
Chapter 508 - Gods Attack And Earth Destroyed?

As if this were not enough, Bai Zemin was itching on a level so great that a million fire ants stinging him at the same time would probably not be able to compare.

Even during the first week of the apocalypse when Bai Zemin fought the First Order Blazing Beetle and his lower body was almost turned to ashes by the creature's fire skill, the pain and the discomfort had not reached the level it had reached now.

Ironically, all this was happening not because he was being hurt but quite the opposite; it was because his body was healing too fast! The nerves in Bai Zemin's body were sending the new signals to the brain all at once to keep up with the accelerated pace of healing so one could only try to imagine how terrifying was the experience he was undergoing!

Bai Zemin heard panicked cries all around him and even saw the worried expressions of several people that he could not identify at the moment as everything around him was a blur. In fact, he had not even realized that he was screaming and writhing due to the pain that assaulted him.

However, even though Bai Zemin's brain was overloaded, he knew very well that he could not afford to lose knowledge now.

The five seconds passed but an instant later they restarted again as Bai Zemin spent 50 Stamina points again to add the same 900 points to Health.

Then, he activated Blood Manipulation but instead of using the skill to hurt he used it to support the healing process; above all, he focused on his left arm.

As everyone watched what was happening, Shangguan Bing Xue suddenly realized that Bai Zemin at this point was incredibly weak; he was so weak that in this moment an Unclassified soul evolver could take his life. At the same time, everyone who tried to approach him would be in danger since at this moment Bai Zemin clearly did not know what he was doing and if by oversight or coincidence he hit someone then that person would definitely be sent directly to meet King Yama.

To avoid any kind of trouble, Shangguan Bing Xue waved a hand and quickly fashioned several small but visible ice walls around her and Bai Zemin.

"No one is allowed to approach!" she said in a clear voice that could be heard even in the distance, "Anyone who gets too close will be seen as a traitor trying to kill the Leader so for the own safety of each of you it would be best to stay where you are!"

Xiao Ming seemed to wake up after hearing Shangguan Bing Xue's words. He blinked and looked around before loudly shouting, "Everyone! Stop being lazy and start guarding the area! The night is about to fall and the beasts might soon come out of their lairs to get some food!"

Xiao Ming was loyal to Bai Zemin all the way to death so even though his position was no big deal within the faction everyone respected him as he was a fairly senior member and everyone knew well that he got along especially well with many of the high echelons. Therefore, after hearing Xiao Ming's roar, everyone began to pay more attention to the surroundings even though they occasionally glanced at the man writhing behind the thin semi-transparent ice walls.

As Bai Zemin writhed in pain, the changes on the outside of his body were noticeable as the slight golden glow around him was not enough to cover Shangguan Bing Xue's view.

The burns on his chest disappeared in an instant without a trace, the two holes Jack had left on his torso began to close up with flesh and skin growing rapidly, and even the left arm that had been cut off in its tracks was beginning to show signs of movement.

"What an impressive healing ability!" Shangguan Bing Xue couldn't help but mutter in shock. She looked at Kang Lan as if she was a priceless treasure and gradually began to understand why on earth Bai Zemin would care and look after this girl so much.

From the day Kang Lan joined Bai Zemin, from that destined moment when she obtained the Lesser Healing skill scroll and revealed her talent for magic after telling Bai Zemin how high her Mana and Magic were, he had been giving her special care.

Defensive treasures always had her as a priority, when it came to forging mage equipment Bai Zemin clearly focused more on her defense than anyone else's, and even though Kang Lan possessed powerful attack magic he rarely allowed her to participate in extremely dangerous wars.

Being looked at like that by Shangguan Bing Xue, Kang Lan could not help but feel ashamed in her heart. Even though she knew that she was a genius since Bai Zemin had told her so on many occasions and the fact that her Mana stat was so close to 200 points even though she was only a level 26 existence actually proved it, Kang Lan was 100% sure that Bai Zemin's healing speed was not especially linked to her.

Sure, her High-Rank Recovery skill and Kang Lan's stats especially had possibly done 70% of the work. However, that 30% was by no means insignificant and was being worked on by Bai Zemin's own body.

30% might not seem like much compared to 70%, but if one took into account that Bai Zemin had built up that 30% without any healing skills and only relying on his Health stat and partially on his Blood Manipulation skill, then things were different.

Kang Lan was full of admiration toward Bai Zemin in her heart. Even as he writhed on the ground like a worm, his image did not diminish at all and instead only increased more and more as she watched his body slowly return to its peak.

While the two women, as well as the rest, struggled with their own emotions, Bai Zemin struggled to stay awake and not lose consciousness.

Therefore, he did not notice that something very small that seemed to be sleeping while hiding in a deep corner of his soul released a faint crimson radiance with black edges.

* * *

Solar system, just above the atmosphere of planet Earth.

"Fire Sorrow, you!" Michael, the mighty fire archangel belonging to the Army of Heaven, pointed his spear at the talented Seventh Order mage as he shouted in anger.

Fire Sorrow looked on as both the Army of Heaven and the Demonic Army stopped at a distance close enough to distinguish each of their faces. She didn't lose her calm at all and after a slight glance continued to scan the surroundings with a scowl.

Michael was furious when he was ignored. When had he, a Seventh Order archangel of the Army of Heaven and only beneath God, been ignored and humiliated in front of so many eyes? If word got out wouldn't he become a joke and his reputation go down the drain?

"You bastard-"

"That's good, Michael."

Just as Michael seemed about to explode, a soft but firm voice sounded next to him.

Medes activated one of his skills and from his body as the center, an explosion of silver light spread through all the members of the Army of Heaven.

Everyone's expressions immediately became softer and calmer and even the burning anger shining in Archangel Michael's eyes gradually receded before disappearing without a trace.

"... I apologize, Lord." Michael bowed slightly to Medes before looking at Fire Sorrow with a disdainful expression as he said, "This young one couldn't help but get angry at seeing the stupidity of certain individuals."

Again, despite knowing Michael's words were aimed at her, Fire Sorrow ignored him. She had experienced countless things in her long life to get upset over something as small as being teased by someone else.

"Hmph." Michael snorted and didn't pursue the matter any further.

Time passed as everyone remained silent.

Fire Sorrow continued to fly around and even flew out of sight before returning several minutes later with the same confused expression. Occasionally, she seemed to ask questions to the emperor of the asura race who was still being restrained by her but the frightened man did not seem to be giving her the answers she expected judging by the look of depletion in her purple eyes.

During all this time, Lilith felt several stares on her body. Of course, among these stares were lust, crush, and many other emotions.

However, there were two gazes that especially bothered Lilith and made her a bit anxious.

Her ruby eyes moved around the area until they met Luciah's eyes and Lucifer's intense gaze. She looked indifferent as without moving from her position she calmly asked, "Is something wrong?"

Surprisingly, it was neither Luciah nor Lucifer who responded but Medes, the Lord of Heaven.

"Young lady, if you don't mind, could you tell us how you traveled faster than anyone else this far?" Medes inquired in a soft voice, "More than anything, how did you know the place we would be going to?"

It was understandable that Medes and Lucifer, as well as a few others, knew what Fire Sorrow had in mind along with where she would be teleporting to. However, among those few was not Lilith.

It should be impossible for Lilith to know what Fire Sorrow had in mind after hearing what Emperor Thannath said and it should be even more impossible for her to reach this area of the universe so fast since those who knew her were aware that she had only been training space magic under the guidance of Fire Sorrow herself for only a month.

Therefore, doubts would naturally arise in everyone's hearts.

Lilith looked at Lucifer and realized that he had no intention of interfering even though the one questioning her was the leader of another faction, which meant that Lucifer himself also wanted to know the answers to the questions Medes had raised.

However, who was Lilith? She had lived through enough cruelties and experienced enough hell to fear anyone. If she didn't want to answer then she wouldn't answer even if they killed her right here and even less now that she knew that for unknown reasons Earth was not visible to any of the beings on the scene except herself.

Therefore, she looked Medes straight in the eyes and said casually, "Who knows....."

The scene fell deathly silent and Lucifer's eyes flashed strangely as he stared at Lilith. Even he had not expected that kind of bold reply.

One had to know that Medes was one of the oldest and most powerful existences in the entire universe! Even Lucifer was not confident of defeating him in a 1 vs 1!

"Arara..." Gabriel muttered as he looked at Lilith with wide eyes as if she had committed some sort of taboo.

Medes narrowed his eyes and pointed a finger forward.

The Mana within his body moved under his command as gently as the spring breeze and under his powerful impulse of magic, a considerably small magic circle appeared in front of him.

There was no warning and even Lucifer did nothing to prevent it despite knowing what was about to happen.


A huge beam of white light shot out from the small magic circle in Lilith's direction.

The feeling of being dead embraced her for an instant before under her shocked and surprised eyes the magic attack passed beyond her.

Directly flying towards the Earth!

* * * * * * *

3 chaps today!

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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