
Chapter 1040 The Rage Of A Woman Who Suffered For Millions Of Years

Seconds before Fire Sorrow's existence as well as Lilith's identity were revealed.

When Bai Zemin saw the neon purple lightning raining down from the sky two words immediately flashed in his head.

Higher Existence!

Whatever was attacking him was definitely a Higher Existence!

'Why the hell is there a Higher Existence in this place?! Why the hell is this goddamn thing attacking me?!' Bai Zemin's mind went into chaos as his body was struck by the purple lightning, but he disregarded any damage he might receive and with the sole aim of getting away from whatever was chasing him pushed his speed to the point where his entire body began to tremble in pain.

'Isn't that thing afraid of the punishment of the Soul Record???'

Bai Zemin didn't understand what was going on and the restlessness of his records pushing him to survive wasn't particularly helping in this situation.

Just at that moment, a cry that shook Bai Zemin's soul rang out miles below him.


The cry of the phoenix was not announcing its arrival or its ascent, quite the contrary.

The cry of the phoenix was announcing its descent!

Bai Zemin couldn't help but look back over his shoulder, and what he saw was an image he would definitely not forget anytime soon.

The creature that was attacking him was a large bird, probably over 100 meters tall. Its wingspan measured at least 300 meters, and its entire body seemed to be made of golden fire. The flames that enveloped the bird-like creature were so bright that even the flames of the sun looked dull in comparison.

However, in front of Bai Zemin's eyes, the phoenix's flames quickly began to lose their radiance and like a chicken being plucked, they detached from its body at speeds visible to the naked eye.

But, when Bai Zemin's black eyes met the crimson eyes of the phoenix he did not need the other party to make a sound to understand that it would not give up until it killed him even if it cost its life.

As if to prove to Bai Zemin that he was not wrong, the phoenix opened its mouth wide and its eyes glowed brightly.

Predicted Danger Sense triggered, and Bai Zemin could do nothing against the howl that fled from its mouth as an overwhelming rush of pain that threatened to incinerate his brain assaulted him.

The bleeding in his eyes worsened and his vision began to blur, but Bai Zemin once again howled skyward this time angry at the world as a whole, "You want to kill me?! It's not that easy!"

He immediately used Soul Manipulation and in less than a second chose the three skills he wanted to evolve without even thinking about it.


[You have activated Soul Manipulation. For the next five hours, the three skills you've chosen will be one Order above normal.]

[Third Order Gravity Manipulation --> Fourth Order Gravity Manipulation.]

[Third Order Golden Bones --> Fourth Order Diamond Body.]

[Sixth Order Magic Break --> Seventh Order Anti-Magic Domain.]


Bai Zemin ignored the Soul Record messages and did not stop his speed. He still tried to move away from the phoenix but this time he didn't just try to dodge and run away.

He reached his left hand back and turned the pain he felt into fury as he bellowed at the top of his lungs, "White Hole!!!"

Only half a second had passed since the small white sphere appeared before a great flare of crimson fire struck it.


A large amount of the phoenix's magical attack was devoured by the white hole, but there was still more than half that managed to withstand the suction force of the gravitational phenomenon.

"Double Domain!!!" 

Bai Zemin didn't dare to not give it his all and immediately activated his two Domains.

First, the Domain of the Wolf Emperor shined, and when the two golden eyes shone in the stars the power of the phoenix immediately weakened by 20%. This meant that the Higher Existence attacking Bai Zemin had a weaker killing intent overall.

Then, a large sphere of nothingness surrounded Bai Zemin's body just an instant before the phoenix flare struck him.

Unfortunately, the Goddess of Luck did not seem to be on his side this time.

Watching as the golden flames still continued their ascent about to devour him, Bai Zemin's pupils contracted fiercely.

The 50% chance of nullifying any magical attack launched by an enemy three Orders above him had not been triggered!

A flash of madness flashed in his eyes as the feeling of death assaulted him and without hesitation, he turned around in the middle of his ascent as he punched out with Annihilation of the Falling Sky covering his hand.


The fist that contained all the physical attack power Bai Zemin could summon hit the weakest point of the flare weakened by the white hole and weakened again by half after entering the surrounding anti-magic sphere.

Although Bai Zemin's punch effectively weakened the attack even more, allowing him to survive... There was no way for him to come out of something like that unscathed.

His body flew upwards at the same time as his blood flew everywhere, getting evaporated by the flames of the sun in less than a second. 

Bai Zemin forced himself to fight against the pain, and taking advantage of the momentum he flapped upwards with all his might. He wasn't quite sure since he wasn't paying attention, but just as he was trying to stabilize his body Bai Zemin thought he saw his whole body.

The situation was so bad that he didn't know if he had lost any limbs in the previous impact.

"Go to hell!" Bai Zemin pointed down and the white hole immediately released all the fire-like magical energy it had contained.

The phoenix, shocked by everything it was witnessing and experiencing pain hundreds of times more terrifying than Bai Zemin's as its records were being devoured had no time to move to the side. Under its wide-open crimson eyes, its own attack turned against it and slammed it in the back.


The beast shrieked in pain and for the first time in these short seconds spoke.


It was a woman's voice.

Bai Zemin didn't care that he was facing a female phoenix. Female or male none of that mattered. What mattered was that this phoenix was his enemy!

"Domain? Two Domains?! Gravitational ability?! Who the hell are you?!"

The phoenix flapped her wings with new vigor and launched herself upward. 

The speed of the phoenix was at least four times faster than Bai Zemin's, so even though he was trying to move away the reality was cruel.

However, he also noticed that the phoenix was weakening very fast.

Although Bai Zemin did not know what level this Lower Existence was at, he could feel her movement speed and power plummeting.

Unfortunately, even though the phoenix was weakening greatly with every passing second it would probably take a minute to descend to a Lower Existence and another minute for the law of time that had stopped since the time she ascended to a Higher Existence to strike her and turn her body into mortal remains.

Two minutes? Bai Zemin wasn't even confident of surviving 30 more seconds!

Just as he saw the Sky Destroyer, Bai Zemin suddenly stopped and his expression froze.

Right... Even if he returned to the Sky Destroyer, would it make any difference? Bai Zeminin did not believe that the main cannon had the power to kill a Higher Existence.



Bai Zemin looked over his shoulder and his figure was illuminated as from the mouth of the phoenix a great whirlwind of golden fire roared in his direction as if it had a life of its own.

If he dodged this, what would happen to the Sky Destroyer? 

No... For starters, even if he took this attack would it be enough to keep the ship from being destroyed? The phoenix probably knew that she would die anyway. Killing one Lower Existence and killing several no longer made any difference to her destiny.

Why the hell was this damn phoenix attacking him, to begin with? Bai Zemin could not understand how a Higher Existence could be so stupid.

His Predicted Danger Sensed skill was triggering harder and harder, but Bai Zemin could no longer feel pain. He was so overwhelmed by everything he was going through that he had even forgotten that not far away from him were two allied Higher Existences.

Just before Bai Zemin's eyes completely darkened as an adverse effect of the skill Predicted Danger Sensed overwhelming his brain and hurting his sense of sight, he saw a golden-colored barrier even brighter than phoenix flames appeared between him and the whirlwind of fire.


Bai Zemin heard a muffled and suppressed explosion, and immediately afterward two extremely anxious voices sounded on either side of him.

""Are you okay?!""

For a brief moment, Bai Zemin's brain went blank and it wasn't until then that he finally remembered about Lilith and Fire Sorrow; that's how focused he had been on surviving.

"...I'm fine." He muttered in a weak voice as he nodded.

Lilith quickly took to watching his body with extreme attention as she carefully supported him as if she feared that the ash-colored wings on his back would stop moving and he would fall into the terrifying ball of gas known as Sun.

"This is..." Lilith was astonished and her mood greatly improved upon discovering that Bai Zemin's condition was not nearly as bad as she expected it to be.

However, there was someone who was more focused on revenge than Lilith.


Fire Sorrow's murderous intent was probably the greatest murderous intent Bai Zemin had ever felt in his entire life. Even he who had killed billions of lives felt small, similar to a baby in front of a large building.

Bai Zemin felt so overwhelmed that he was literally forced to deactivate the Domain of the Wolf Emperor.

As for the Anti-Magic Domain... Fire Sorrow was a Higher Existence of the Seventh Order, she was not affected at all.

"You two..." The phoenix's voice contained something else besides surprise and anger, there was fear there as well. As if finally awakening from that consuming state of rage, the female phoenix exclaimed in shock, "Demonic Army? Why is the second in command of the Demonic Army in this place?!"

Lilith might not be very well known among all the Higher Existences that existed, but Fire Sorrow was a different story.

"How dare a little Fifth Order phoenix..." Fire Sorrow's body trembled as she whispered to herself. "How dare you..."

She had suffered millions of years, MILLIONS!

Millions of years of sorrow that devoured her heart until it turned Fire Sorrow into an empty shell inside. Only she knew for certain how much she had suffered, endured, and how many times she longed for a small glimmer of light in her life.

In the last few days, months if one counted the time spent inside the Collector's Pocket World, Fire Sorrow had smiled more times than she could remember in the last few thousand years.

Genuine smiles, smiles that came from her now not-so-empty heart thanks to the small glimmer of hope that had recently entered her life.

And yet, a little phoenix that wasn't even 20.000 years old wanted to take away that hope she had found after millions of years of searching? A little Fifth Order phoenix below level 550?

Fire Sorrow's level was... the absolute peak of the Seventh Order.

If she, one of the most powerful beings in the cosmos could not protect someone... then she might as well not exist and disgrace herself.

Fire Sorrow didn't care about motives nor did she ask for reasons.

She extended her flawless hand outward and with eyes as cold as ice clenched her fist fiercely, "Spatial Distortion."

The female phoenix had no time to cry out in pain.

Hundreds of black cracks appeared around her body and exploded, causing the phoenix's body to split into hundreds of pieces to then be sucked into the spatial hole that had formed.

Just before the hole closed completely, Lilith watched with a pale face as void lightning struck the phoenix's dismembered body into nothingness without leaving even ashes behind.

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