
Chapter 294 - Night Training In Bed? Or In The Forest?

After dinner, they each returned to their own room.

One thing that seemed slightly peculiar to Bai Zemin was that just before Shangguan Bing Xue walked into her room, she looked at him for a second or two before disappearing behind the wooden door.

However, after he thought better of it he realized the reason why she looked at him and could not help but secretly force a bitter smile.

When he went into his room, what greeted Bai Zemin was a sight capable of driving any man mad with lust.... No, probably any living being.

The most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life was dressed in a blood-red babydoll-style night camisole that left little to the imagination. Fortunately or unfortunately, the style chosen was one of those that covered the woman's abdomen and private part, or else it would be hard for him to resist the temptation to jump over her.

"Lilith, you..." Bai Zemin really didn't know what to do with her, and in the end, he couldn't help but sigh.

"What, you don't want to sleep with me anymore?" Lilith made a cute pout that emphasized her hot lips and jumped lightly on the box spring bed, making her body bounce gently as her plentiful assets moved up and down following the movement of the mattress.

With such a view, what man wouldn't want to sleep with such a woman?

However, Bai Zemin shook his head and said serenely, "I won't be sleeping here tonight."

"Oh?" Lilith looked at him in confusion and stopped playing. She asked puzzled, "Then what do you plan to do?"

"Training" Bai Zemin answered concisely as he walked to the dressing room inside the bedroom to get his armor.

"Training?" Lilith inquired as she tilted her head slightly to the side in an extremely tender manner, causing her long dark hair to flow over the white bed sheets making a strong contrast between black and white.

Bai Zemin began to put on the armor as he calmly replied, "I want to practice fighting with the skill Gravity Manipulation while taking the opportunity to absorb Soul Power from other beings."

"Mmm... I see." Lilith raised her head to look at the lamp that released a faint white light and thought aloud, "Even though you have studied that Lower Existence called.... I don't remember it. In any case, even though you know how the skill works, it's different to use it in combat."

"That's right." Bai Zemin nodded, finally finishing dressing his full body armor. He turned and looked at her as he said with a slight smile on his face, "You could say that I currently have the theory but I still lack field experience."

Lilith nodded and said with an extremely serious expression, "You're right. Basically, it's the same as in the bedroom. You may know what sex is and a lot of ideas on how to do it, but it's completely different when you're with a woman in bed... How about a quick training session?"

"Ugh..." Bai Zemin grunted as he looked at the wonderful body before him and a fire began to ignite in his crotch.

He was a completely healthy young adult after all. It took practically all of his willpower not to rush at her right then and there.

"I'm leaving."

After saying those words, he walked to the open window and jumped out silently. In just a matter of seconds, he disappeared into the darkness slightly illuminated by the headlights at the edge of the street but even his shadow was barely visible for a split second before vanishing without a trace.

"Oh, what a stingy man," Lilith muttered to herself and stood up. "If it wasn't for his heated look I would have even begun to think that either he really is gay or my charm began to fade with the passage of time."

After those words, Lilith waved her hand gently in the air and turned her body gracefully. A moment later, the seductive sleep dress disappeared from her body and was replaced by her distinctive jet black dress that covered practically most of her body but highlighted every curve to perfection.

A second later, she disappeared from the room, leaving behind her unique fragrance floating in the air.

* * *

This particular night was more frightening than many other nights.

This was because there were so many dark clouds in the sky, partially covering the silver moonlight that struggled to illuminate the world in chaos. The beautiful stars were completely obscured by the dense clouds that hovered in the atmosphere as if to indicate that a storm might begin to hit the earth at any moment.

The wind howled with enough vigor to shake the tops of those huge trees that reached altitudes of several hundred meters, transforming the desolate forests into terrifying places that no sane human being would go near.

While the sound of leaves hitting leaves and branches hitting branches broke the natural silence, the mighty roar of some terrifying beast hidden in the deep parts of this savage land echoed loudly throughout as if it wanted to shake the whole sky itself. Whenever this happened, some weaker beasts that could only maintain their existence in the outer perimeter of the forest would roar softly as they bowed their heads to express submission and good behavior as a form of response.


A slight breeze other than the natural air current altered the wind flow in a certain area of the forest and some weak beasts hurriedly glanced at the surroundings while growling menacingly. However, not sensing anything, they returned to their inactive state walking around their controlled areas.

" Truly can't see a hell in here." Bai Zemin grumbled under his breath as he moved deeper and deeper into the forest.

"The moonlight is partially covered by the clouds, so it's very difficult for its weakened light to penetrate through the large treetops of the densely populated areas." Lilith appeared at his side, walking gracefully and naturally swinging her small waist invitingly.

Even if Bai Zemin was a powerful soul evolver near level 50, he did not possess a skill that gave him superior eyesight in the dark similar to night vision. Therefore, he himself could not see beyond twenty meters in front of him or his surroundings.

Going into a forest overpopulated by evolved beasts in the middle of such a dark night the way Bai Zemin was doing at the moment was no different from going and knocking on the gates of hell of his own volition. However, his expression was calm and his indifferent eyes glittered bloodcurdlingly as the moonshine rays reached his face.

Although the dangers were naturally high, Bai Zemin decided to take a chance and take advantage of the night to hunt. After all, most beasts only moved during the night because they were well aware of their superiority in such environments. Therefore, he decided to try hunting some First Order beasts while training his own skills.

After about ten minutes of charging into the forest at a speed neither too fast nor too slow, Bai Zemin suddenly looked to the northwest.

"I found one." He muttered before changing direction.

His speed almost completely exploded and the ground beneath his feet cracked in the next instant because even for him it was not easy to control such an instantaneous burst of explosive power.

A blue-scaled snake about fifty meters long was lying on a large tree. The snake was coiled around a thick branch and as it camouflaged itself with the leaves taking advantage of the darkness of the night, its shadowy yellow eyes seemed to glow fluorescently as it gazed at a white mouse about two meters long and one meter tall.

The mutated mouse had not yet evolved to First Order so it had to be much more careful than those that had, as its life was in constant danger. After all, easy prey were always the first to be selected by the strong before being devoured; they were considered Soul Power and free evolutionary impulse.

Just as the white-furred mutated mouse walked along the bottom of a huge tree, its fur stood on end and its red eyes quivered with fear. The mutated rodent felt mortal danger and hastily dug its sharp claws into the earth beneath its feet in an attempt to use a great leap and take advantage of that momentum to flee in a hurry.

However, before the mutated mouse could move, a putrid smell filled the air followed by a dense dark fog surrounding the entire fifty feet around the tree.

The thick trunk of the tree began to turn black and crackle as if it would fall over at any moment while the leaves previously bursting with lively green suddenly withered, turning black and falling to the ground in several broken fragments.

The grass withered at a speed visible to the naked eye and the mouse squealed horribly as it felt its skin being corroded. The beast let out a second screech of pain as it ran forward in an attempt to get out of the area of effect while doing its best to endure the pain and fear that consumed it.

Unfortunately for the mutated rodent, when it finally crossed the fifteen-meter distance 2 seconds later, its body collapsed lifelessly and rolled a couple of times before coming to a complete stop. Its lustrous white fur was nowhere to be seen anymore and the flesh of its body had turned almost completely black with pus-filled blood running down its body and staining the ground at the same time as an overwhelmingly foul rotting smell filled the area.

The giant snake uncoiled its body and let itself fall to the ground with a bang that raised a huge cloud of dust before moving cautiously towards the mutated mouse's body. Seeing that its prey had fallen, the blue-scaled snake hissed with its tongue once before lowering its head to begin feasting.

Not only had the snake absorbed the mutated mouse's Soul Power, but it also became slightly more powerful by eating the flesh of its prey. This mouse was not the first one tonight; the snake had already slaughtered more than twenty smaller creatures and had devoured them, barely leaving the bones behind.

As the snake savored the reward of its victory, it suddenly seemed to detect something and raised its big head abruptly as it looked to the right. Its glowing eyes narrowed dangerously but a glint of wariness shone within it as it looked at the human standing only ten meters away.

Bai Zemin looked at the huge snake in front of him and couldn't help but notice that its size was about twice the size of the snakes he had encountered at the university back then. Not only were its scales more lustrous, but it also seemed to have thin spines on its tail that could be used as a lethal weapon.

"This snake must be incredibly close to breaking into the next Order. It must definitely be level 49 or 50, carrying out its breakthrough mission." He spoke seemingly to the air.

"Mmh. Looks like it." Lilith's voice, only audible to him, answered him.


The snake hissed menacingly as it opened its maw wide. The smell of rotting flesh came from its mouth large enough to devour an entire automobile with ease and the bloodstains belonging to the mutated mouse and several other creatures gave the beast an extremely savage, cruel, and bloodthirsty appearance.

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