
Chapter 161 Where It All Begins (7)

"What?" For a moment, Lucius forgot about the situation that he was in.

~It knows... It knows I'm not from here?~ he thought to himself. The answers he had been looking for could be standing right in front of him... but in the form of death. How ironic.

'Run. Get away. Run.' There it was again. The strange voice in his head. No, this wasn't a voice. It was a feeling. His connection to the forest, his earth sense, it was telling him to get away.

~Is the necromancer really that out of my grasp? No, I know he is. This was a suicide mission to begin with... A suicide mission, how many times have I been in one of those,~ Lucius thought to himself.

~Pagan's moon's wrath should've alerted the forest creatures by now, they should be on their way,~ Lucius thought

"In fact, I've never felt something quite like you. You're... foreign," the necromancer said, interrupting Lucius's train of thought. "So answer me. What are you?"

"If I was foreign, where else would I come from?" Lucius asked. He wanted answers, but he wasn't very well just going to reveal that he was from another world.

"My curiosity is not so deep to be played with," the creature said before pointing a finger at Lucius.

"Death's grasp," it whispered,

"Solar field," Lucius shot back as if by reflex.

The near ethereal solar shield lit up as the necromancer's spell made impact with it. It held on for but a second before bursting into nothing.

His mind was reaching dangerous levels of overheat, it was as if his were brain melting. It felt like it were nothing but a soup mixture at this point.

[User is in critical condition. Force shut down commencing...]

~Don't you fucking dare. Don't you fucking do it,~ Lucius screamed within his mind, as he could feel his motor functions being turned off one after the other.

[Canceling Force shut down...]

"A shield spell? That would require an index... how interesting. A third-tier creature with a magic index," the necromancer babbled to itself.

Lucius took this chance to try and attack, however, the minute he tried to use Elmando, he blacked out for a moment.

"Sadly, it seems that shield spell requires rena. I suppose even anomalies at this level will be crude at best," the necromancer said almost whimsically. Its demeanor and actions were confusing. Lucius understood, that to a being of this nature, concepts such as evil, were but a matter of mood.

"However, I can't entertain any more damage to your rena centers. I will retrieve the information I require once you have been reanimated," the necromancer continued, before pointing a finger at Lucius.

"Squeeze," it chanted.

"Solar field," Lucius shot back, however, he was met with a head-splitting headache that knocked him out for a moment.

He woke up to hell.

His innards felt like they had imploded, and were nothing more than mush.

[External forces have breached the user's body. Attempting to expel...]

[Expulsion not possible. User lacks resistance to external force...]

[Analyzing external force...]

~What the hell was that,~ Lucius thought to himself, warm liquid flowing out of his eyes and mouth. He was on the floor now, unable to move a single fiber of his being.

His vision had gone entirely, and if not for the fact that he had earth sense, he wouldn't be able to tell that the necromancer was approaching him.

"I hope that didn't destroy the core. It'd be a waste of research material," the necromancer whispered to itself, before picking Lucius's head off the floor.

Its touch felt draining, as if all his energy were being devoured by the second.

"Now, let's get a look at you... my little anomaly," the necromancer said, before digging its finger into Lucius's head.

[System has detected a foreign presence attempting to breach.]

"Sa-sa-satelite beam," Lucius stuttered, however, his crux had already been dissipated. And the remaining auxiliary crux was nothing more than decoration without the primary.

"Still alive? Fascinating. Even if this vessel I'm using is only an echo, for this creature to survive my spells like this," the necromancer whispered, before pointing its finger at Lucius once again.

"Sto-stop blab-bl,"

"Begging for mercy? I do love when they beg for mercy" the necromancer asked, pulling Lucius up by his horns before bringing him close to its ear holes.


"Speak clearly," it said in an annoyed tone.

"S-stop blabbering," Lucius groaned, before spitting on the necromancer's face.

"I see," the necromancer whispered, before pointing its finger at Lucius's arm.

"Death's grasp," it chanted, and Lucius's arm went limp.

At this point, his mind began to wander. Consciousness was nothing more than a memory now. His time in this world had come to an end. Perhaps he would reincarnate again. Maybe this time as something a little better than a plant.


"Why are we still standing around here? Everyone saw the moon's wrath did they not?" a chameleon creature shouted, standing in front of a council of other chameleon creatures.

"We still do not know what that was. It could've been a natural occurrence," another chameleon creature replied.

"A natural moon's wrath but a day after the first? Am I the only one with any sense of thought?" the first creature asked, looking at its fellow brethren.

As everyone debated back and forth, the king sat quietly on top of his throne, watching all of them in a bored manner.

"Shaviki, what are you getting at here? Are you telling us to believe that Havon has come down to help us in this battle?" the king interrupted, tired of the blabbering of his council members.

"My lord, I do not claim that the creature that spoke to the guards was indeed the true Havon. However, we cannot deny the facts. Scouts have reported that the enemy's border guard is in disarray, and a moon's wrath was let off. It's too much of a coincidence," Shaviki, replied, looking towards his lord with expectant eyes.

"My lord, I urge you not to fall for this madness. Shaviki is young, as your head advisor, I vote against this," another, older chameleon creature replied.

"As do I," another replied, looking towards the king. These words repeated like an echo as all but four abstained from repeating it.

"Shaviki, you understand that this clan is based on votes. As much I see potential in you, I cannot send out troops without a majority ruling," the king said, before standing up.

"This meeting is over. You may al-" the king was about to say, before a chameleon creature stormed into the room, breathing haggardly as it ran to bow before him.

"My king-" the creature said, trying to catch its breath. "It's the Zeldraves. They've advanced their armies towards the enemy camp," the creature reported. This report was met with sounds of disbelief, however, Shaviki had a wide grin on his face.

"My lord, do you still think it wise to abstain from this battle?"

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