
Chapter 478 - All Higher Existences Assemble (Part 3-Last)


In a world surrounded by beautifully decorated grasslands and gardens where rivers of crystal clear water flowed through the land while beautiful mermaids giggled innocently and played with colorful fish, a huge army of beings dressed in white robes and armors was led by a warm looking man with a handsome gentle smile on his otherworldly face.

The aura of this man's body was pure and warm like the rays of the sun in springtime. The birds that surrounded the area occasionally approached his feet and brushed their little heads with his legs as if they wanted to get his attention or as if they wanted to feel the warmth that sweetens the heart more closely.

As the white wings flapped behind their backs a golden-colored magic circle glowed on the ground covering them from everyone's sight. When the bright light disappeared, there was no one standing around.


In a world where the grass seemed scarce and there were mostly sand dunes and cracked earth, a huge castle of even more imposing and majestic appearance than the one in the old fantasy movies rose silently into the clouds.

Standing on one of the golden walls, a handsome man over ten feet tall stared into the distant horizon as a giant army waited silently behind him.

This man was not your average handsome man, his general features alone expressed danger and prestige similar to a gorgeous but fatal creature who was suppressing its own instincts.

The man did not say a single word when suddenly his body began to light up with a golden glow. Several seconds later, a western dragon with huge fleshy wings appeared in the skies and after a mighty roar flapped its powerful wings, piercing the atmosphere in an instant.

The army waiting behind the man also roared as if they were really one and after hundreds of thousands of flashes of bright lights the western and eastern dragons filled the skies before following the same course as the first man who transformed into a dragon.

In a matter of seconds, they all disappeared from the world they were in.


A world filled with fog that made it difficult to see beyond what was in front of one's eyes and where the dark clouds were so dark that the rays of light could not reach the earth, a mansion of several acres of extension illuminated with dim lights stood silently in the middle of a mutant forest where creatures abounded.

The five floors of the mansion were completely uninhabited at the moment and if one were to walk through the long corridors, one would probably feel a shiver run down one's spine at the sepulchral silence and the dim lights that were reminiscent of a horror movie. However, if one were to reach the subway, the surprise and fear would likely multiply by several folds.

Underground, in a huge hidden hall whose expanse was even greater than the natural width of the mansion on the surface, hundreds of thousands of people wrapped in cloaks gathered in front of a thin man whose appearance was partially covered by a dark cloak.

From men to women, all of them had ghostly pale faces and glowing red eyes. The long fangs that occasionally peeked out from inside their mouths added a layer of exotic charm to the natural beauty of each of them while the silence was the only thing that could be heard in the place.

The man whose face was partially covered drew a golden cup filled with blood out of thin air and slowly allowed the blood to drip onto the floor.

The cracked lines of a previously opaque magic circle were quickly filled by the blood and in a matter of seconds, the magic circle glowed with a crimson light that blinded everyone inside the subway hall.

When the crimson light disappeared, the people who were there had also vanished.


In a fiery world where it was difficult to find a foothold, oceans of magma gurgled as toxic gas rose into the sky.

Suddenly, one of the many magma oceans began to shudder ferociously before a creature over 2000 kilometers long and about half as tall exploded from within the magma and soared skyward.

The beast had its body ringed by beautiful ruby red feathers and its golden eyes were the embodiment of infinity as it seemed to contain countless stars shining within.

The beautiful beast opened its beak wide and with a mighty shriek, space began to heat up to the point where a rift opened up.

The space rift possessed a great amount of pulling power and like a black hole, the magma in the area began to be pulled into the unknown amidst the cold darkness of outer space.

It took only a few moments for the ocean of magma to disappear.

It was after every last drop of lava was gone that the beautiful giant creature launched itself into the rift.

A second shriek shook the fiery world and an instant later the rift was sealed.


In a world filled with forests and nature, just inside one of the most dangerous forests where mutant swamps and wild beasts abounded, an army of half-beast - half-human creatures had gathered.

They all had the ears and tails of wolves.

The men were burly and fierce-looking while the women were beautiful with extremely hot bodies.

A man over six feet tall led the charge. This werewolf let out a howl to the skies before a pair of extremely sharp claws appeared in his hands.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The werewolf slashed twice in the shape of a cross at lightning speed, leaving the mark of a violet cross in the middle of the void and this space trembled.

A moment later, something similar to the mouth of a purple beast grew rapidly and as if it had a life of its own it engulfed all the beings in the area before finally disappearing.


In the back garden of a luxurious villa, hundreds of thousands of zombies that looked no different from a normal person except for small characteristics such as skin color or eye and hair color had gathered.

Cups filled with blood and dishes of raw meat from all sorts of races filled the tables. However, it was clear that the main dish was the human skull as everyone seemed eager as they devoured with no concern for their manners whatsoever.

Even though these creatures were zombies, the power of just one of them was all it would take for Earth's humanity to cease to exist forever not to mention what hundreds of thousands of them could do.


Suddenly, twenty spacecraft several kilometers long appeared in the sky.

The zombies looked at each other and laughed as they saw the flashing blue lights on the ships. When these lights covered their bodies, none of them resisted and slowly their silhouettes became more and more diffuse until they finally disappeared from the place where they were previously.

The mothership leading the fleet of spacecraft slowly moved forward and the particle cannon at the front slowly began to light up. The turbines driving the main cannon roared until everything seemed to disappear as if in a whirlwind.

Without warning, a beam of bright light shot out from the main cannon and traveled thousands of kilometers in an instant before finally stopping after hitting something that could not be seen with the naked eye.

The wind swirled and in a matter of seconds a wormhole of sorts formed where the beam of light had hit moments ago.

The fleet of futuristic-looking ships followed the mother ship and went through the wormhole one by one. As the twenty giant spaceships passed through the wormhole, space slowly began to return to normal and after writhing for more than a minute the world regained its calm.


On a star where chaotic laws constantly collided with each other and caused explosions capable of wiping out the continent of a weak world in an instant, a strange-looking beast seemed to enjoy the pain that the lightning that constantly lashed its body inflicted on it.

This beast had the head of a lion, the body of a leopard, the wings of a dragon, the tail of a snake, and the powerful legs of a rhinoceros. The size of this strange beast could simply be described as colossal, reaching over 10,000 meters high and exhibiting its might just standing there silently.

The creature had been in this place of the universe forgotten by all for many years without moving an inch. However, it suddenly seemed to notice something as its golden eyes glowing like lanterns amidst the darkness moved in a certain direction.

The strange-looking beast finally moved for the first time in a long time. With a mighty flapping sound, the ground several kilometers around the creature exploded and stardust flew everywhere as this creature soared into the dark skies rapidly.

Just as the beast was about to leave the area where the star was, it suddenly stopped as if it remembered something. This beast turned its body to look at the star and opened its giant jaws wide.

Followed by a mighty roar that shook the space, a golden beam of light shot out from inside the lion's mouth similar to a dragon's breath.

The beam of light was extremely thick but a few moments later it began to become thinner and thinner until it became a small line that finally disappeared without a trace.

The beast turned around and with a mighty flap of its wings, it disappeared without a trace.

About a minute later, the star that the beast was on a moment ago suddenly began to crack. Red light shot out from the inner core of the star and the light reached the surface through the cracks that stretched far and wide.

Then, a thunderous explosion shook that part of the universe as crimson light surrounded by plasma energy enveloped the area amidst space debris.

* * *

In one of the farthest corners of the entire universe, the constellation of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius lay silently there; the bright stars that made up this constellation seemed to hang from the sky like beautiful decorations that added some light to all the darkness surrounding the area.

Usually, no one visited this place and the last time the constellation of Sirius had some company was about fifteen years ago. But before that, it had been millions of years since the surroundings had become noisy.


A sort of giant eye appeared in the middle of nowhere, and then figure after figure began to emerge from it.

The giant eye remained for several seconds until the last silhouette finally emerged. After accomplishing its purpose, the magical phenomenon disappeared in a flash of bright dark light.

"Look, I knew we'd be first." Lucifer looked around the surroundings lazily before looking at Fire Sorrow and saying in between yawns, "Hey, how about you wake me up when everyone's here?"

The corner of Fire Sorrow's mouth twitched but just as she wanted to say that this was actually the first time they had arrived before the rest to an important event, she noticed that Lucifer was already snoring like a pig.

Suddenly, several parts of the space began to tremble in an unnatural way and the members of the Demonic Army orderly prepared to defend themselves against any mishap without anyone telling them anything.

Lilith's beautiful ruby eyes glittered strangely as she watched the scene before her in silence.

Lilith didn't know how many times the eight factions had met but it probably wasn't many in the history of the universe. However, this was the first time she would be meeting with all the other factions of Higher Existences.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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