
Chapter 634 Unyielding Will

Chapter 634: Unyielding Will

It was at this crucial moment that Charles, descending slowly from the sky, landed before the entrance of the rocky cavern. With a calm and determined demeanor, he raised his hand and conjured multiple balls of fire, hurling them into the cavern's depths.

In response, a furious roar erupted from the darkest recesses of the cavern, accompanied by a resounding thud reverberating throughout the area. The Minotaur was enraged by Charles' actions and swiftly emerged from the cavern's mouth, clutching its formidable metallic axe tightly in its hand.

Before long, the Minotaur reached the entrance of the rocky cavern, raising its axe high in the air as it charged toward Charles with unrestrained fury. Although its footsteps became unsteady, it didn't show any sign of stopping and ran madly.

Recognizing the threat before him, Charles hesitated to directly face the Minotaur's attack, even considering its weakened state. Instead, he swiftly turned on his heels and started running towards the vast wilderness. With nimble agility, he darted through dense woods, skillfully evading poisonous vines and swaying tree branches while maintaining his trajectory toward the location of their earlier battle.

In contrast, the Minotaur grew increasingly incensed and relentlessly pursued Charles.

After a brief time, Charles finally reached the area where the intense battle had previously transpired. With unwavering composure, he turned around, his gaze fixed upon the formidable figure of the Minotaur looming before him.

With a swift and practiced motion, Charles drew the Moonfire Scimitar from its sheath, its gleaming blade reflecting the ambient light. He then wasted no time as he made a snap, casting the [Rebirth Domain] spell.

In the blink of an eye, a surge of dense fire-elemental energy radiated from Charles, engulfing the entire vicinity in a fiery crimson blaze. The flames licked hungrily at the nearby trees, causing them to catch fire and burn with intense heat. Even the scattered rocks strewn about seemed to transform into glowing embers, adding to the blazing spectacle.

Caught off guard by the sudden inferno that enveloped its surroundings, the Minotaur instinctively slowed its relentless stride. Its bloodshot eyes fixated on Charles, a mixture of surprise, confusion, and fury reflecting within them.

However, before the Minotaur fully comprehended the situation, Charles vanished from his previous position, seemingly dissolving into thin air. In the next millisecond, he reappeared near the beast, closing the distance with unparalleled speed.

Utilizing his remarkable agility and honed swordsmanship, Charles infused his Scimitar with an intermediate sword aura. With a swift leap, he propelled himself toward the Minotaur's face, his blade poised for a devastating strike. In a fluid motion, the razor-sharp edge of the aura-coated Scimitar sliced through the air, aiming directly at the creature's neck.

While the strike was not deep enough to cause a mortal wound, it managed to cleave through the Minotaur's tough tissues, even grazing the outer layer of its blood vessels. A sharp pang of pain reverberated through the beast's left side neck, eliciting a guttural roar of anguish.

Just as the Minotaur registered the searing pain, Charles's figure abruptly vanished from its immediate vicinity. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared behind the creature, strategically repositioning himself for the next phase of their confrontation.

In a display of extraordinary power, hundreds of minuscule needles materialized before Charles, each composed of pure chaotic fire. With calculated precision, the needles embarked on a swift trajectory, converging towards the already wounded left-side neck of the Minotaur. Like a swarm of relentless insects, they closed in, their fiery tips poised for impact.

Taking advantage of the distraction caused by the Ember Needles, Charles seized the opportunity to launch another swift slash at the Minotaur's back. As his blade cleaved through the air, the Ember Needle spells found their mark, landing on the creature's vulnerable wounds one by one. The chaotic fire enveloped the Minotaur's entire face in an instant, intensifying its pain and confusion.

Overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught, the Minotaur reeled, unable to react effectively as multiple wounds appeared across its body in rapid succession. In a mere span of two seconds, its once-mighty form became a canvas of lacerations.

Empowered by the Rebirth Domain, Charles moved with astonishing speed, twenty times faster than the Minotaur. He relentlessly targeted the creature's weak points, launching a barrage of attacks. Though the wounds he inflicted were largely superficial, blood sprayed forth from the Minotaur's body, staining the ground with its life force.

As ten seconds passed, the Minotaur's entire being took on a reddish hue, its flesh marred by countless blade wounds. Sensing the gravity of the situation, the Minotaur resorted to its 'Skin Hardening' skill, seeking to envelop its body with a protective reddish chaotic aura.

However, Charles's relentless assault proved too much for the creature's defense. He continued to target the wounded areas, slicing deeper and exacerbating the Minotaur's agony. Despite the beast's desperate attempt to retaliate by wildly attacking its surroundings, Charles remained unscathed, skillfully evading each strike with his [Faceless Eye] skill. Predicting the Minotaur's movements with utmost clarity, he danced effortlessly around the beast's fearsome metallic axe.

As two minutes elapsed, Charles's relentless onslaught bore fruit. He successfully severed the Minotaur's lower limb tendons, causing the creature to teeter on the brink of losing its balance. Yet, to his astonishment, the Minotaur displayed an indomitable will, refusing to yield. Even as its body was skinned and torn in various places, it remained standing, clutching its axe in its right hand and steadfastly guarding its heart and head.

Undeterred by the Minotaur's unwavering resolve, Charles intensified his assault. With each passing second, his attacks grew more ruthless and severe. Fueled by a newfound focus, he cast the [Purple Consciousness] spell to invade the beast's mind, further destabilizing its already wavering defenses.

As Charles delved deeper into the Minotaur's mind, utilizing the potent influence of his [Purple Consciousness] spell, he aimed to erase the creature's memories with remarkable efficiency. However, to his surprise, he discovered that the Minotaur did not rely on its memories as a foundation for its actions. Instead, it operated purely on instinct, driven by an innate primal nature that superseded the need for recollections.

This revelation left Charles both intrigued and perplexed. The Minotaur seemed devoid of intricate battle tactics or strategic maneuvers, relying solely on its formidable bloodline skills. Despite Charles's relentless assault on its memories, he couldn't shake the feeling that the creature before him remained unchanged.

This realization instilled in Charles a sense of respect for the Minotaur's primal nature. Despite the erosion of its memories, the beast's innate abilities and sheer determination shone through, demonstrating an unyielding spirit that transcended the confines of mere recollections.

By the end of five minutes, the Minotaur's severed tendons and damaged nerves left it unable to maintain its balance. Reluctantly, it knelt upon the ground, its once-mighty form reduced to a broken and bloodied testament to its unwavering determination. Yet, even in its weakened state, a continuous growl echoed from its mouth, a haunting reminder of the primal fury that still resided within.

Simultaneously, the effects of the Rebirth Domain spell dissipated, causing the flames that had once engulfed the surroundings to recede into nothingness. Charles, cautious and aware of the lingering danger, cautiously retreated from the Minotaur's presence, maintaining a watchful eye on the seemingly defeated creature.

"GRRRRRRRRR!" Letting out a furious growl that resonated with primal rage, Minotaur slowly shifted its gaze towards Charles, a glimmer of defiance flickering in its eyes. Despite the severity of its damaged nerves and tendons, the Minotaur made a valiant effort to grip its beloved weapon, its favored metallic axe.

However, the extent of its injuries proved insurmountable. Tremors coursed through its weakened limbs, rendering its grasp feeble and unsteady. Frustration etched upon its rugged features, the Minotaur's resolve remained unbroken. It unleashed a surge of pure chaotic energy from its heart, enveloping its entire body in a swirling vortex of power. With renewed determination, it tightened its grip on the axe, employing it as a crutch to support its faltering form as it rose from its kneeling position.

Once again, the Minotaur crouched, readying itself for another berserk assault. However, the creature's movements lacked its former agility and finesse. Its actions now appeared sluggish and predictable, starkly contrasting to the relentless speed it had exhibited earlier.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the Minotaur's diminished agility, Charles effortlessly evaded its axe attack with calm and calculated movements. With a composed demeanor, he raised his hand and summoned a crimson cloud high into the sky. Within seconds, the once-serene atmosphere transformed as giant fireballs, each measuring a meter in diameter, rained down from the crimson clouds, resembling celestial meteorites descending upon the battlefield. The surrounding landscape was bathed in the searing heat of the inferno.

Simultaneously, Charles unleashed a barrage of spells. Hundreds of Ember Needles materialized, converging upon the Minotaur from all directions, their fiery tips poised for impact. The Finger of Destruction spell joined the onslaught, its destructive force aimed at exploiting any weakness in the nearly defeated creature.

For the next fifteen minutes, Charles unleashed an unremitting assault upon the Minotaur, channeling all his remaining energy and power into each strike. His spells and attacks relentlessly assailed the beast from all angles, driving it to the brink of collapse.

Finally, an opportunity presented itself—a fleeting opening in the Minotaur's defenses. Charles, his focus unwavering, seized the moment and pierced through the creature's heart with a precision strike. Agonized cries reverberated from the Minotaur's mouth as it relinquished its grip on the metallic axe, its hand instinctively covering the grievous wound that now marred its chest. Like a drunken figure stumbling in disarray, the Minotaur faltered, its strength ebbing away.

Exploiting the vulnerable state of the Minotaur, Charles summoned yet another round of spells. His attacks now focused on the creature's head, relentlessly assaulting it from all directions.

Following the relentless onslaught of Charles' final round of attacks, the indomitable Minotaur, once the epitome of raw power, gradually sank to its knees. Bloodshot eyes, clouded with pain and defiance, gazed out into the chaotic battlefield. With an air of resignation, the creature's massive frame descended to the bloodied ground, every movement accentuated by a resounding thud that echoed through the air.

Though weakened and ravaged by countless wounds, the Minotaur valiantly clung to its fading life force. Its labored breathing punctuated the silence, each inhalation becoming more arduous than the last. Time seemed to stand still as the beast grappled with its mortality, fighting against the inevitable.

Yet, as its strength waned and its life force dwindled, the Minotaur's final moments arrived. With one last exhalation, it released its final breath.

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