
Chapter 427 - Mighty Mo Zan Goes Completely Berserk!

"L- Lord Mo Zan!"

Three teams were in the vicinity of the area where Chen He was hiding. These three teams consisting of a total of 36 men cried out as they felt their skins dry and then shrivel up as if the years were passing quickly for them. Worse yet, not even a second later their skins and flesh began to shrivel, stick to each other, and wrinkle like a nylon bag exposed to high temperatures.

When the huge fireball reached 50 meters above the ground, the screaming, wailing, and howling of terror stopped completely.... They had all turned to ashes. The 36 men were killed indiscriminately by their own ally.

Mo Zan showed no mercy in the least. His only goal was to finish off the enemy before him regardless of the consequences.... As for his "allies", he never really saw them as allies to begin with. In Mo Zan's eyes, normal humans were just ants, trash and failures of humanity that did not manage to evolve properly.

The cruel and sad reality was that even if Mo Zan had taken the lives of nearly half a hundred allied soldiers, none of the top commanders of Baiquan Camp would blame him for this if he managed to obtain the head of the enemy archer. Forget about punishment or retribution; he would probably be given rewards and benefits!

After all, ending the life of such a powerful enemy soul evolver at the expense of a few men was certainly worth it!

That was the way war was; cruel and merciless. Many times, allies were even more ruthless than the very enemies one faced.

Chen He felt as if his body had been teleported to the tenth level of hell. His leather armor was clearly not able to withstand the heat of the fireball thrown by the enemy as it quickly began to dry out and lose its luster; it was only a matter of time before the leather would either crack completely or simply turn into a flaming ball of fire, burning its wearer in the process.

"Shit!" Even he, who had received the best education possible, couldn't help but curse anxiously.

Then, he gritted his teeth and looked at a spot 200 meters away before activating his strongest life-saving skill. Chen He had intended to save this skill for later, but the current circumstances prevented him from being fussy or too arrogant about his decisions.

[Quick Shift!]


Chen He's body suddenly disappeared from the place where he was standing and appeared 200 meters away inside the room of another deserted building about to collapse. Then, without even looking back, he jumped out of the window and charged into the distance as far away as possible from the place where he was before.

Not even two seconds later...


A huge explosion with the giant fireball as its center engulfed the building where Chen He had killed the soldiers and a moment later the fireball grew instead of stopping.

The huge fireball, previously 100 meters in diameter, grew and grew bigger and bigger, engulfing the rest of the surrounding buildings and turning everything in its path into a living inferno. Rocks were incinerated and turned into lava, human bodies disappeared into oblivion and those unfortunate men who tried to get as far away as possible but failed to do so in time were turned into a pile of ashes even before the expanding fireball reached them.

It was only after the huge fireball had expanded for 300 meters that it finally seemed to reach its limit. The fiery yellow color slowly turned to orange and that orange soon became a pitifully weak red that soon disappeared leaving behind nothing but a huge crater where the earth and rocks along with the fire had turned into nothing but an intense lava hell.

Mo Zan, who was standing on the roof of a building 500 meters away, frowned deeply and a look of anger shone in his eyes. His eyes swept the battlefield ignoring the looks of shock, fear, respect, and even slight anger from the soldiers. It didn't take him more than a few moments to spot a fleeing silhouette in the distance heading in the opposite direction of his own.

His face contorted horribly, giving him the appearance of a demon instead of looking like a person.



Two huge jets of fire appeared under both of Mo Zan's feet and with a powerful bang, his body was sent flying several hundred meters into the sky in an instant. Then, he raised both hands and activated his Second Order Devouring Fire Wheel level 1 skill.

Chen He fled into the forest desperately. Although his appearance was quite miserable, nothing mattered more to him than reaching the safety of the forest. If he managed to reach that place, even if he had currently lost about 60% of his battle power after fighting for so long he was confident of giving a good fight to the soul evolver that had just appeared.

If he was in his peak condition, Chen He was sure that he could turn the enemy into a bloody mess with his arrows. But his current him was like a punctured soccer ball that was losing more and more air so it was no longer possible to do such a thing. Therefore, he needed to fight in a place that would allow him to better show off his Trapper Archer abilities.

The class Trapper Archer was a special job that Chen He had chosen from the options that the Soul Record had moved for him when he reached level 25. After much effort, he finally completed the quest he was given and managed to obtain the job.

As its name indicated, the job Trapper Archer was a class dedicated more to one's cunning and dexterity than to destructive power. However, if the holder of such a job did his or her task well, the destructive power that the job Trapper Archer could display could even surpass a job focused on pure damage! It all depended on the skill and intelligence of the carrier.

"I only have 10% Mana left." Chen He lamented at the same time as his eyes flashed with anger.

The skill he had used to escape earlier, Quick Shift, was the skill attached to a Magic grade treasure that allowed Chen He to leave a mark at a location so that the user could teleport there later. This skill was definitely amazing for saving lives, but it had two drawbacks and these were that the skill had a cooldown time of 48 hours and could only be used within a maximum distance of 1000 meters around the user.

However, the biggest drawback of this skill was that the user had to pay 10% of their total Mana to activate it. In normal times that 10% of Mana in exchange for covering such a large distance in an instant to save one's life was nothing to mention, but in Chen He's current situation what the Quick Shift skill had done was to buy him time since he did not actually manage to get out of danger completely.

Chen He felt the temperature of the place rise explosively again and as he looked behind him over his shoulder without stopping his footsteps his expression turned ugly.

"STOP RUNNING AND FIGHT!!!" Mo Zan roared from the skies.

Above his head was a fireball 60 meters in diameter and with each passing moment, the size increased more and more.

Chen He did not bother to respond and instead aimed his bow at the enemy as he continued to move away.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Three blue arrows shot out at the same time. The wind was easily pierced and the three arrows aimed with precision at the point where Mo Zan would be in the next instant as his body was currently in the middle of its descent after having risen about 300 meters high.

The first arrow was aimed at the throat, the second at the head, and the last directly at the heart. If Mo Zan was hit by these three arrows even the god of the heavens could not save him!

Unfortunately, despite Chen He's amazing skill in predicting and calculating the enemy's trajectory within a certain time limit as well as his monstrous accuracy, Mo Zan was not a level 45 soul evolver for nothing and his magic skills were nothing to scoff at either!

"It's worth nothing!" Mo Zan scoffed loudly.

The three arrows were about to hit him but when they entered the range of 30 meters away from his body they seemed to have come into contact with some kind of strange energy as they immediately exploded mid-flight.

'That bastard!' Chen He gritted his teeth and pushed his legs to the limit.

Even the energy arrows formed by mana could not withstand the heat of the huge fireball!


Chen He didn't even turn around after hearing that roar as he immediately felt the scythe of death hovering over his neck once again as the temperature grew higher and higher.

His face was extremely serious as he pulled a strange looking spear-like arrow from the quiver behind his back. Then, he put it into his Magic grade bow and shot with all his might.

The arrow flew at surprisingly high speeds, exceeding by at least five times the speed at which the huge fireball was falling from the sky. Finally, after flying 400 meters, the arrow struck hard and stuck deep into the trunk of a tree on the outer perimeter of the forest.

Chen He, who was holding a beast tendon that had been used as a string that was attached to the arrow, was also sent flying along with the power of the arrow so that his displacement increased tremendously.

Behind him, a second terrifying explosion shook the ruined city again. The nearby trees began to slowly catch fire even though the flames did not reach them, proof enough of how hot the flames launched by Mo Zan were.

Chen He seized the opportunity and hurriedly disappeared into the forest.

Mo Zan reached the outer perimeter of the forest a few seconds late and when he saw that his enemy had disappeared his expression became extremely ugly. Then, however, he laughed fiendishly and roared towards the sky:

"You little bastard, let me see if you can still hide after this!" he pointed with both palms pointing towards the sky and several magic circles appeared above his head as he laughed out loud: "All of you filthy cockroaches can burn in hell!"

"Fire Meteor!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


Several dozen basketball-sized fireballs exploded from inside the magic circles and flew into the forest.

Trees, bushes, wild plants, etc. Approximately fifty meters wide with Mo Zan as the center began to burn in the forest. The flames engulfed everything, gradually swallowing more and more wood, slowly but surely causing what seemed to be a fire capable of wiping out the entire forest to spread.


"Lord Mo Zan please stop!"


The soldiers and soul evolvers watching from afar paled completely as they witnessed the flames spread further and further. Even the expressions of those in the command center had turned lifeless upon seeing this.

"That idiot! He's gone crazy!" Bai Yong cursed loudly.

Shen Mei's face was also pale as a sheet as she said, "It's the end..."

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all who give gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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