
Chapter 166: Forming the New Hero Party (2)

First, news of the disbandment of the Order of the Golden Lion spread through the Academy.

Corruption and irregularities within the Order were cited as the reason, but this was a deception for the general public, who were unaware that the Order of the Golden Lion was a major demonic organization.

Yuri, a native of the Kingdom of Terracia, was nonchalant. Perhaps she was vaguely aware of the inner workings of the Order of the Golden Lion.

As soon as Aizel heard the news, her face grew serious as she tried to figure it out.

It won’t be long before she realizes that Zagoras is dead.

Even if she did, it would be none of my business.

Even if she somehow manages to reach Bernice, the woman who killed Zagoras, she’ll have to go to her and ask her questions, and she won’t tell Aizel, who isn’t involved.

There is no problem.

It’s just a twist in the future.

Let’s hope Aizel thinks positively.

As an added bonus, the Templar leader, Terlos Okentia, is no longer an Okentia.

House Okentia has disowned him.

It may have been a mere stroke of the pen, but the news could not have been more devastating to his son, Keefe Okentia.

I’ve seen Keefe pack up his things and leave the dormitory in a daze ever since.

With graduation less than a year away, he would no longer be able to attend the Academy.

He didn’t have to leave the Academy, as the Innocence Academy stood in an independent position, unconnected to the political situation in other countries, but it seemed to be his choice, or Terlos’ choice.

In fact, Terlos and Keefe are now in a position where it wouldn’t be strange if they disappeared without a trace.

It’s no wonder they’re being sought out for complete elimination for dishonoring the family name.

It’s not uncommon for clansmen to look out for their families.

Perhaps they chose to flee.

Somewhere along the way, Yuri was contacted by her father, Xerath Clementine.

It was an obvious call for this time of year so it’s probably something to do with the First Prince.

This was all to prevent Aizel’s death, but things had changed.

Delion, or Zagoras, was dead, but that wasn’t the end of it.

Even in death, Zagoras left behind many troublesome problems.

The loss of power to keep the demons at bay and a royal castle that reeked of the foul odor of the gutter.

The Kingdom of Terracia would be plunged into chaos for a time.

A new order is being formed to replace the Order of the Golden Lion, and it will probably be made up of people who have a lot to do with the First Prince’s rise to power, not like the Order of the Golden Lion, which was led by demons.

If my predictions are correct, and the future as I know it plays out, it won’t be long before the King of Terracia dies.

The aging king will finally meet his end but before that happens, I need to intervene in the castle.

To prevent Yuri’s betrothal and breathe new life into the decaying kingdom of Terracia, I must eliminate the First Prince.

Behind the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Terracia is a warlock from none other than the Dark Order.

The Dark Order is the same one I met in the North, the one that tried to resurrect the Lich.

I had a plan in my head, a plan that would eliminate the first prince and allow the second prince to be recognized as the true king.

It wasn’t an impossible plan, if I could capitalize on the chaos that had descended upon the Kingdom of Terracia in the present time.

I had the ingredients to make this impossible plan possible.

Jorgal, the demon that brought chaos to the kingdom, dies at the hands of two brave princes.

It’s a pretty good picture, but…

‘…I’m not good at playing villains.’

Just as I was thinking that, I heard a young girl’s voice next to me, shaking me out of my thoughts.

“Hey, big brother, what are you planning to do that makes you smile so slyly?”

I turn to see Rei with her mouth hanging open, staring at me.

“Was I laughing?”

“You were smiling, slyly.”

“It was the smile of a villain, Mr. Zetto, the kind of smile that makes a hero’s friends and lovers weigh him down.”

Rei affirmed again, and Geppeti nodded.

“What else can you be so detailed about?”

“It’s the only thing I’ve learned.”

I smiled weakly, catching Rei and Geppeti’s eyes as they whispered.

Rei, Geppeti, and Sierra clinging to my back.

Oh, and let’s not forget Sheddie in Rei’s arms.

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a family outing like this.

When Bernice’s work with the Inquisition is complete, we finally meet.

This meeting was in the aftermath of Zagoras death, but also an introduction.

The gathering was organized by none other than Anthony, who had rented out an entire restaurant.

‘He must have made a fortune already.’

One could only guess his wealth from the luxurious decorations in the carriage.

Currently, we were traveling to the venue in a carriage arranged by Anthony’s merchants.

“Really, you caught him and killed him?”

“No, I didn’t kill him but I wanted to kill him.”

“That’s frustrating, that bat guy…”

“That’s what heroes are for, isn’t it? That’s the cool part.”

“Then I’d be cooler if I didn’t kill the demon…?!”

“That would be…different.”

Leaving Rei and Geppeti, who seemed to be having an interesting discussion.

“So why didn’t you ask her if she was wearing underwear or not?”

“Well, I can’t see if she’s wearing them or not anyway, right?”

“Hmm… I don’t like that.”

Just when I was making light conversation with Sierra.


The carriage’s wheels screeched to a halt and Rei was the first one out of the carriage.


As soon as it stopped, Rei stood up and quickly opened the door and ran out.

The carriage must have been quite stuffy.


I heard Rei exclaim as I was getting out of the carriage.

The exclamation was well deserved.

I got out of the carriage and took in the building in front of us.

‘…I heard it was a restaurant.’

It was a large mansion with a garden that looked like it could host a party for some rich nobleman.

“It’s grand, but… Where’s the dining room?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m hungry. We didn’t eat lunch just because we could get something nice to eat.”

We stepped out of the carriage and into a huge garden.

Instead of walking aimlessly, I made my way toward the man standing in the garden.

Soon, the man standing at the fountain in the center of the garden spotted us.

“There you are!”

He exclaims, waving his hand, but then withdraws it, looking between his hand and my eyes.

I walk over to him, coughing, and greet him with a warm smile.

“Anthony, it’s been a long time.”

“Oh… I don’t know if I should call you Mr. Acupuncturist or Mr. Zetto. It’s been a while.”

“Haha, no need for titles.”

“No. You’re my daughter’s lifesaver, so I can’t not honor you. More importantly, these children…must be Mr. Zetto’s younger sisters.”

Anthony shook my hand and looked at Rei and Geppeti. Sierra was there, but of course he didn’t see her.

“I apologize for the delay in introducing them, but they’re Rei and Geppeti.”

They both bow in response to my introduction.

“Haha, Ms. Rei must be about the same age as my Emilia.”

“Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to introduce them sometime.”

“Haha, Emilia’s been obsessed with swords lately, so I’m sure she’d like them.”

“That’s good, because my Rei is also very interested in swords.”

As I said that, I looked at Rei.

Rei glances at me cautiously, like she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.

Well, I’m not wrong since she’s a reincarnated hero.

“Let’s go inside, the saint is waiting for us.”

We follow Anthony’s lead into the garden.

“I’m sure it’s a restaurant, but with all those fragrant flowers… I don’t think it’s a typical restaurant.”

After a brief sniffle, Anthony smiles at my question.

“I’m hosting some dignitaries, and I’m not satisfied with an ordinary restaurant… so I rented out the entire banquet hall in the neighborhood.”

How can a banquet hall be a restaurant?

It’s amazing.

“…Thank you for your concern.”

“Haha, maybe the banquet hall was too much.”

Anthony smiles broadly at my shaky voice.

We walk through the garden and approach the main entrance of the banquet hall, and when Anthony nods faintly, the staff of the Chamber of Commerce standing in front of the door opens it for us.

“At least the food is ready.”

Anthony walks in first and leads the way.

“Smells delicious…!”

Rei exclaims as she enters the banquet hall.

“I’m going to retire now, please enjoy yourselves.”

“Thank you for showing us around.”

Neat entrance and exit, Anthony.

He could have joined in the fun…The thought crossed my mind, but I couldn’t help but realize that the conversation around the table today would be anything but mundane.

In the center of the empty ballroom, where there was not a single unfamiliar face in sight, soft music was playing.

They even had a band.

Anthony was a good organizer in many ways.

I walked forward and soon I heard Bernice’s voice.

“Zetto, over here.”

Bernice descends the stairs from the second floor.


I bowed my head in greeting.

“Next to you are…?”

Bernice trailed off, and I looked up to see her face.

Her eyes took in Sierra, Geppeti, and Rei, who had followed me.

Then Rei pointed a finger at Bernice.

“The saint?”

“Yes, I am the saint, but…”

“I am the hero.”


Bernice tilted her head and her face was filled with question marks.

Rei also tilted her head in response.

This was the first meeting between the hero and the saint.


Zetto explained, step by step, about the people he’d brought with him.

He didn’t have to bring Geppeti, but he felt it was best to tell her all at once.

First was Sierra.

When Bernice spotted her, she immediately recognized her.

She was Zetto’s teacher that she had previously seen in the Coliseum during the Academy’s public classes.

‘I didn’t realize he had a teacher or that she was dead…’

Bernice thought.

The source of the ominous aura emanating from Zetto’s sword was now clear.

A Spectral Sword.

She wondered what he was thinking by carrying such a dangerous weapon, but it did make sense that the spirit within it was his teacher.

Purple Moon Sierra.

Bernice was of a generation that might not have known her, but she remembered being told the name by the teacher who had once taught her the divine martial arts.

“You must be Purple Moon. It is an honor to meet you.”


Ecline and Inés watched as Bernice shook hands with Sierra, their eyes narrowing.

“Captain, what do you see?”

“I can sense a vague aura, but…”

Bernice couldn’t possibly be lying, so of course they believed her, but they couldn’t help but notice how odd she looked as she waved her hands in the air.

After Sierra’s introduction, it was time for the long-awaited reincarnated hero.

Inés, Ecline, and Bernice were the only ones present so Zetto, whom everyone had deemed trustworthy, spoke up.

“I saved her by accident right before the demons killed her. I don’t know if the information had already gotten out or not, but it was definitely an attack targeting the hero. Well, for that reason, for safety’s sake, I took her to the academy now under the guise of being my sister.”


Something of a rambling explanation passed, and Ecline and Ines looked at Bernice to see if it was true.

Bernice spoke up.

“Maybe it’s normal to have memories from before reincarnation.”

Bernice didn’t seem to mind Zetto’s words.

She didn’t see anything false in his explanation.

“I don’t know about that.”


At this, Rei shows signs of discomfort.

It was an admission that Leon, the hero, had turned into Rei, the girl.

“Anyway, I am the hero.”

Rei nodded in agreement.

“She is the hero.”

Bernice explains to Inés and Ecline that the little maiden is the reincarnated hero.

Inés and Ecline don’t believe it, but if Bernice says so, they can’t help but believe it.

Soon, Rei speaks up.

“Saint…I have a question.”

“What is it, hero?”

Then, with a serious look in his eyes, Rei points at Bernice.

‘I wonder what she’s going to ask.’

“Why does the saint wears such lascivious clothing…?”

Rei says and points to Bernice’s dress.

She wore a snow-white dress that showed off her side breasts.

It was a dress that gave off a strange aura, as if it was revealing or not.

At Rei’s question, Sierra squeezed her eyes shut and nodded, as if he was right.

[I’ve always wondered why the Saint dressed like that.]

Bernice frowns at this.

“I don’t think you should be saying that.”

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