
Chapter 600: Wu Keqian (part 2/2)

Chapter 600: Wu Keqian (part 2/2)

Wu Yijun stepped forward and while looking at Ling Ming announced her name in a clear voice: "How are you? My name is Wu Yijun."

"Wu Yijun..." Ling Ming muttered with wide eyes before his entire body trembled uncontrollably. He too took a step forward and asked excitedly, "Miss Wu Yijun, may I ask your father's name?"

Wu Yijun smiled slightly in her heart and naturally understood what was going on. However, her expression on the surface simply showed confusion as if she did not understand the reason why she was suddenly asked so many strange questions since she could not let others know that she already knew that her father was the leader of this human establishment or otherwise it might arouse suspicion.

Wu Yijun smiled bitterly in her heart. She had not even met her family but she was already hiding things not to mention all the things she would have to hide from her parents for the time to come.

Seeing the slight frown on Wu Yijun's face, Ling Ming hurriedly explained, "Sorry for the strange questions. It's just that not only is your appearance very similar to a person I know, but even your name is the same. If it's not too much trouble, could you tell me your father's name? Believe me, this is all for your own good."

Wu Yijun acted as if she hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding, "All right, I guess there's no need to hide it anyway either. My father's name is Wu Keqian, the former Mayor of Changping District. One of our group's reasons for heading here is because we are searching for our families."

The expression of all the soul evolvers beside Ling Ming changed tremendously upon hearing Wu Yijun announce the name of her father.

Ling Ming completely ignored everything she said after hearing the name 'Wu Keqian' and automatically looked at a quite pretty woman beside him before ordering in a deep voice, "Fang Zhelan, inform the base command center that Miss Wu Yijun, daughter of Leader Wu, has just arrived and is currently at the north gate of the base."

The soul evolver named Fang Zhelan nodded and pulled out a military radio from her leather bag. She pressed a button and took several steps away before she began speaking to the other party in a low voice.

"This..." Wu Yijun looked stunned as if she really didn't understand what was going on.

She and the rest even looked at each other as if they were completely blank regarding the present situation. Even though Lilith was laughing out loud and it was hard for Bai Zemin to maintain his shocked expression, he really had no choice but to adhere to the role he had to play.

In fact, it wasn't just Bai Zemin who was currently having a hard time. Everyone was having trouble trying to contain the urge to laugh as it was really unusual to see Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue changing their expressions so much in such a short time; they would definitely love to be able to record the situation, unfortunately, such a thing was not possible or else the video would definitely sell very well among the Transcendent faction's army.

Ling Ming looked at Wu Yijun with a slightly more respectful expression and said in a deep voice, "Miss Wu, if you don't mind, could you please follow me to the reception building? Don't worry, it's just a few minutes away from the north gate. We can talk more quietly there and I'll explain the situation on the way."

"This..." Wu Yijun looked at the six people next to her before looking at Ling Ming and saying quietly, "My friends..."

"Of course, your friends are my friends. You can all come with us." Ling Ming smiled slightly at the rest of the group and even though his smile was clearly forced and without much interest at least it was no longer as casual as before.

Soon, the huge double door swung wide open once they received Ling Ming's signal, and two double-cab military pickup trucks approached at full speed, gradually slowing down until they finally stopped next to the group.

"Please." Ling Ming gestured and invited Wu Yijun and the rest.

After boarding the vehicles in two groups, the two military pickups turned around and passed beyond the gates with ease.

Bai Zemin, Zhong De, Cai Jingyi, and Nangong Lingxin were seated in a pickup truck while Chen He, Wu Yijun, and Shangguan Bing Xue in the other next to Ling Ming.

Bai Zemin looked over his shoulder until the door closed with a loud bang. The corner of his lips curved upward slightly as he thought in his heart that this had been even quicker and easier than he thought it would be.

They had practically walked into the "enemy" territory without causing any disturbance and now it would be much easier to investigate and move around. But everything would be even easier and faster once Wu Yijun's identity was fully confirmed.

"Somehow it feels like we are being treated with less value than the others." Zhong De whispered quietly so that the driver wouldn't hear anything.

"It can't be helped." Cai Jingyi quietly pointed out, "Wu Yijun made her identity clear, Shangguan Bing Xue showed some of her terrifying strength, and that Ling Ming guy surely thinks that Chen He as the leader must definitely be even stronger than her."

"On the other hand, we didn't even stand out a little bit." Nangong Lingxin chuckled and said amused, "To say that the four of us are no different from ignorable decorations is not exaggerated at all."

As the three of them chatted quietly, they also did not forget that they were not here to play. Like Bai Zemin, they were all observing the situation outside the window to get a rough idea of what kind of place they were in.

However, what greeted everyone once they left the vicinity of the gate where several thousand military personnel were stationed was a scene they had not expected to see.

Houses and buildings of varying sizes stood neatly along the sides of the unpaved road. While these houses and buildings were not at all pleasing to the eye because most of them had been built with post-apocalyptic wood and bones of some mutant creature, there were hundreds of people working to paint them and make them look better.

Bai Zemin and the others noticed that at least 80% of the buildings inside the base had been built quite some time ago; at the very least, a week or two before Earth expanded in the face of the imminent arrival of its Second Evolutive Stage.

"Looks like this Wu Keqian character really has some ability." Bai Zemin whispered to himself. "He or someone trusted to him must have foreseen many problems which they can now partially ignore thanks to that foresight."

The two military pickups traveled about 3-4 kilometers before stopping in front of an approximately four-story building. There, two soldiers stood guard at the entrance, and on one side of the building was a huge parking lot with at least 400-500 vehicles of all categories.

Stepping out of the vehicles, Ling Ming easily led the group of seven people inside the building. Like the outside, the inside was not at all extravagant when compared to the modern buildings mankind had built in the past, however, it was not bad either.

Ling Ming led them straight to the top floor and after reaching a room he waved his hand, "Everyone, please take a seat. I must return to my duty but soon a person will come and communicate with you. I hope we can get along from now on."

His last words were mainly addressed to three people for reasons Cai Jingyi had guessed earlier and after smiling at everyone and nodding his head he excused himself.

As everyone sat down, Bai Zemin observed that this room was clearly more luxurious than the other parts of the building; three comfortable leather couches, a lamb carpet covering the entire floor, even several lamplights with some kind of mutant object inside that dimly illuminated the interior even in broad daylight.

A maid approached and poured several cups of tea before bowing and leaving the room, carefully closing the door behind her.

Taking advantage of the silence, Bai Zemin looked to his left and asked, "Wu Yijun, what happened?"

"Indeed, it's my father."She said without hiding her excitement at all. The little girl was so happy that she was short of jumping up and down as she joyfully said, "My father, my mother, even some of my uncles and cousins are alive!"

Shangguan Bing Xue and Chen He were smiling slightly as they looked at their childhood friend. Of course, they couldn't be happier now that one of them had finally managed to reunite with their loved ones again after all the death and misery the world was going through.

Bai Zemin also smiled slightly and nodded towards her as he expressed his good feelings, "I am very happy for you, I genuinely mean it from the heart."

"Hehehe..." Wu Yijun's eyebrows curved into a crescent shape and two beautiful dimples appeared on her cheeks when she giggled happily as she felt that Bai Zemin's words were real even though he would have to go through a lot of headaches.

Wu Yijun felt that every second that passed and the more she got to know him the more she fell in love with Bai Zemin; he was like a magnet that would not let her escape even if she wanted to. He was so good to her that he was willing to waste valuable time and go out of his way just not to hurt her, and to Wu Yijun, actions were more valuable than a million pretty words; Bai Zemin's care and appreciation were clear to her and this only helped to further strengthen her resolve to follow him to the end.

Some of them continued to chat quietly while others simply remained silent and waited patiently. Approximately 10 minutes later, the door to the room was opened with such vigor that it hit the wall with a loud bang.

While Bai Zemin was glad that the building was made of wood containing mana or else the wall might have fallen down after receiving that powerful blow, a couple consisting of a man and a woman walked into the room.

The more striking of the two was undoubtedly the woman.

The woman who looked less than 30 years old and looked really beautiful immediately focused her eyes on a corner of the couch, and when she found that silhouette, her eyes filled with tears as she cried out the name responsible for her sorrows and joys:



Wu Yijun practically jumped out of her seat and her eyes flooded with tears as she ran towards the woman who walked with trembling steps and open arms.

"Mom...!" She cried out again but this time her voice was almost completely drowned out by tears and crying. Wu Yijun wrapped both arms around her mother and buried her head in her neck like a little child who had been bullied.

"My child... My beautiful daughter... Mama's baby..." The woman who looked really too young to be Wu Yijun's mother whispered sweet words as she kissed her daughter's hair and fought back tears that were constantly threatening to fall.

Wu Yijun's mother was truly worthy of being her mother.... Or rather, Wu Yijun was truly worthy of being this woman's daughter.

Inky black hair that fell to the middle of her back, perfectly white skin with no imperfections whatsoever, a body that seemed to have been designed to commit sins was hugged by a long white one-piece dress that set off the black of her hair even more. She even had a beautiful small mole on the lower corner of both eyes; eyes that in contrast to Wu Yijun's big and wide eyes looked more like the eyes of a charming fox.

While Zhong De and Chen He were slightly stunned, Bai Zemin ignored the beautiful woman completely. His attention was completely focused on the tall man who watched the mother-daughter reunion with a smile on his face.

...That somehow didn't sound right, right?

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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