
Chapter 727

The state of play paused for a moment when the Rivas Family found one of the ‘hidden’ plugs but everyone was waiting for their answer to the question. However, the pair from the Rivas Family was too embarrassed when they were face to face with the twins, and they couldn’t give a proper response.

‘It’s 50-50, usually…’

They even huddled to formulate a proper answer but the crowd and the other players were just yelling at them to say the first thing that came to mind.

[U-Umm… Is this R-Riri’s?]

Everything went quiet for a moment before the twins looked at each other and chuckled, but they soon let out disappointed sighs as they waved their index fingers left and right.

[Sorry, Rivas Family but your answer is wrong!]

[So~ So~ Close! Right, Riri?]

[Yes, Ruru! They were so~ so~ close!]

[HOWEVER! The Rivas Family got a point for finding the first one!]






‘Huh? Isn’t it already obvious— Oh~’

The other participants were just about to complain about the Rivas Family being able to join the match even though they had already found one of the plugs, but the twins had already started doing another countdown for the game’s continuance.





Katya and Tatiana had already resumed the chase— same with the Rivas Family, de Leon Family, and the others, but the Alvares Family had other plans.

Their participants were only made up of two burly guys and instead of chasing around people with butt plugs on, they opted for a steal.

Doing this would sound scummy and shrewd but there was no mention that it was against the rules. To be fair, I might’ve done the same thing if I was a participant but it was just too fucking early to do that type of shit. The only reason I’d do this early was if I was fucking tired or if all the targets were too fast, but I wasn’t here to give out judgment.

Everyone had their own method of playing and the ones not involved should just enjoy the show.

However, one particular member of the Cuervo Family didn’t agree with their methods, and everyone on the viewing platforms could see what he was about to do.

Kaley instantly nudged me, “Isn’t that—”

“Yep. That’s Luis.”

“W-What is he—”

Kaley wasn’t even able to finish her sentence when we saw him sneak around the stage and pull his dick out, and he just started pissing on one of the Alvarez Family’s representatives.

The guy was a foot taller than him and it only took a moment before the huge guy felt the warm trickle on his back.

Luis quickly leaned back to dodge the backhand but he was still in mid-piss so his dick flopped wildly and it also reached the other guy right next to them. The sound got barely picked up because they weren’t wearing any microphones but everyone could already assume the words that were being exchanged… if there were words to be exchanged, that is.

Almost immediately, Luis started running for his life as he weaved through almost naked entertainers while the two guys that were waiting for an easy steal were running after him.

With that said, the search for the last plug was still ongoing amidst the chaos but everyone was more focused on the chase that was going on concurrently.

Surprisingly enough, Luis was like an eel dipped in butter as he tried to run from the two guys chasing after him, but no one thought that he would fight back.

When the first game started, the participants for each team were decided in ten seconds and everyone was more focused on the entertainers that were running around, I doubt each participant could actually remember what their opponents looked like.

Sure, some of them— Tatiana and Katya were still wearing their combat attire without the war belt and the chest rig, but what Luis— and especially what his partner was wearing right now was fucking camouflage at this game.

I only discovered who Luis’ partner was because of the familiar bangles she was wearing and Luis was already making his way toward her.

‘That’s definitely Elena…’

And once Luis ran past her and tapped her back— making it look like she shoved her amidst the chaos, Elena turned around and threw fistfuls of sand right at the exact fucking moment.

All the burly guys saw was a fucking smokescreen before the first guy’s face got smashed in by Luis who quickly turned around and performed a jumping knee while Elena drove her steel-toed boot toward the other guy’s chin.

Everything happened in an instant and the two guys that wanted to have it easy fell down before the sand attack settled.

However, they weren’t knocked out completely because they were just writhing in pain, but it was enough to take them out of commission for a good time.

With that said, cheers erupted— even from the Alvarez Family’s corner, and the game continued as is. It’s just that half of the plugs were already pulled off from the targets though some of them were still running around to confuse the players. Furthermore, it was safe to assume that the plug everyone was looking for would be in a female entertainer but just to be extra safe, the male entertainers that were already few in number had no plug unpulled.

None of the participants were chasing after them now after the fact, but there seemed to be a small problem.

It only took a few minutes to completely unplug all of the plugs in the entertainers’ back doors, but the plug in question was still missing.

Even from thoroughly checking the ones that were left on the ground, none of them was a match from the first plug that was discovered by the Rivas Family. Not only did it sow confusion among the players and the people on the viewing platform, but the look of confusion from the twins was also present.

‘They didn’t know either…’

I thought there would be some trick involved but the look on their faces said otherwise.

Obviously enough, Quinn ran up to the stage and loomed over the twins with a sour expression.


[W-Wait, Quinn! W-W-We—]



[W-W-W-We r-really didn’t know what happened!]

[Please! Believe us!]


[W-W-We c-can just r-restart with the one that was found—]


[P-Please c-calm down!]

[I AM CALM!!!]

The twins were about to get a piece out of Quinn and I could already see Mr. Cuervo sprinting from his house to diffuse the situation, but everyone’s jaw just dropped when Tatiana and Katya checked the back of her knees and made her lose balance.

[Calm down, Quinn.]

[Yeah, calm down. Why are you so—]


[We said to calm down, we just won. See?]




The twins, Quinn, and the rest of the participants were fucking shocked when Tatiana casually pulled out the missing plug from her pockets and handed it over to one of them, and I was probably the only one that saw Mr. Cuervo trip and fall before quickly scurrying back to his mansion.

With that said, even the people from the viewing platforms were confused because everyone spent a good time searching for the missing plug without finding a single trace of it, but lo and behold, my team had it all along.

At this point, the whole place was fucking quiet and Tatiana had to grope one of the twins for a response.

[A-Ahn~! W-Wha—]

[Are you gonna announce us the winners or are you gonna make me reach lower?]


[You didn’t answer the question… Hmm? You’re still—]

[W-W-Wait! Shh~!] Riri instantly pulled away from Tatiana’s hold while she was red through her neck.

[R-Riri! Are you okay?!] Ruru quickly went to her sister’s side before looking cautiously at Tatiana and Katya.

[I’m fine, R-Ruru… A-Anyway… c-congrats to the Ishiyama Family for finding the last—]

[Wait a sec, Riri! We should—]

Quinn interjected, [No. You two wait a sec,] then she turned to the other two, [Hey, what did you two do? How come the plug is in your hands all along?]

Tatiana chuckled, [Irrelevant.]


[We don’t need to explain ourselves. Besides, you could figure out what we did if you think about it so there’s no point explaining.] Tatiana chuckled once more as she put her hands up.

[Don’t tell me—]

Katya shook her head before speaking up, [You’re just dragging it, it’s not like there’s a round two or anything. We already had it the first minute in and we just waited until the last second to reveal ours.]

Quinn’s partner spoke up as well, [I-I-I already know that but why— Oh~!]

Katya just chuckled, [For the bonus points and to avoid wasting energy from an altercation.]

Tatiana continued, [But it’s not over yet. We’re still skeptical of the right answer.]

Katya nodded, [Right.]

As soon as my team said that, I was nodding approvingly because the twins gave a subtle hint earlier.

The obvious answer was that the plug that was first given to the twins should’ve belonged to Ruru, but if they worded their statement earlier that finding the second plug meant just a chance to give another answer, things might be not what they seemed.

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