
Chapter 399 - Plan Against The Snake Without Knowing That The Snake Is Already In Their Dens (Part 3-Last)

In the deepest part within the central area of the Baiquan Camp was where those with power and prestige lived. The truly powerful were somewhat judged by how close to the center they lived but no doubt they were all big shots with many contacts within the establishment.

Some of these privileged survivors had formed their networks from before the apocalypse while others managed to rise up in the midst of the chaos. Just like the proverb: "Whenever there is chaos, some will fall and some will rise".

Regardless of this, the closer to the center, the greater the status and power one possessed within the base. This was because right at the center of it all was the military might, the base where the war tanks, IFVs, jeeps mounted with heavy machine guns, combat trucks, off-road vehicles modified to survive in the apocalypse, etc; were stored.

In addition to the vehicles, heavy arsenal such as machine guns, sniper rifles, assault shotguns, as well as the necessary ammunition for the different types of firearms were also stored inside a large facility built using the bones of several mutant beasts so that even normal soul evolvers would have trouble breaking through the defenses of the large building.

Around the perimeter were several men armed to the teeth with professional military training but even those unarmed possessed the ability to fight against several people at the same time because apart from the rigorous training they had undergone, they were all soul evolvers as well. Even if they were only level 5 to level 10 soul evolvers, they were undoubtedly as powerful as level 15 or 20 soul evolvers with no experience in real death combat.

Even if a First Order soul evolver wanted to sneak into this area, they would definitely not be able to do so without alerting anyone ... At least, not if they were a common First Order soul evolver.


"Hey, who do you think will win the battle against that faction north of our position?" a burly soldier asked, bored.

"Is that even a question?" Another soldier chuckled and replied confidently, "Commander Jin has control of a complete arsenal. If it wasn't because we didn't have enough manpower, those two or three M3 Bradley wouldn't have been left behind in that forest and if it wasn't because of that coward dog named Fu Qigang we could have gotten even more guns and ammunition! But even then, I doubt that the other side could do more than put up a little resistance."

"... I guess so... The power of the war tanks and mortars will probably be enough to wipe out the enemy's morale." The first soldier sighed. Then he seemed to think about something and said quietly, "It seems that Sergeant Fu Qigang joined the enemy side. I overheard this information by chance when I went to take some documents to Commander Jin so don't go around opening your mouth all over the place!"

"Is that right?" The second man became serious when he heard this. He gritted his teeth and said viciously, "That dog with the surname Fu! He refused to come with us and because of his stubbornness many brothers were killed but he easily surrendered to a random gangster! If he appears in front of me on the battlefield, I swear I will be the first to pull the trigger without hesitation!"

The two men continued chatting with each other as they patrolled the area, occasionally running into another group. No one really believed that anyone would be so bold as to sneak into the most secure area of the entire base so although they were alert, they were actually quite relaxed.

Unnoticed by anyone, a black-clad silhouette flickered through the soldiers at lightning speed.

This silhouette was, of course, Fu Xuefeng. After breaking through several defensive perimeters and taking almost two hours of time, he finally managed to get here.

After arriving at the core of the base, Fu Xuefeng did not immediately move in and instead spent nearly three hours studying the enemy's movement pattern to adapt to their movements and then try to devise a charge plan.

After studying the movements of the evolved soldiers in the base, he finally found that between each group's encounter there was approximately 60 seconds difference. Simply put, Fu Xuefeng needed to close the distance between the outer part and at least the middle part in that period of time since immediately after those 60 seconds all the groups would line up with the building as the center point.

If it was in the past, when he was still just a normal college student, Fu Xuefeng definitely could not possibly have performed such a thing. In fact, he would probably be so nervous at this point that his legs would be shaking.

However, after going through a month of fierce training under the regimen set by Fu Qigang for evolved people with Chen He's help, Fu Xuefeng became very skilled. Although he was still far from reaching the level of an assassin at Evangeline's level, he would definitely be able to enter the top 10 of the best assassins in the world if this was before the apocalypse.

Of course, apart from the training he received, what helped Fu Xuefeng the most was his perfect active skills to carry out this kind of task.

When he found the perfect opportunity, he did not even hesitate for an instant and immediately rushed forward after jumping off the top of the wall he was hiding on.

Fu Xuefeng's feet had barely touched the ground when he immediately activated invisibility, Suppressed Presence, Shadow Steps. Then, like a ghost, he flashed using the few shadows in the surroundings whenever he had the opportunity to pass between the various groups of evolved soldiers.

The skill Shadow Steps was a First Order level 2 skill so it was naturally incomparable to the Second Order level 5 skill Lightning Movement. However, the advantage of the skill Shadow Steps was that in addition to making no noise at all it also increased camouflage by 15% when using stealth skills.

Several soldiers with keen senses seemed to notice something strange so their muscles tensed immediately. However, after looking around and not noticing any incidents, they simply shook their heads at the questioning looks of their teammates before continuing to patrol in silence or chatting quietly.

When Fu Xuefeng passed by two other evolver soldiers after silently breaking through the defense of more than five groups, his steps almost faltered as he heard them speaking negatively about Fu Qigang. However, he continued to move forward as his eyes flashed coldly.

'These treacherous and shameless people really don't know the meaning of the word honor.' Fu Xuefeng thought as he forcibly suppressed his rising anger.

He, like most of those in the faction under Bai Zemin, knew perfectly well that Fu Qigang's group had been cruelly betrayed and abandoned by Battalion Commander Jin Shun and the squads that made up the group. However, these people dared to bad-mouth behind his back and say such words without any shame.

Fu Xuefeng made a sidelong glance, remembering the appearance of those people. Then, he continued blinking between the different groups. When there were only about 10 seconds left to reach the time limit, he quickly jumped to a corner where there was a small shooting range where he waited for 15 more seconds with a lot of patience and nerves.

In the end, Fu Xuefeng had to stop more than four times and there was one instance where he came really close to being caught after making a small error in judgment. However, about 5 minutes later he finally managed to get inside the building.

However, rather than calling it a building, perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a huge hangar.

Fu Xuefeng's eyes sparkled as he observed the vast amount of machinery inside the hangar that easily stretched at least 500 meters long and 500 meters wide.

Box after box of ammunition, dozens of vehicles mounted with machine guns, about twenty M3 IFVs, and another ten normal IFVs. There were also several rows of weapons that were under lock and key in other rooms with several cameras capable of detecting the heat of anyone who came within a certain range.

But what frightened and surprised Fu Xuefeng the most were the thirteen giant steel beasts at the end of the hangar whose cannons pointed toward the hatch in a menacing manner.

When had he, a normal student and son of an average family, ever seen such monstrous war tanks up close? Never! Not to mention that those war tanks were his enemies even if they were now turned off!

Fu Xuefeng observed and studied the area before moving. He took out several devices from his backpack and the first thing he did was to take off the bone mask covering his face to put on a pair of infrared-vision goggles.

Fortunately, his worries proved unnecessary as there were no apparent motion detectors or invisible alarms. But this was also natural considering that 80% of the weaponry inside the arsenal Jin Shun ran out of was basically vintage equipment so it would be too strange if they had such advanced technology.

One thing that perhaps needed to be stressed was that up until now, Fu Xuefeng had kept his Invisibility skill active at almost all times. This was only possible because after successfully evolving to First Order and acquiring his Storm Assassin job the Mana consumption to maintain stealth or lightning-like movement speed skills had decreased by 20%. That was the passive skill he had obtained after evolving.

Although this passive skill was nowhere near as brutal as the Blood Will passive skill that empowered Bai Zemin greatly the more enemies he was surrounded by and even served as an enemy alert, obtaining a 20% decrease in the consumption of a certain group of skills was undoubtedly a great bonus. Not for nothing the job of Fu Xuefeng was also a rarity that few in the universe possessed.

"I'll leave you a little present before I head off to finish the task that big brother entrusted me with." Fu Xuefeng whispered softly and a devilish smile appeared on his face as he took out a small box the size of a cigarette box from his backpack.

While there were a few soldiers inside the hangar, the security was simply pitiful when compared to the danger outside. Fu Xuefeng had no trouble reaching the first of the thirteen war tanks and silently rolled across the floor until he reached the bottom.

After hiding and securing the small box at the bottom of the war tank, Fu Xuefeng emerged and continued rolling on the ground and reached the second war tank. He did the same as before and continued like this until ten of the thirteen tanks finally gained an extra unknown object at the bottom.

Fu Xuefeng's eyes flashed with a hint of regret as he stood up and looked at the large number of vehicles and the remaining three tanks. It was a pity that he only had ten of those dangerous toys with him or else the battlefield scene two days from now would surely be a lot of fun to watch.

The enemies would hardly know what hit them.

After confirming the enemy firepower, Fu Xuefeng quietly stepped out and more easily than before managed to avoid the perimeter of the evolved soldiers. But instead of leaving the core of the base completely, he charged toward one of the larger and more enlightened villages.

Surely someone important lived there.

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