
Chapter 943 It’s just a bull—

Chapter 943 It's just a bull—

At this point, my disciples were still shocked by what I did, but seeing several goats chewing on their clothes was funny as they were staring into nothingness. From my perspective, it was just a regular slash on a Tuesday morning but they probably won't be able to replicate what I did unless they put all their heart and soul into training.

Sure, I was acting like what I did was nothing but mastery over an art or a discipline couldn't be compared to reaching a peak but falling into a deep pit you couldn't get out of.

Once you're in there, it was impossible to forget it or regress even if you're a fucking dumbass but I still wouldn't consider myself a master under those circumstances.

There were still a lot of things I still wanted to have complete control and mastery over but some people would've stopped learning more if they reached where I'm at—not throwing shade at them or anything in that regard. But yeah, there was a time when I'd need to practice a specific cut a thousand times a day at the minimum just to get it right but there also came a time when I could easily perform it without so much as a warm-up.

But yeah, going back to our current setting, Kaley was proudly flaunting her ability to attract chicks, piglets, calves, and any other animal in their early stages of life, and they were marching right behind her as she was walking in circles around me.

"You seeing this?! You're seeing this, right?! Aren't they adorable?!" Kaley couldn't hide the smile on her face.

I chuckled as I smiled back, "They do, they do, especially you…"

Then Kaley cutely glared at me while keeping a bit of air in one of her cheeks, "You doofus! W-We're talking about the animals here…"

"Well… Technically~"

"I know, I know!" then she walked up to me and leaned close, "Here's for that sweet compliment…"

Kaley obviously went for a kiss which I obviously reciprocated but we weren't even a few seconds in when I heard this snort of derision which I thought came from Quinn or Mauro, but to my fucking surprise and Mauro's, it came from the bull that gave him all of those injuries.

Mauro grumbled as he walked over to me, "Don't let that fucker get to you… He's been mad-dogging me the moment I got here but he's juiced to fuck—" then his head snapped in the bull's direction, "FUCK YOU, YA BULLSHIT BULL!"

I chuckled, "Take it easy, alright? It's just a bull—"

But Kaley said something that poured fuel to the fire, "No, no… Mauro's right… That bull's giving me weird looks while he had his 'rocket-thingy' sticking out… I guess mating season's close but—"

I never let out such a contained and condensed murderous intent with a fucking smile, "Then he has to fucking die—"

Mauro and Kaley tried to stop me:

"It's not worth it, man… I'm telling you—"

"H-He's right, it's just a b-bull, right?"

I shook my head as I took off my shirt like one of those boss battles from the Yakuza series, "Nope, that's lunch and dinner."

The moment I did that, there was no stopping me from giving this bull a piece of my mind, and even though they actually couldn't see red, I'm seeing fucking black and there was a reason I took my shirt off.

As popularized by matadors, they'd put on shows while waving a red flag to make a bull angry and charge at them but in actuality, it's the flapping of the cape's movement, not its color.

I easily vaulted over the metal fencing it was in and even though everyone thought I was already crazy, another level was added to that when they discovered I didn't bring my guns with me.


Edith followed, "W-Why's no one stopping him?!"

Quinn and Tatiana answered, "It's just a bull…/He'll be fine… I think."

Kaley followed, "Worst comes to worst, I'll shoot it before anything happens…"

"What if you hit him?!"

"I won't. Done it plenty of times…"


Sebastian couldn't believe his ears, "Throw me? What a preposterous proposition, I'll jump down willingly if I say so myself… This may sound dad-ish but that bull and I have some… beef… we gotta remedy too—"

"Did you just?"

"Yes, I did."



"That's so bad…"

But yeah, I didn't respond to his shouts and everyone else's comments as I started to wave my shirt around to rile the bull staring me dead in the eyes.

It was this hulk of a bull if I say so myself, just two-thousand pounds of pure fucking muscle and it was already scraping the ground with its hoof, preparing for a charge to hit me either with its huge-ass head or one of its sharp horns.

This fucking bull acted like its the king of this fucking ranch—and it does deserve that title in a way—but he showed his fucking dick to my wife and as stupid a reason as it was, it was good enough reason to test myself against something several times stronger than me.

Then it happened.


The moment it rushed towards me, I just went into a drawing stance and everything felt like it was moving in slow motion as I let out a short breath. However, as much as I'd hate to admit it, standing still in front of a charging bull was just suicide with extra steps but as soon as I saw it wind its head to the side, my whole body just tensed as my hands grabbed tight on my blade while my feet dug into the ground.

In a swift exchange, I found myself several feet from where I was while the bull couldn't believe he had a huge cut on his face—which actually looked fucking metal by the way—though he lost an eye and one of his prized horns was missing.

To his shock and anger, he found his horn in the same place we made contact with our weapons but for the first time in his life, he knew what fucking fear was like.

He can destroy me in a pulling match, he can trample me on the ground, he could bump me and kill five more people who weren't even involved, and he could also display my guts for everyone to see with one swipe of his horns—but now, it seemed like he forgot how to take a step forward.

And once again, he discovered how to take a step back as his face was fucking bleeding and he knew full well that if I actually wanted to kill him for lunch, I could very well could. Because even if we had pressure cookers, I'd still prefer beef on the softer side of things and in some weird and twisted way, his offspring tasted so~ fucking good.

He's probably the reason all the cows in the barn were well taken care of but I should stop right about now because this line of thought was already weird as it was.

In any case, I still wanted to assert dominance so I started chasing the motherfucker with a deranged look on my face and the only thing missing was a boar's head for a mask and twin katanas that were chipped to fuck with a rock.

The first thing I noticed while running around was Mauro's fucking face before everyone else's and it was just so fucking priceless, to say the least. He couldn't believe I tamed the beast that brought him such injuries but he was a fucking dumbass for trying to fight a bull with muscle strength alone.

'But it's impressive that he actually lived despite that…'

It only took a few laps around the fencing before he submitted to me by propping his belly towards me, but it seemed like we made a contract with each other when I found some strong horse glue and put his horn back.

Cows had soulful eyes according to a deranged physicist that looked like a human C-3PO but I didn't think that murderous rampaging bulls could do them too.

He was actually following behind me when I walked back to the audience but he started to mad-dog Mauro the moment they met each other's gaze. He had this schtick that he only submitted to this particular human a.k.a. me, but Sebastian had a wonderful idea.

"My lord, if I may, this bull still hasn't been named so why don't you give it one?"

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