
Chapter 907 Different kinds of faith (Part 1)

Countless strips of flesh stretched out from within and twisted in the air in an extremely disgusting manner like thousands of tentacles which after joining with the tentacles of another piece of flesh began to bind each part and heal at simply mind-blowing speeds.

Angelo showed that he was a capable leader when despite the clearly abnormal situation he gave the order that anyone in their right mind would give.

He raised his sword to the sky while urgently shouting: "Everyone, attack the monster before it can regenerate! We can't let it get back on its feet no matter what!"

The nine members of the elite team of the United States of America seemed to come out of the murky swamp they had fallen into thanks to Angelo's voice. Driven by the urgency of the situation in front of them and by the fear that had begun to germinate in their hearts, none of them held back as they began to expend every point of Mana and Stamina to activate their most terrifying skills.

"Corruption of Defense!"

"Chaos Arrow!"

"Arcane-fire Burst!"

"Decadence of Doom!"

"Infernal Blitz!"


Some of them activated physical attack skills capable of crushing anything hundreds of meters in front of them.

Some of them activated magic attack skills whose power was so terrifying that not even the mage who owned the skill was able to control the damage to nearby allies.

Some of them activated skills capable of negatively affecting the enemy's power, thus decreasing some untrackable stats and consequently boosting the effect that the allies' skills would have when hitting the enemy.

"Solemn Sacrifice!" Angelo roared and this time his sense of touch was stolen from him, therefore, he could no longer feel his grip on his weapon nor the texture of the leather gloves encasing his hands.

His aura grew a lot more as the sacrifice this time was more severe than the previous one. Losing the sense of taste might not affect the battle power in the long run to a great extent if not at all but it was different when it came to the sense of touch.

As his body was enveloped by a bright light, the ground began to shake as if an earthquake was striking the entire world. Angelo subconsciously put more strength in his grip on the hilt of his weapon for fear of letting it slip as he couldn't feel it before fiercely slashing downward.

"Thunder Wrath!"

Angelo's voice mingled with the fierce crackling of lightning and a flash of bright golden light shot out from the blade of his sword when he cut.

The huge golden-colored lightning advanced in the shape of a crescent, tearing through everything in its path and shattering the scene without even touching the ground soon joining the attacks of the other members.


Bai Zemin's expression was indifferent as he looked down from the heights at the huge glowing sphere that represented the destruction itself covering the area a few kilometers ahead. The shockwave spread to his position causing the surrounding trees to explode with the only exception in a wide radius being the tree he was standing on.

Kali shuddered slightly on his back as this was the first time she had ever been so close in proximity to a battle as horrific as this one. Despite the fact that she was undoubtedly comparable to a grown woman in terms of mental maturity, Kali was only a 15 years old girl who had no means of defending herself or running away from danger at will.

Feeling the girl's slight shudder on his back, Bai Zemin gently tightened his grip on her lower thigh as if to reassure her that nothing bad was going to happen to her with him present.

Although Kali couldn't move her legs this didn't mean she couldn't feel them, so when she felt Bai Zemin's grip on her tightening, Kali took several soft but deep breaths before slowly began to relax.

"Lilith, are all dragonkin this scary? That beast was chopped up and its brain turned into mush but it still survived." Bai Zemin asked calmly.

"No," Lilith replied in a serious voice as she looked straight ahead. Her ruby-colored eyes sparkled in a strange way as she slowly said, "Dragonkin are usually considered as failed dragons by the dragons themselves. This is because dragonkin are usually born from the union between a dragon and another mutant creature... Of course, not due to copulation but because another mutant creature that finds an abandoned dragon egg feeds it with its mana."

"I see. That way, the living being inside the egg will absorb records of the creature that fed the egg." Bai Zemin nodded, he was no stranger to this as it was exactly the same as what happened during Bai Shilin's birth.

"Therefore, dragonkin are weaker than dragons as there is almost no creature in the universe capable of comparing to the talent of dragons either in terms of magic or physique.... However, like everything in this universe, exceptions do exist and there is a small percentage chance that the creature which fed the dragonkin with its records is a creature with at least one outstanding skill, and if the dragonkin is lucky enough to get that skill..." Lilith paused when she got to this point.

However, she didn't need to continue since Bai Zemin had already understood the message.

Bai Zemin looked ahead as the huge sphere of destruction began to recede and the shaking of the earth slowly calmed down.

"Looks like the United States is out of luck, to think they would end up meeting this monster."

"Or maybe they are lucky?" Kali clung tightly to Bai Zemin as she said in a clear voice, "After all, you are here."

"... Right." Bai Zemin nodded without saying too much.

He had changed his mind after seeing the team in front of him fighting and no longer had any intentions of letting them die stupidly. This was not due to Bai Zemin trying to play hero but rather he was looking at the big picture on Earth.

"To everyone's good fortune, this dragonkin is somewhere around level 150." Lilith sighed in relief before frowning slightly and commenting under her breath, "Because if this beast was at the level of the Lower Existence called Ar'gon I'm afraid only you in your current state along with the use of all your most powerful skills could stop it."

As for if the dragonkin were a Fourth Order existence.... All life on Earth would be at the dragonkin's mercy; no one would be able to stop it, not even Bai Zemin whose current power was comparable to that of a Fourth Order existence below level 430 if he used Overlap Regeneration in his current condition.

"Since we have a dragonkin present, does that mean there is at least one female dragon running loose in this world?" Kali rationalized in an indifferent voice, it was as if she didn't care too much about dragons.

Lilith sighed, and after a moment of hesitation, she nodded, "I would like to say that such a thing is not possible, but I'm afraid Earth is too abnormal. Although I can't be sure either, the odds of the existence of a dragon in this world are not 0.... The only bright spot in all this is that unlike goblins whose records are simple the records of dragons are many times deeper, so even if any dragons were born during Earth's evolution it's not very likely that there would be many."

"That's a real relief. Thank you for the information, Lilipedia."

Lilith smiled bitterly at Bai Zemin's sarcastic tone of voice, she was perplexed by all this too, but there was nothing she could do about this.

"On the other hand," Bai Zemin narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "I can't help but feel curious as to what kind of living being possesses a regenerative ability of this level. This isn't too far from immortality if you think about it carefully."

"Mm?" Suddenly sensing something, Bai Zemin looked back over his shoulder and his eyes flashed with a strange light as he muttered to himself, "Is it her?"


The group of ten from the United States of America stared intently as the sphere of destruction disappeared.

All of them were panting heavily being the only exception Angelo whose stats were above his team's despite being stuck at level 100 for several months now and Eleanora who mainly played the role of general in this battle so she still had Stamina and Mana to continue fighting.

"I... I can't take it anymore." The healer of the group collapsed onto her knees as her legs finally gave in to exhaustion.

Jack's leather glove had torn and his fingers with which he pulled his bowstring were bleeding incessantly. His face was slightly pale while his chest rose and fell heavily.

Anderson was the paler of the two next to Andrea. The two looked at each other and both understood that neither of them possessed enough Mana for a battle of equivalent magnitude to the previous one.

The combat had lasted only about 20 minutes at most, but during those 20 minutes, everyone had been in danger every second. Although the destructive power of each of the ten was far above average, the activation of such destructive skills consumed too much Mana and wielding heavy weapons or moving at high speeds consumed more Stamina than normal.

The white light composed by the union of the ten's attack finally receded enough for Angelo and the others to see what was inside the huge crater that was easily ten times the size of the previously destroyed village. However, what they saw there made the seed of despair that had barely been a sprout moments before grow into a giant tree inside their hearts.

"I- Impossible..." Lucy's face was pale as a sheet as she stared at the scene in front of her in a daze.

"Hey, hey... How can this be possible... You have to be kidding me!" Robinson exclaimed in shock as he witnessed the creature slowly rise to its feet.

Golden scales began to quickly cover the beast's body, and although it clearly needed a bit of time to fully recover it didn't look like its battle power had fallen too much compared to before.

The dragonkin looked at the humans in front of it and roared in fury.

Its roar caused the air to blast and created a powerful explosion that knocked back half of the weakened team.

Angelo looked at the beast in front of them with an incredulous expression.

He couldn't understand how anyone could still be alive after all that.

That earlier attack was not very different than a nuclear bomb when it came to destruction but the beast had still gotten back on its feet!

Angelo sighed in his heart and tightened his grip on his sword. It looked like this was going to be a really tough battle to the death and even he wouldn't be able to avoid casualties this time. Not to mention that Angelo would most likely be forced to sacrifice something a lot greater than his sense of taste or touch if he really wanted to kill the monster.

Angelo was preparing his condition for the battle to come, but Eleanora was paying attention to the surroundings. She was the first to sense the aura of a soul evolver approaching, and when she looked in a northerly direction she saw a young woman holding a spear.

The woman holding the spear looked startled and frightened as she looked at the destruction in front of her, however, Eleanora's attention was soon drawn to something else; the only healthy standing tree closest to the battlefield.

She raised her head abruptly towards the sky and her pupils shrank as her blue eyes met a pair of eyes as red as a demon's.

"Bai Zemin!" She exclaimed aloud.

Eleanora's voice attracted the attention of her teammates, and as they looked in the same direction she was looking in they finally realized that at the top of the tree in the distance, there was someone surveying everything with an indifferent expression.

Even if none of them had seen the leader of China's most powerful faction before, Bai Zemin's Asian characteristics were too remarkable to be overlooked not to mention that only an extremely powerful soul evolver would be able to reach such a high level of physical perfection.

Besides, it would be too much of a coincidence for an Asian other than Bai Zemin to appear in this area considering that the group of ten came to this place expressly to meet him knowing that he was in the region.

'This guy... How long has he been there?' Angelo's pupils contracted to the size of needles when his eyes met Bai Zemin's eyes.

The situation could not be worse.

The dragonkin was about to return to its peak condition and the group still needed time to recover enough to put up a good fight. Besides, the beast seemed to be able to regenerate regardless of the damage received.

To make matters worse, a terrifying unknown had just appeared.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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