
Chapter 870 Payback I

At this point in time, it wouldn't even take 30 minutes for the sun to go down but the sky already had that red hue in a few places. And to tie that statement to the current situation, the words exchanged earlier prompted a few who heard it to let out pained expressions or just straight up break down crying.

Most of them were female cadets that had dark circles around their eyes and had this hunched posture with their arms crossed together, but I'm pretty sure they weren't like that in the first place. Granted not everyone that were victimized looked like that because some people that looked like they were keeping it together couldn't hide the expression in their eyes.

With that said, going back to our current situation, I didn't inform everyone about my counteroffer because I walked up to Major Perez and spoke with a hushed tone.

From the outside, everyone could only see my lips moving and Major Perez's expression changing—more on his thick eyebrows—as he learned more and more of what he could accomplish with me around.

He chuckled as I finally took a step back, "Hmph. You drive a hard bargain, kid."

I chuckle-scoffed, "Seriously? You won't get a deal like that anywhere right now. And it's only for today."


"I'm saying that the offer only stands till sundown."

"Sundown?! What—"

"That's how a deal works. If I'm the only one to give you shit, that's just fucking charity work or extortion. And yeah, I'm keen to know what the fuck this place is trying to do with the heads you're all collecting but you're potentially gonna lose one of your suppliers if you take too long in agreeing."

At this moment, Quinn threw me a glance because she thought their ongoing deal with this place would get affected, but I almost stifled a laugh when she rolled her eyes. Because earlier, she was ready to throw whatever relationship they had with this place because of Kaley, why not let me handle that shit and get something more?

In the grand scheme of things, this place has already wronged us and it was all the leverage we needed to get the bigger slice of the pie.

Besides, the military vehicles they were offering weren't worth two cents if all they were offering were their jeeps and their trucks, and the only way it would sting a little was if they were offering the .50 cals that were supposed to be mounted on those jeeps, one of their APCs, one of their tanks, or even one of their helicopters or whatever aircraft they had available.

Major Perez stared at me for a few moments before he let out a deep sigh, "Fucking… I was told this was gonna happen…"

"Hmm? What—"

"I'm a fucking dumbass if I don't agree to your terms. However, I do need Lopez alive so—"

I chortled, "I'm not gonna fucking kill him if that's what you're worried about. That's an easy way out if you ask me, so…"


"Clock's ticking, Major."



"Dammit, oi! Bring him back and don't tell him shit, alright?!"

I was just about to pile on but Major Perez turned to the two other officers—Diaz and Mallari—that was with the motherfucker—Lopez—earlier, and they had to fucking follow their orders because their ranks said so. The look on their faces was just fucking priceless but even though I was elated for a short moment, I was still pissed as hell.

I could only imagine what was going on Kaley's mind right now because at this moment, she looked like she was playing poker with everyone. However, that light in her eyes never disappeared and as cliche as it may sound, that light was burning brighter and brighter.

She even gave me a faint smile when our eyes met but I knew that motherfucker was present when she looked past me and a layer of killing intent covered her body.

At this moment, Lopez was brought back by Diaz and Mallari but the crowd around as had significantly grown larger. Word of mouth definitely had its involvement in this situation but I couldn't care less because the more eyes that see whatever happens next, the better.

And yeah, the motherfucker had no fucking clue about what was about to go down.

He was still wearing a smug look as he jauntily walked over to us, throwing me a dirty look before he turned to Major Perez, "Took you long enough. So—"

Major Perez cut him off, "Shut up and grit your teeth, your about to get punched."


Before he could fucking react, I made my way to his back before I clocked the motherfucker. He had no fucking chance to react to a sucker punch and his head blew back before his ass touched the ground. Everyone else watching didn't know whether to sing praises or shut the fuck up because this could be a revolution or a short spark of a dud.

At the moment, blood was flowing from his nose as he could barely open both of his eyes—and his expression was a mix of confusion and anger, but Major Perez's mocking voice rang out:

"Oof, that's dirty."


"I told you to grit your teeth, didn't I? See what happened—"

I cut them off, "That's for my wife, bitch. Stand up, let's see how you do if one of your victims tries to fight back."

Lopez spat out a mouthful of spit and blood before he stood up, "LET'S FUCKING SEE HOW THAT PRETTY FACE OF YOURS WOULD LOOK LIKE AFTER I'M DONE WITH YA!"

Major Lopez cackle from the side, "Kid, you got till sunset."

'More than enough…'

At that moment, Lopez's gaze turned to Major Perez for a second after hearing that but he assumed a fighting stance before he took a huge breath and lunged at me. His fists were covering most of his face but his deathly glare was locked onto me, but I let out every bit of killing intent and devoured him whole.

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