
Chapter 119 - Lili

The first group consisted of almost four hundred people and was formed by all the survivors regardless of whether they were workers or non-workers. Seated at several tables in the area that had been designated as a restaurant in the past, the group was currently eating their respective dinners with enthusiasm.

However, although those who were unwilling to work and those who did work were together, the differences were obvious if one looked at their bowls. While the leeches or parasites had a bowl filled with white rice, those who did any kind of logistical work enjoyed rice, vegetables, and even a small piece of fresh meat.

This was the main rule of the group. Those who did not want to work would definitely not starve, but they also had no right to complain and could only eat 3 bowls of white rice or gruel a day with an extra steamed bun at breakfast and in the evening.

Even if some were unhappy, they knew that complaining would not bring anything good. Today a dozen people had been killed by Bai Zemin and his subordinates so obviously it was better not to provoke them; moreover, seeing how some female students who were rescued from the female dormitory after almost a week of starvation ate with delighted expressions the white rice which they abhorred, some smarter ones realized that perhaps they were more privileged than they thought.

On the other hand, the second group was far smaller and consisted of just over ten people.

In the living room of the hotel, separated by a double door from the restaurant, was a large wooden table that had been moved to the center of the room. On the table were all kinds of delicious dishes; fried evolved beast meat, vegetable and meat soup, rice, noodles with different sauces, sautéed vegetables, baked fish, there were even five big bottles of soda for everyone to help themselves at will.

The difference between what this group of people ate and the food of those outside the hall was so great that there was no comparison to begin with.

Sitting at the head end of the table, Bai Zemin looked at the people present one by one; Shangguan Bing Xue, Chen He, Wu Yijun, Fu Xuefeng, Cai Jingyi, Zhong De, Kang Lan, even Gao Min, Fan Wu, and Li Na were present.

Although the latter three had no right to be present, because they were good friends with Shangguan Bing Xue and Wu Yijun, no one said anything about it. After all, it was natural that as leaders they had privileges and bringing a couple more people was not a problem considering their current rations.

For example, if Bai Zemin wanted to bring a couple of friends for dinner here, no one would say anything about it since it was his right as someone who fought at the front and as the group's main fighter.

"I'd like to hear what opinion you have about the information we got today from the mouths of those road thieves." Bai Zemin finally broke the silence, initiating tonight's main topic.

"I think we should try to communicate with them somehow and cooperate." Chen He proposed in a serious voice, "I'm sure if we show the strength of our group those guys who call themselves four big bosses will have to change their attitude toward the survivors."

"Chen He, are you crazy?" Wu Yijun looked at him in shock and shook her head without hesitation, "Those men abused several women as far as we know until now and have even killed innocents just because of the slightest disturbance or discomfort. How can we cooperate with people like that?"

Cai Jingyi also shook her head and disagreed with his proposal, "Not only that... Today we killed several militants of the Four Big Bosses Camp group. I don't think they will take the matter casually."

Hearing the reasoning of the two women, Chen He became silent and fell into deep contemplation as he somehow realized that the passive and friendly encounter he wanted would not work so easily.

Finally, Shangguan Bing Xue also expressed her opinion: "I think we should sneak in... Pass ourselves off as normal survivors and study the place before deciding what to do."

Kang Lan nodded in agreement and pointed out, "Although our group is strong, we can't forget that they have over fifty men armed with modern firearms while we only have five Type 54 pistols with less than forty rounds of ammunition in total. It would be better to be a little cautious to prevent major problems."

Bai Zemin tapped his finger on the table softly as he fell into deep contemplation before looking at the person standing behind him as if she were his personal servant.

"What does it look like to you, Lili?"

Everyone's strange gaze fell on the woman of seemingly average appearance but with a bombshell body that could not be hidden by her baggy dress.

This person was, of course, Lilith. She had suppressed her charm as much as possible and her beautiful face had been changed to that of a slightly above average woman before showing herself to everyone.

The explanation was simple and Bai Zemin said that she was a solitary survivor who had hidden herself in the hotel's storeroom, where there were a few food reserves. However, everyone found the closeness with which the two acted very strange considering that they had only met a few hours before.

Still, no one mentioned anything about it and no further questions were asked despite the suspicion.

Although Lilith had the appearance of an average European woman, her charming aura as a Higher Existence could not be completely suppressed. Therefore, no matter whether it was Chen He or any other male survivor, everyone secretly stole glances at her.

"Before I answer your question, may I know if you, master, intends to take control of the Four Big Bosses Camp or simply try to cooperate with the three leaders?" Lilith, who was currently acting as a survivor named Lili, asked in a respectful voice.

Bai Zemin almost choked while drinking a glass of sprite when he heard the way she referred to him. The others couldn't help but give him strange looks and Shangguan Bing Xue looked at him as if he was a pervert.

Secretly gritting his teeth and ignoring the strange looks he was receiving, he replied in a normal voice, "I want to take control of the entire camp. From firearms to supplies and survivors. Everything!"

Everyone's face changed slightly, the exception being Wu Yijun and Shangguan Bing Xue, who had a look that suggested saying, "It turned out that way in the end."

On the other hand, Fu Xuefeng and Zhong De looked at each other and could not help but smile while sighing in relief. Since Bai Zemin decided to conquer the place, once he tasted the feeling of ruling it was highly implausible that he would surrender to the old Chinese government.

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