
Chapter 937 Dark Room (Part 4)

If she still had any doubts before, this event had certainly blown such doubts to another continent with the force of a typhoon. Shangguan Bing Xue knew in her heart that if she really had the slightest of rejections towards the man who had grabbed her from behind like a wolf catching a little bunny with its claws she would have definitely attacked him with all her might.

Now, was what she felt love? Shangguan Bing Xue could not answer a question as short but at the same time as big as that. At the very least, the current her was not able to do it.

Before she could answer such a question, she first needed to consider what love was to begin with... or so she felt and thought.

'At the very least... I think I like him.' She sighed in her heart and a wry smile appeared on her slightly flushed face as she felt Bai Zemin's hands literally doing whatever they pleased.

She had fallen into a big dilemma now.... What was she supposed to do with this?

Kill those feelings before they turned into love or before she realized they were stronger than she thought? Doing this certainly might not be that easy, but it was by far the best option no matter which way she looked at it.

By forcing herself, she could become detached from those feelings of appreciation, liking, and even longing. This way, she could stop feeling so frustrated every time she thought about Lilith being with him and at the same time avoid clashing with her best friend.

However, there was a big problem with this... and that problem was that Shangguan Bing Xue did not want to choose this option.

She, whose heart had been frozen under a thick layer of ice which countless men among whom there was no shortage of outstanding talents tried to break but failed miserably, felt a little unwilling to pull away from the warmth that these feelings transmitted to her.

At the end of the day, Shangguan Bing Xue was a woman, a young woman in her 20s.

In normal times, she should be enjoying her student life at university and dating some boyfriend; unfortunately, even when the world was peaceful life did not allow Shangguan Bing Xue to live a normal life. Now that amidst all the chaos something warm was beginning to dawn for her, greed naturally began to grow in her heart and she didn't want to let it go just like that.

Be that as it may, neither Bai Zemin nor Shangguan Bing Xue had too much time to stop and think too much given the circumstance they both were in.

Only about 5 seconds had passed since Lilith had reminded Bai Zemin that he needed to say out loud the name of the person he thought he had caught when the two who had been using the enhanced senses of a soul evolver noticed that from the right wall of the room a silhouette was crawling carefully towards them.

The room was completely dark and the curtains were thick enough to block out the rays of moonlight from the outside world. This meant that no one could see anything, even after getting used to the darkness only 2 meters was the maximum at best.

Bai Zemin let go of Shangguan Bing Xue with some reluctance, and she too seemed to feel that reluctance in her heart since instead of moving away immediately she stayed a little longer with her body pressed against his as if she wanted to remember his warmth.

The strategic understanding between the two was indeed divine as with inhuman coordination Bai Zemin charged to the right while Shangguan Bing Xue moved to the left. The two's footsteps were so in rhythm that the other players would think there was only one person moving on the mattress.


Bai Shilin screamed in fright when she saw Bai Zemin charging towards her, and in a desperate attempt to flee the girl hurriedly jumped on her feet before turning around while waving her hands sideways as if trying to push away the invisible water blocking her movements.

"You little sneaky girl, come here!"

Bai Shilin was out of luck when she had barely taken a step and found herself in Bai Zemin's arms.


The girl kicked desperately and struggled but none of this helped her to escape. Bai Zemin began to tickle her and Bai Shilin soon found herself laughing out loud and begging for mercy as all the strength in her body left her.

The lights were turned on and soon Bai Shilin found herself blindfolded in the center of the room with her father making her spin quickly in the same spot to make her dizzy and mess up her posture a bit.

Bai Zemin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. No one suspected anything, they probably assumed that he had earlier pretended to catch someone and then stayed silent to attract someone's curiosity; resulting in Bai Shilin falling into his trap.

He secretly glanced at Shangguan Bing Xue and noticed that she was looking at him. However, her clothes were neat and her expression was a graphic representation of absolute calm. She was so calm that were it not for the exquisite sensation he could still feel in his hands he might have begun to doubt whether what had happened had really happened or if it had all been some kind of hallucination of his.

He couldn't help but warm up a little as his eyes involuntarily roamed over that body sculpted by the hand of the goddesses themselves. It was just then that Kali's voice made him shudder.

"I should definitely tell Seraphina to stay away from a pervert like you."

Bai Zemin looked at Kali and saw her "looking" in his direction with an indifferent expression that made it difficult for everyone to know what she was thinking.

"W-What are you talking about?" he asked trying to keep calm.

"Big brother, will you stop pretending?" Meng Qi folded her arms and rolled her eyes, "You were staring at Shangguan Bing Xue just now, we all noticed it."


Bai Zemin looked at everyone and noticed that they were all looking at him with suggestive expressions. He sighed in his heart relieved.

They all seemed to think that Kali had called him a pervert because of the way he had been looking at Shangguan Bing Xue's body a moment before.... But Bai Zemin knew in his heart that this was not the case.

As if to confirm his suspicions, Kali added in a casual voice: "You all are lucky... If I could move and play this game you would be caught in a heartbeat."

"... What do you mean?" Shangguan Bing Xue asked as she felt a bad premonition in her heart.

Kali looked at her. Her pale, dry lips curved slightly as she said softly, "Didn't he tell you? Actually... I cannot see the world you see, but I can see another world, one that you do not... and the darkness cannot block my eyes."

Shangguan Bing Xue's face changed abruptly and she subconsciously looked at Bai Zemin. When she saw him looking away, Shangguan Bing Xue turned slightly pale as she realized that what had happened before in the dark was not as much in the dark as she thought.

Wu Yijun looked at Shangguan Bing Xue and sensed that something was not right. She had no proof, but her feminine instinct was certainly frightening.

"Bing Xue, you..."

She did not finish her words.

Lilith looked at Bai Zemin before looking at Shangguan Bing Xue. Her eyes moved between the two of them for a few seconds with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Meng Qi also seemed to notice something as her eyes darted back and forth between her brother and Shangguan Bing Xue. However, her indifferent expression made it difficult to know what she was thinking or feeling about it.

The only person in the room who seemed oblivious and clueless was naturally little Bai Shilin that was still being spun around by her father.

No one said more, and only a few seconds later the lights in the room were turned off and everything went dark; which was the reason why the game was called Dark Room.

Although Bai Shilin's turn had come soon, the girl was clearly cruel and didn't know how to hold back at all.

"Shilin, why are you always chasing after me!"

"It's because father's smell is special!"


"Too easy to find!"

And just like that, Bai Zemin was caught by Bai Shilin again after the two of them ran like crazy with one running away and the other chasing around the room for more than two minutes.

As Bai Zemin sighed and knelt down to let Bai Shilin blindfold him, he looked at Lilith and said in a low voice, "Hey... How about we play something else instead? I don't think this is... a good idea."

Far from what he expected, Lilith not only didn't look angry despite her face being slightly serious. She shook her head at his request and said in a firm voice, "The night is young you know... We still have hours to cover."

Bai Zemin looked at everyone around him, and seeing that no one was saying anything to support him he finally gave up.

"Don't blame me later for what happens." He muttered as he stood up after his eyes were covered.

A minute later.

"Shilin, you won't escape this time!"

"Father, why are you always chasing Shilin?!"

"Kid, you dare to ask me that?!"

Bai Zemin really didn't seem to have learned his lesson.

After chasing Bai Shilin for about forty seconds and just when he was seconds away from catching her, Bai Zemin stumbled over the blankets and rolled over several times before jumping to his feet and lunging forward as he felt a presence about a meter in front of him.

Well, at least there was one thing Bai Zemin had learned from the previous case and this time he didn't blurt out anything.

As he felt the huge breasts of the woman in his embrace, Bai Zemin no longer knew if the heavens were helping him or if they were conspiring against him.

Two large, soft, overstuffed balls that seemed to be covered in cotton. Even though there was a thin piece of silk separating the skin of his fingers and palms, Bai Zemin was still able to feel their softness.

Even though in his heart he already knew the response, he still whispered in an almost tearful voice: "... Lili?"

After a few seconds of silence, the voice of the woman in his arms in the form of a whisper responded to his question: ".... It is not."

Of course... She wasn't Lilith...

"... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Bai Zemin whispered trying to keep his composure before slowly letting go of Wu Yijun's body.

"... It's okay." She replied shyly. Her heart felt joy, embarrassment, and a bit of loss when she felt Bai Zemin's hands moving off so quickly.

Bai Zemin naturally reacted to Wu Yijun's body. She was a transcendental beauty in every way and her seductive charm was certainly higher than Shangguan Bing Xue's unless the latter released the charm that her class bestowed upon her.

However, Bai Zemin did not know why but he did not have the heart to take the slightest advantage of Wu Yijun.

The stiffness between his legs was proof that Wu Yijun was attractive enough to arouse Bai Zemin's lust and male desires, but for some strange reason, that lust always found itself being suppressed by something he couldn't understand. It was a really strange feeling that even he himself could not explain but would certainly study now that he had noticed it.

There was one thing Bai Zemin knew for sure, and that was that Wu Yijun was certainly special to him or else there was no way he would react so carefully even though he had told himself to enjoy the moment a little.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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