anonymous so as not to have labels getting thrown carelessly out the window. I've dealt with pricks like that and it's the annoying thing ever. Some people couldn't just understand that this could be a normal job…”

“That's good. However, ff your girls ever cross you, it would be an immediate expulsion and they'd do the 'normal' jobs like everyone else while giving equal punishments or penalties to the ones they've been with. Also, another requirement is for them to do the course in the morning and learn other skills to live in our current time. I don't want them opening their legs 24/7 and one day they'll get eaten, literally.”

“Pfft! Please don't make that kind of-”

“I'm not joking, I'm serious here!”

Micah was trying hard to take me seriously, “But-”

“Why would we let them do it all day? It's chafing! Even with lube, they'll get tired too!”

“Stop~! Please~! You're killing me~!”

“Yeah. That's what they're gonna say when it happens!” I nodded several times in succession.

“Hngh~ You're really doing this on purpose, aren't you~!!!”

I was surprised Micah took some humor from that but we talked about a lot more things. In the end, the hardest one to accomplish would be the acceptance of this kind of service because it was usually frowned upon. Despite being a large group close to a thousand, opinions would always vary even if it wouldn't affect them directly. It was just the way some of them were brought up or the way they see things differently.

However, a proper explanation backed with data and our conversation earlier will be our shield plus the people that would certainly agree with it. With our numbers, not everyone was in a proper relationship because the ratio between men and women was uneven. We obviously have more men because of the soldiers and even if there were females among their ranks, the ratio was even more skewed. Add to that the special relationship Kaley and I have with other people and the others not following for lack of a better term, the ways of the old.

Before Micah and I head back to my room, she hugged me as tight as she could, “Thank you… for this… everything… I owe you a lot…”

I just patted her back awkwardly and said, “No problem… don't thank me as much… you'll be playing a huge part in it for this to work.”

“Yeah, umm… I don't know how to-”

“Hmm? How to what?”

“You have no idea, I don't know how to repay you with this…”

“Oh c'mon, you worry too much… I haven't done anything yet.”

“Have you done it in a helicopter? We got one here?” Micah started to 'lean' even harder.

“Umm, you know the rules. If Kaley isn-”

All of a sudden, I heard Kaley's voice from behind the door, “I haven't!”

'What the fu- We just finished a few- f.u.c.k…' I almost banged my head on the door.

Kaley opened the door separating us and she was alone. She told us that they were already sleeping and she wanted to check on us. However, she admitted to snoop and listen to our conversation for a few minutes already and she was just waiting for the right time to spring up.

And she did.

“And now?” Micah started to smile wickedly.

The two were leaning towards me but I chopped the back of their heads the moment they walked towards the helicopter. I caught both of them and I carried them back to my room, covering them with my blanket. I just shook my head looking at their sleeping faces before I laid next to Kaley and took a well-deserved sleep.


I woke up feeling refreshed and the look Kaley and Micah gave me was priceless. I immediately grabbed my phone to take a picture with them but I was almost beaten to death from what I did yesterday.

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