
Chapter 879 Raptor > Log Cabin II

In any case, I just sighed deeply before giving Kaley an answer to her question.

"His teacher… umm… Mr. Sato—as Isaac told me—obviously went out guns blazing and attracted a herd so that he could make Isaac head inside the call center's fire exit without issue."

Kaley looked surprised, "Really? Wow."

"Yeah. Right, before he did, he handed Isaac his 1911 for 'emergencies' because a gun in one's hand could be more persuasive than a katana."

"I agree…"

"Anyway, Isaac then told me that it really made all the difference because all he had to do once he reached the fire exit was to point it at anyone that wanted to come with them. And yeah, he easily found Mr. Sato's wife because a petite Asian girl that had several 'enhancements' would stick out in a crowd."

Kaley almost rolled her eyes after discovering the way I described Mr. Sato's partner, "Ah…"

"However, since we're talking about the people he pointed a gun to, there was a guy in the crowd that made himself known to be Mrs. Sato's—wait, that's not even her real surname, what was it again? Uhh~ Right, Ann! It was Ann's side hustle… you know, the one that made himself known."

"Oh no…"

I nodded as Kaley shook her head from hearing another person in the picture, "Yep. And when Isaac tried to shoo him away, the guy was stupid enough to come forward with a gun pointed at him to plead to this Ann chick to come with him instead and he loves her blah, blah, blah~ But at the exact fucking moment, Mr. Sato rolled in with his bloody pickup before shouting at Ann and Isaac to fucking get in. And guess what happens next?"

Kaley thought for a moment before she answered, "Side bf still tried to get a word in?"

I nodded bitterly, "Yep. He got a word in before Mr. Sato popped his kneecap much to everyone's surprise."

"...!" Kaley had no words to say at this point but I saw her widen her eyes as she waited for me to continue the story.

"At that point, Ann just started to scream in horror but Isaac took it to himself to stuff her back in the truck. He did his best to hold her down to stop her from hitting Mr. Sato while Mr. Sato was mowing down anyone and anything—and he didn't even dare to ask his teacher about the deal they made earlier. It was a complete mess of events but they did make it back to their studio/home which was still locked up tight and in one piece."

I continued because Kaley was just staring at me, "Once they secured the vehicle in the garage and rolled down the roll-ups, the couple just started fighting because of what both of them did—arguing about two different things at the same time—about Ann supposed cheating and Mr. Sato shooting the guy. Isaac told me that all he could do was stay quiet and he couldn't do anything when Mr. Sato had enough of getting hit by his partner and decided to give her a solid slap to the face."

"That's… I wouldn't know what to do in that situation… They should be just—ugh… what happened then?"

"After that, he told me it just became deathly quiet and Mr. Sato just shouted at Ann and told her to get cleaned up and bring out all of their supplies while they barricade all the entrances for the time being. He did tell me that Ann was just sobbing even though she followed Mr. Sato's words and they survived in that home for a good three weeks before it started going downhill."

"Did they start running low on food?"

I shook my head bitterly, "That could easily be remedied."

"Then what—"

"Isaac told me that Ann started to show 'interest' though we very much know what would happen if he ever tried to dip his toes on that, right?"

Kaley couldn't believe her ears, "W-What did he do though?"

I tried to scratch the back of my head before I continued, "Well~ It's actually more complicated than that because before the 'interest' started, Ann caught him with one of her dirty underwear while jerking off… yep, he told us. It took him a bit to confess to me and Seb but he did nonetheless…"


Seeing Kaley's reaction, the best course of action was just to continue the story, "Yeah, and since you mentioned they started to run low on food, it really did happen. The two of them—Isaac and Mr. Sato—used to come out to gather supplies but since there was an incident of other people trying to break into their home, another guy had to stay behind to protect their house and guard the only woman in the vicinity…"

"Then Isaac was the one—"

"They alternated actually and as he told me, he did try to push her away when she tried to come on him but he could only do so much given the situation. He eventually gave in and started to have an affair but as they said, an affair's greatest enemy is unpredictability."

Kaley nodded a few times as she looked at me again, waiting for me to continue, "W-What happened then?"

"Yeah… they did it for as much as they can while Mr. Sato is away but they were eventually caught in the act because after driving away, Mr. Sato walked back and got into one of the entrances he left open. At that point, Isaac was already anticipating a bullet between his eyes but what happened was that Mr. Sato calmly asked for Ann to follow him to his room before Isaac was asked to retrieve the only vehicle they had that was only a block away…"


"With that said, Isaac told me that nothing happened after that—and his activities with Ann continued even when Mr. Sato was in their home—though he was the only one who went outside to gather supplies for three more weeks before it happened."

"W-What happened?"

"Remember the guy Mr. Sato shot in the knee?"

"Wai— Did he bring a group over?!"

"Nope. Getting shot in the knee was his last appearance—"


"Easy~ Don't yell, we're the only ones here! Sheesh~ Anyway, what actually happened in those three weeks was that they came across a couple who were seeking shelter for the night but when Isaac was about to turn them away, Mr. Sato accepted the two even though the ones who tried to get in before were either shooed away or taken care of."


"Yeah, but after giving everyone introductions over a simple meal, Isaac told me that Mr. Sato suddenly brought out booze and got everyone drunk—especially him and the guy from the couple they just took in. He said that he really felt weird that time so he would just put in his mouth the shot given to him before spitting it into the empty beer bottle he had—then emptying the contents in the bathroom every time he excused himself to 'pee'."

"Oh… that's actually smart."

"Yeah… he said everyone thought he was just using the beer as a chaser to the liquor but as time went on, everyone else had gotten more drunk while the other guy was completely passed out. There were jokes being passed around that he was a lightweight while Mr. Sato only looked tipsy but Isaac said that alarms started ringing in his head when Mr. Sato offered to put the guy in another room to sleep so everyone could continue drinking—and at the same time, the amount of liquor poured in his glass was getting higher and higher…"

"Did he still try to—"

"Well~ They've drunk before so Mr. Sato had an inkling of his limit so he had to excuse himself one last time to get the 1911 in his bag. However, he told me he almost shit his pants when he discovered that Mr. Sato was following behind him with the 1911 he was just about to use to protect himself. Turns out, the guy he helped to his room had already sustained multiple stab wounds and he was the next one to die by his hands."


"By some sort of coincidence, Ann also found it weird to have her partner take in random people and propose heavy drinking so she faked getting drunk and watched her partner very~ carefully. Long story short, Mr. Sato had their sharpest kitchen knife dug into his back before he shot down Ann in the process and Isaac had to finish him off by making his head roll on their stained carpet…"


"He said that his body just moved and even though he knew deep down that they caused everything that happened that night, he had to stay alive himself and continue from then on. What happened after that was that he cleared the house of all the supplies and valuables—including the expensive blades Mr. Sato owned plus a few other guns stored in his room—before he dropped off the woman that survived in a DDR Camp in another city over."


"Right. Isaac did find the walking bodies of his family still locked in their old house and he took care of them before hitting the road. He was going through DDR Camp after DDR Camp to search for his other relatives right until he stumbled upon Cuervo Heights at the same time we stumbled upon it. He hadn't had much luck finding existing relatives but he found us."


"And yeah, my good impression of him did falter from hearing his story but everyone has a bloody ledger, right? Kaley? Y-You okay?"

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