
Chapter 552

Chapter 552: 552

“Can’t you just blast it to bits like last time? I saw the video, it was epic.”

“Yeah, that is something I’ll need a copy of too!”

Raphael and Anthony remembered the footage we’ve caught last time but the thing that they didn’t understand was that we used several explosives more than necessary. It would be fine if it was an emergency or the first time we were facing them but our target right now was just a sitting duck, waiting to get decimated. However, there was still the issue of the ones surrounding it sacrificing themselves or getting controlled to shield it.

I began to explain the resource issue, “I wanted to take it down as efficiently as possible and possibly using a single explosive or hopefully, none. That was why I suggested using a large spike to drop it from above.”

The two sat down and began to think.

Anthony twirled the pencil in his hand and said, “You’re gonna use the helicopter then?”

“That’s what we have. Well, unless we build a catapult or a trebuchet to launch a different projectile.”

Raphael started tapping the table in front of us, “W-Wait, how could you be sure to hit it with a huge pole? Soaking a wooden one in water could help in delivering more force because it would be heavier but the issue remains, how accurate are you?”

I shook my head, “That’s why I suggested welding several metal bars onto something I would be dropping on it! A small shipping container for example!”

“B-But… dude… that looks so f.u.c.k.i.n.g lame…”

I scoffed, “It if looks stupid… but it works… it isn’t stupid… Look at that Goedendag, it isn’t that great looking but-”

“Cheh, that bat unicorn? It’s at least f.u.c.k.i.n.g symmetrical! We both like that shit! What I have in my head hearing your first idea was a poor attempt of a welding project!”

“What do you have in mind then?!”


“Chill, dude. We’re brainstorming here, alright? The f.u.c.k is everyone eating today? You’re all too agitated…”

Raphael started to furiously scratch his head, “Just had a fight with Carol, okay? I’m actually crashing at this place for the night…”

I shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt, “Now I see what’s going on…”

‘Could the same be with Oscar? The way he is, definitely…’

“What do you mean?! You ‘see’? Enlighten me, dude.”

“We’re going off-topic now. Oh, screw the soaking thing. I had a better idea. Soaking it might make it too fragile so…” I started drawing up a simple project that could be done in a few hours.

Anthony immediately waved the project off, “W-Woah! We’re not handling that!”

I chuckled, “Relax, I’ll handle the finishing touches. You guys just make sure to do it properly. It’s really simple, right? Where are our poles located?”


Ever since the power went out, I discovered that they would gradually take down the wooden poles strewn around our place because if a storm or something similar hit, it would cause problems along with the f.u.c.k ton of cables placed on them, blocking the roads and whatnot.

The only ones that were left alone were the reinforced, cemented ones by the highway but their cables and the rest of the other particulars were also removed and then stored in a good place. If the time comes that we needed to hook them back in, we would use the cemented poles or bury them in the ground where it was safer for everybody.

For now, the wooden poles we kept in storage would be repurposed into something that would f.u.c.k.i.n.g scare a count from a gothic horror novel from 1897. However, it would come with different quirks, making sure that all it needed to do was get used.

Raphael rallied his troops, “Alright, time to go to work!”

In the end, our building group started preparing one and two extras just in case the first one fails. At the same time, I prepared something on my end after a quick trip to the scrapyard, and then my group went on to do their own thing.

Mikhail, Lois, and Chris decided to help them with the work I requested to be ready by tomorrow while Tatiana and Cynthia decided to accompany Kaley who went to visit her mom in their own house. Cyrill was obviously dropped by the other outpost before going here because of reasons already known to everyone but I would try to bring him in more runs if we were going someplace near.

The rest of the night played out as it used to be though we were a little crowded in my room.

Before morning came, my group and a few others were already up though I would be using my helicopter for this mission. The poles we’ve prepared were already by the DDR Camp and I added the finishing touches as I promised. They were in the right specifications and even the end of one of them was sharpened like a pencil. After that, we flew in the direction of the cemeteries while a few vehicles have already started driving there before us.

We were literally lugging a log but I hope the camera we installed at the bottom of the helicopter wouldn’t lag.

It only took a few minutes to get to the cemeteries and the only thing that looked different from the last time we were here was that the big, f.u.c.k.i.e.d up, cursed, caterpillar-looking motherf.u.c.ker have emerged from the depths of bodies on top of it. Furthermore, it seemed to have grown larger from the constant supply of rotten flesh it was taking in but all it did for itself was make simple movements even harder to accomplish.

The abomination was like the snake game in an old 3210 but instead of just getting longer and longer, it was also getting wider and wider. Its body was about to spill over above the river but the ones making themselves get eaten would continue to stand in front of it, getting slowly torn apart by the f.u.c.k.i.e.d up hands that grabbed ahold of them.

The hands were tearing the bodies piece by piece as if it was feeding a kid that was also itself.

Watching their actions from the helicopter, I started to hover above them, lining up the huge wooden pole we were carrying the whole time. I needed to stabilize it so when we let it go, it would go straight down, impaling the big one and possibly securing itself in place because of the soft ground or the mushy soil beneath it.

Different reports were coming from our radio and I decided it was time to let it loose. However, I decided to hype myself up because stabilizing a helicopter was easy but doing it while carrying a huge piece of wood was several times difficult because of factors. Despite that, the lucky break was that the deadheads below weren’t considering us a threat because they never tried to pile on top of another.


[You ready, dude?]



“Okay, I have one shot…”



[Dude… you don’t have a shot, you have a log…]



“One opportunity…”



[You actually have three…]



“To seize everything I wanted…”



[Really, dude?]



“Shut up, I’m concentrating.”






“I’m weird, don’t bother me.”






“Should I catch it? Or let it-”








I slammed the button to release the log we were carrying and we immediately flew in a safe distance. Looking at the feed, it impaled the congealed f.u.c.ker straight in the middle of its juicy bits and it let out as high, f.u.c.k.i.n.g shrill.


It was alive despite the direct hit and the small and elongated limbs around it started to go wild as they were like a worm sprinkled with salt. The whole body even started to thrash but the pole impaling it was keeping it in place, making the whole body tear around the wound it just sustained.

Another wail followed right after it and it was much longer and more… desperate.

As soon that happened, the deadheads surrounding it started to scramble as they came running just to pile on top of it. At the same time, the high-pitched wail continued to resound and hurt our ears but it was slowly getting muffled by the ones covering it with their discolored and torn-up flesh.

The scene was like a f.u.c.k.i.e.d up cheerleading routine but I pressed the little button that would activate our little surprise. The poles we’ve used had a portion hollowed out so that I could place an explosive charge with a f.u.c.k ton of metal beads, scrap metal, and etc. for good measure.

If impaling it wouldn’t work, a chock-full of metal parts going off in all directions from the inside was the answer.

A dull sound echoed and the bodies surrounding the congealed f.u.c.ker fell one after the other, looking like it imploded on its own. Not only that, the ones surrounding it and the ones that were making a beeline straight towards it fell like their strings were cut, making the ones just about to approach the cemeteries confused as f.u.c.k.

It was like they lagged for a few seconds though most of them still continued to walk in the direction where the explosion was.


“We’re done here. Burn this place down then we’ll head to Monumento.”


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