
Chapter 631 Hunt

Chapter 631: Hunt

As Charles reflected on the recent events, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The situation had been difficult, and he had narrowly escaped the clutches of the Serpent's control. Even though the entity that had been controlled was merely his other consciousness, the realization that the Serpent had managed to infiltrate his Inner World sent a shiver down his spine. If he had succumbed to its control, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Shaking off the lingering shock, Charles decided to assess the situation more carefully. Activating his 'Rune Eye,' he focused on the frozen colossal Serpent. In seconds, his eye meticulously analyzed the Serpent's immense body, revealing over twenty potential weak points. However, Charles disregarded most of these vulnerabilities, concentrating on a few. He imbued his Moonfire Scimitar with the 'Intermediate Sword Aura' power and the Rebirth Fire.

Charles had gained crucial insights during his previous encounter with Professor, realizing that he could only harm someone while they were under the effect of the 'Time Stop' ability through physical means. Nothing else would respond to his will except for his Rebirth Flame, but it lacked the capacity to inflict substantial damage on opponents. At best, it facilitated his rebirth through the Rebirth Domain spell and also granted him enhanced cognition and movement speed, surpassing his adversary twentyfold.

While contemplating the predicament, Charles pondered various strategies to overcome the challenge. Eventually, he devised a plan. Charles resolved to infuse the Rebirth Flame into his weapon and combine it with Sword Aura. By doing so, he believed the Sword Aura would remain unaffected by the temporal stasis of the Time Stop zone, ensuring its stability. Moreover, Charles entertained the idea of fusing the Rebirth Flame with other spells, intending to launch a unique and unexpected assault on his opponent. However, he acknowledged the difficulty of such a task, recognizing that it would require a profound understanding of the Rebirth Flame and various other flames.

With a determined expression, Charles fixed his gaze upon the Serpent's left eye and propelled himself forward. A brilliant sunshine sword aura, tinged with fiery crimson flames, enveloped the edges of his Scimitar as he gracefully moved through the thin air. Closing the distance rapidly, Charles swiftly arrived before the monstrous head of the Serpent. Drawing the Scimitar back slightly, he executed a precise and calculated thrust.

Although his sword movement appeared deliberate and sluggish, there was an undeniable precision to it. Nothing obstructed its path as it sliced through the air with deadly accuracy. In an instant, the fierce crimson flames that cloaked the Scimitar's blade pierced through the Serpent's left eye, penetrating deep into its flesh.

No blood splattered as he withdrew his Scimitar and tilted it precisely, causing the blood stains to scatter mid-air. Afterwards, Charles moved slightly, arrived before the Serpent's other eye, and attacked similarly.

Like the last time, the Scimitar moved like a water flow, directly penetrated the other eye, and completely blinded the Serpent without even knowing it.

Once he was done, Charles didn't stay still as he moved below and aimed his sharp Scimitar at the unique monocellate hooded pattern.

'The neck region of a snake is relatively thinner and more flexible than the rest of its body. While this allows the snake to perform its characteristic hooding behavior, it also makes the neck a potential weak spot.' His thoughts raced as he read the Serpent's weakness. Although light emerald-like scales covered the neck and looked more like a hardened rock, Charles didn't hesitate and slashed at its neck horizontally.

Charles remained undeterred despite only inflicting shallow wounds with his Intermediate Sword Aura. He knew the 'Time Stop' ability would cease in just thirty seconds, but he also recognized that this timeframe was sufficient to cause significant damage.

With unwavering determination, Charles fixed his gaze on the Serpent's neck region and unleashed a relentless flurry of slashes. Each stroke of his sword was executed with meticulous precision, tearing through scales and flesh alike. The air filled with a surreal spectacle as reddish droplets of the Serpent's blood suspended mid-air.

As the 'Time Stop' ability neared its end, the Serpent's neck region bore the unmistakable hue of crimson. The accumulation of wounds was evident, and the once-pristine surface had transformed into a grisly tableau of violence.

In response to the loss of its vision and the mounting pain, the Serpent emitted a piercing hiss that reverberated through the air. Its body writhed in uncontrolled fury as the Serpent's instincts urged it to retaliate berserkly.

Charles waved his hand and summoned his 'Rebirth Domain' spell. At the same time, he returned to his human form, cast [Soul Heal] spell on himself, and detoxified the poison that penetrated his body.

After that, he activated the [Faceless Eye] skill and released invisible threads in all directions.

He released more than thousands of invisible threads from both hands and made them coil around the gigantic Serpent's body.

At the same time, he cast [Fire Rain] spell and summoned a strange crimson cloud up in the sky.

Although Serpent had lost its vision, it still used its wisdom power and sensed the danger from the sky. So, it didn't hesitate and started to flee by abruptly slithering towards the waterfalls.

As the Serpent attempted to flee, it was trapped by the thousands of invisible threads Charles had released. The threads bound tightly around its body, restricting its movement and preventing it from escaping. The Serpent's struggles grew more frantic as it realized it was trapped, its massive form thrashing against its invisible restraints.

Unperturbed by the Serpent's resistance, Charles manipulated the threads with precision and control. He tightened the grip, ensuring the Serpent's movements became increasingly restricted. At the same time, he moved at an incredible speed and launched countless [Finger of Destrution] spells toward all its weak points.

With each passing moment, the invisible bindings grew stronger, constricting the Serpent's body and further impeding its attempts to break free.

Meanwhile, above them, the crimson cloud summoned by Charles began to release its payload. Droplets of fiery meteorite-like rain descended from the sky, falling upon the Serpent's entangled form. Each massive ball of fire carried the intense essence of the Chaos Flame, scorching the Serpent's exposed scales and searing its flesh.

The binding threads, Purple Consciousness within its mind, and the scorching rain fire proved a formidable onslaught. The Serpent's agonized cries filled the air as it writhed and twisted, desperately trying to shake off its invisible restraints. However, Charles had meticulously calculated his actions, leaving no room for the Serpent to escape its impending doom.

As the seconds ticked away, the Serpent's struggles weakened. Its movements grew sluggish, and its strength depleted. The invisible threads tightened their hold, further constricting its body and squeezing the life out of the once-mighty creature.

Finally, with one last feeble attempt at resistance, the Serpent succumbed to its fate. Its body fell limp, its consciousness extinguished.

[15 Wisdom Points obtained!]


"Oh? That's not bad," Charles said as he opened the status and discovered that he now possessed 42 Wisdom Points.

'Genesis, use all the accumulated wisdom essence and enhance my wisdom power,' he commanded.

[Certainly, Host,] Genesis replied.

Instantly, Charles sensed a substantial influx of wisdom essence flowing into his Soul, fortifying it.

His wisdom power surged from 226 to 268 in seconds, bringing about a remarkable transformation within his Inner World.

"However, the reason I triumphed over this Magical Beast was not solely due to my abilities, but rather thanks to the 'Time Stop' ability," he sighed deeply, dismantling the creature's corpse. Before long, he retrieved a dark greenish magical crystal of considerable size, storing it in his space ring. He also extracted poison from its fangs and preserved a few sturdy scales.

With his task completed, Charles opened the quest icon and noticed only a few minutes had elapsed.

After bidding farewell to the captivating waterfalls, Charles embarked on his quest to locate the final magical beast. However, he abandoned concealing his presence this time, opting to unleash his wisdom power in every direction. With a surge of energy, he summoned the [Fallen Angel's Wings], unfurling the majestic blackish fire feathers that shimmered with a hint of ethereal luminescence.

Ascending by flapping his wings, he gracefully took to the evening sky, traversing the vast expanse with a sense of liberation. The wind whispered through his hair as he scanned the sprawling landscape beneath, his sharp eyes eagerly searching for any sign or trace of the elusive creature ahead.

After an arduous search, Charles's perseverance paid off as he eventually stumbled upon a majestic sight amidst the expansive wilderness. While dominating the landscape, a colossal, four-meter-tall creature stood resolute on two powerful legs. Its muscular physique exuded an aura of primal strength, commanding attention and instilling a sense of awe.

Atop its broad shoulders rested a head reminiscent of a mighty bull, adorned with two formidable horns curved menacingly into the sky. The horns, gleaming with an eerie luster, bore witness to countless battles and spoke volumes of the creature's indomitable spirit. Eyes, burning with an intense, fiery crimson, pierced through the darkness, radiating an unsettling aura of malevolence.

The creature's body was enveloped in thick, coarse fur, a dark shroud that cloaked its immense form in an air of savage grandeur. Its sinewy, sinew-streaked limbs showcased tremendous power, each culminating in hooves that could shatter the ground beneath them. Its skin, a testament to its formidable nature, possessed a hue akin to weathered brown yet had the hardness and resilience of a diamond, serving as an impervious armor against would-be assailants.

While grasped firmly in its mighty hands, the creature wielded a peculiar metallic axe, its blade glinting ominously under the sun's rays.

"Another Legend Rank Magical Beast?" Charles's face stiffened. 

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