
Chapter 934 Dark Room (Part 1)

His body jumped slightly as he opened his previously closed eyes and looked towards the door with a serious expression.

"Woah! Such a big bed!"

Bai Zemin subconsciously sighed in relief, releasing the air he was holding in.

Shilin looked at the large bed built by her grandmother. Her eyes shone brightly and the smile on her face was so delighted that all the enemies who died under her small but heavy fists certainly wouldn't be able to associate her with that fast and fierce little demon who exploded the heads of her opponents as if she was popping watermelons.

"Big sister Kali, Shilin will help you down now." The girl entered with careful steps and upon reaching the wall slowly sat down as she let Kali sit on one of the large couches.

"Thank you." Kali said casually as she rested her back against the wall.

"It's nothing." Bai Shilin smiled sweetly before sitting down in front of her and taking her hands. "Let's play together!"

"Play? No, I'm not a little kid. I don't want to-"

Kali's words were silenced when Bai Shilin began to jump up and down while taking her hands.

The powerfully spring-loaded mattress certainly did its job and soon Bai Zemin was met with the startling scene of seeing two girls dressed in two-piece pajamas flying all over the place.

"You- Stop!"


"Stop I'm telling you!"


"Bai Shilin, you! Bullet, get me out of here!"

Bai Zemin couldn't help but laugh a little amused as he watched Kali's and Bai Shilin's almost identical hair dancing around the room.

"Kali, have some fun." He said with a chuckle.

"Bai Zemin! Traitor!"

Soon, Kali was forced to surrender to her fate.

'Maybe this won't be so bad.' Bai Zemin smiled slightly as he looked at Kali gritting her teeth with Bai Shilin leading her hopping all over the place. 'Kali is so mature for her age that I end up forgetting that she is only a young girl who not long ago entered her teens but has no memories of her childhood. Letting her join Shilin who is pure and innocent as a blank page might be a good choice."

Just when Bai Zemin was also flying all over the place, a consequence of the jumps caused by Bai Shilin, the door he had closed earlier so that the noise would not be so great and avoid disturbing his parents too much opened wide.

He looked in quickly, and subconsciously let out a relieved sigh, "It's you, Meng Qi."

"Well, I'm sorry for being just me." Meng Qi snorted in clear dissatisfaction as she entered the room and sat on the mattress, joining the jumping victims.

She was wearing a two-piece pajamas just like Kali and Bai Shilin, but it was obviously a more mature pajamas and the curves of her body were exquisite even though her skin was almost completely covered.

"Hey, close the door." Bai Zemin said as he saw her leave it open.

"Hmph!" Meng Qi clearly snorted in a bad mood as he looked towards the door as if expecting something.

Bai Zemin immediately realized what was going on, and when he glanced toward the entrance of the room he was just in time to catch a glimpse of a sleek snow-white and ivory-bright leg peeking out from around the corner.

Lilith took a step forward and stopped clearly on purpose outside the room to let Bai Zemin feast his eyes. She wore that sexy black baby doll covered in elegant lace markings, and with her left hand on her hip she rested most of her weight on one leg as she gazed at him with sparkling eyes and lips slightly puckered in a smile capable of driving even the holiest of saints berserk.

Although Lilith was in her human form of Lili so naturally it was impossible to be as perfect as her real body, her charm was so great that every natural gesture was enough to put even beauties of the highest level to shame just by her seductive attitude.

Bai Zemin realized that he would never get bored of seeing her and would definitely never reach a point where he could call her body "routine".

She winked at him playfully before looking to her side, beyond what the people inside the room could see.

"Sis Yijun, there's no need to be shy. Not with a body as charming as the one you have."

Lilith paused to look at someone else and her lips pursed slightly before entering the room and waiting standing to the side.

A few seconds later, a cry of surprise accompanied by Wu Yijun's somewhat staggering body appeared for all to see and Bai Zemin immediately felt a fire begin to burn in his crotch.

"Bing Xue, you!"

After being pushed, Wu Yijun looked angrily at her friend who was still out of sight of everyone in the room. However, she quickly realized something and with a slightly pale face she slowly turned around to meet Bai Zemin's red eyes staring at her.

Wu Yijun's baby doll was a noble purple color that reached to mid-thigh exposing the entirety of her smooth as the finest silk legs. The material the baby doll was made of was certainly of fine and high quality, and this silk was so thin that Bai Zemin could see hints of her white skin beyond the nightgown.

Wu Yijun was gorgeous, beautiful. Her baby face, her long legs, her soft and tender skin; every part of her body made her a woman of the highest standard that could exist. However, her greatest asset other than her face was certainly her bosom. Bai Zemin subconsciously gulped when he saw those two big balls bulging out and moving up-down with her breath.

The cleavage wasn't that deep, but there was a good patch of fleshy skin protruding and anyone taller than her could be delighted by what looked like a deep abyss formed by the junction of two mountains; an abyss in which countless would be willing to die by suffocation. Had it not been for the silk robe-like fabric that came to match the baby doll and added an extra layer of protection, Bai Zemin would definitely have seen more than he should have.

Seeing Bai Zemin looking at her so intently with wolf-like red eyes, Wu Yijun subconsciously puffed out her chest more, which involuntarily caused them to shake. She quickly blushed so intensely that for a moment she became dizzy, and frightened for her safety she entered the room before sitting on the edge of the mattress.

Bai Zemin's eyes moved up and down looking at those two jumping beauties in sync with the giggles of Bai Shilin still jumping in the other corner.

'D cup... Or is that a DD?' Bai Zemin whispered in his heart.

"Hehe. Sis Yijun, can you see? Nothing to be ashamed of but you should be proud of yourself." Lilith chuckled charmingly before looking towards the door. Her eyes glistened slightly as she calmly said, "Well, I guess the last member chickened out? Oh well, I guess she can go sleep on the couch downstairs."

There was no movement for a few seconds, however, Bai Zemin managed to hear what seemed to be a deep sigh... and a moment later, he gasped.

Shangguan Bing Xue stepped forward with an indifferent expression on her face. She stopped at the entrance to look at the situation in the room, and although it was only a second or two, it was more than enough to make Bai Zemin's heart start beating fiercely.

The white baby doll Shangguan Bing Xue was wearing was not as sexy as the black one Lilith was wearing. Nor was it daring like the purple one that asserted and exaggerated Wu Yijun's already exaggerated curves. In fact, it was very simple to the point that it would hardly attract attention if one were to put it in a store next to the two aforementioned.

Her baby doll was completely white, and although it too was made of high-quality silk fabric, it was not semi-transparent like Wu Yijun's. The most eye-catching thing about this white baby doll was probably the precious-looking lace fabric at the bottom of where the cups meant to support the woman's breast were situated along with the small ribbon of the same material and color that was right in the center of where the girl's two breasts met.

Long ivory-white legs that seemed to shimmer as if bathed in diamonds in the pale light of the room, a tender pair of thighs were almost fully revealed tempting one to bite them gently or slip one's fingers delicately to feel them. Higher up, two slender arms as delicate as a doll's fell on either side of the most perfectly balanced body Bai Zemin had ever seen in his entire life.

Right. Shangguan Bing Xue's body was so perfectly in sync that it even surpassed Lilith's when it came to interrelated dimensions.

Slim waist, slightly wide hips, C-cup breasts not at all exaggerated but not at all small partially covered by the fabric of a slightly whiter color than the rest of the baby doll. The chest area was especially tempting as it exposed not only the upper part of the bust but also about 1/4 of the inner front.

All this coupled with a face as beautiful as that of a legendary immortal fairy covered by an indifferent expression and blue eyes that glistened with coldness and pride capable of awakening the desire of conquest of any man.

It was only 1 or 2 seconds, but from Bai Zemin's point of view, it was as if time had frozen as he stared wide-eyed at Shangguan Bing Xue's body.

"Beautiful." His voice slipped out without him realizing it, and by the time he realized what he did it was too late to regret it. When he looked up and met Shangguan Bing Xue's blue eyes looking back at him, he quickly explained, "Bing Xue, don't misunderstand me. I wasn't thinking anything lustful."

She looked at him silently, fixedly into his eyes for about five seconds before the coldness in her eyes weakened to almost disappearance. Her pink lips curved upward slightly and she said in a soft voice, "I do know."

She was not lying just like Bai Zemin was not lying. Shangguan Bing Xue could tell from the way Bai Zemin was looking at her that he really wasn't looking at her with the same eyes that all the other men used to look at her even when she was properly dressed in contrast to the current situation. Bai Zemin's eyes were filled with appreciation, just like a talented painter appreciating a brilliant work of art in a prestigious museum.

He sighed in relief as he heard her words.

"Or else I would have scratched your eyes out." She added and let out a delighted chuckle as she saw him wince for a second.

"Well, not bad." Lilith looked her up and down as she nodded.

Even she was forced to admit in her heart that Shangguan Bing Xue was impressive in every possible aspect to say the least.

Shangguan Bing Xue walked into the room and closed the door behind her. Any shyness she had felt before seemed to have disappeared and she didn't seem to mind the fact that she was showing so much skin in front of a man even though her self of about 10-11 months ago would have never even thought of such a thing much less imagined it or done it.

"So, what do we do now? Do we join the girls and hop all over the place like rabbits?" Shangguan Bing Xue asked calmly. She looked at Lilith casually and said slowly, "This was your idea, you propose."

"If you want to hop all over the place and let Zemin find out if you're wearing anything under that baby doll, I won't stop you." Lilith chuckled.

"You..." Shangguan Bing Xue frowned.

Bai Zemin began to cough furiously and his eyes involuntarily shifted to the end of each of the three baby dolls. His thoughts began to run wildly along with his imagination.... There was any clothes down there...or was there none at all? Like a cat's claw scratching at his heart, curiosity began to itch.

Lilith clapped her hands, bringing him back to the real world.

"Well, I have an idea actually," she said.

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, including Bai Shilin who had stopped to let Kali breathe a little, Lilith opened one of the dresser drawers in the corner of the room and pulled out a thin but long piece of black cloth.

Lilith smiled like a little devil and said in a low voice, "Have you ever heard the words Dark Room?"

Bai Zemin and exchanged glances with all the girls in the room before looking at Lilith and asking in confusion, "Dark Room? Is that a game?"

"Exactly, it's a game." Lilith nodded, and under everyone's even more confused eyes, she approached Wu Yijun before starting to blindfold her eyes.

"This... Big sister Lili... What are you... doing?" Wu Yijun whispered with her body stiff and tense as she lost all sense of sight to the point where the light was blocked completely.

"Just like seek and find but slightly different." Lilith explained in a whispering but clear voice inside the silent room, "All players must remain inside the room. The objective is very simple, to prevent the blindfolded from catching you. Of course, you can move at will inside the room, but the more noise you make the greater the risk to you. Oh, you are not allowed to use mana or any other skill. Also, limit your senses to those of a normal human, or else this game won't be fun for anyone."

Meng Qi frowned slightly and asked quietly, "And what if the blindfolded catches us? Our turn?"

"Well, it's not that simple." Lilith smiled slightly and helped Wu Yijun stand up. She stood behind the sexy girl and placed her hands on her shoulders as she slowly said, "The blindfolded must move around the room in search of a target to catch. If the blindfolded, in this instance little sister Yijun, manages to catch someone... then she must hold on to that person tightly and use all her other senses besides sight to accurately identify who she managed to catch."

Bai Zemin, Shangguan Bing Xue, Meng Qi, and Wu Yijun froze when they understood what such rules implied.

"Basically, the blindfolded will have to touch the entire body of the caught one to identify them," Lilith said with a mischievous smile.

The room remained silent for what seemed like an eternity as Lilith's words slowly but surely began to engage with what they already knew but were somehow denying and subconsciously or not all the girls looked at Bai Zemin.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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