
Chapter 1063 Pawns Of A Big Chessboard

While Bai Zemin was fighting on American grounds against the 9-Headed Immortal Dragon, one of the most powerful beings in the universe had finally arrived in the Solar System.

With four pairs of beautiful deep red wings formed by pure flames, Eternal Phoenix stood silently staring at the sight in front of her for several minutes without moving or making a sound.

Finally, she tilted her head slightly in a seemingly innocent and cute gesture as she mumbled something to herself.

She had been here recently, but the place was different from what she remembered. It wasn't that Eternal Phoenix's memory was bad; as one of the strongest beings in the cosmos and with records as strong as hers it was absolutely impossible for her to misremember something that had happened less than 1 year ago.

"...Come to think of it, the second in command of the Demonic Army seemed to be looking for something in this area." Eternal Phoenix recalled the scene of Fire Sorrow going back and forth all over the area in front of her.

"But Fire Sorrow ended up disappointed and sad when she didn't find whatever it was she had been looking for." Eternal Phoenix looked carefully at the beautiful planet whose light blue glow brought some light into the dark universe as she said in puzzlement, "This planet wasn't here before... What's more, this world is already in its Third Stage of Evolution."

Just two lines that contained a lot of surprising information. 

A planet seemed to have been born out of nowhere. Eternal Phoenix knew that the blue planet in front of her had not been there before.

This seemingly newborn planet was already in its Third Stage of Evolution, something that made no sense at all for two obvious reasons.

First of all, the Soul Record never appeared on newly formed planets. After all, there was no point in the planet evolving if there was no life on it.

Finally, it was absolutely and totally impossible for a newly formed planet to evolve three stages in less than 1 year of time.

"Simply put, this planet was already here... hidden." Eternal Phoenix could sense that the slain member of her faction took her last breath on the central star of a small group of planets of which the blue planet in front of her was a part. "Interesting."

Being one of the strongest beings in existence, as well as one of the oldest, few things could get Eternal Phoenix's special attention. However, it didn't take a genius to understand that something great and mysterious was going on here; and such it seemed that the blue planet before her was the source of said mysteries.

Not only had Fire Sorrow been unable to find anything despite her desperate search, but even the other Leaders besides Eternal Phoenix herself had failed to find anything strange. But now it was more than clear that what Fire Sorrow had been looking for was the blue planet that Eternal Phoenix had in front of her.

A Lower World that not even the strongest beings in the cosmos could see, feel, or detect? Eternal Phoenix would not have believed it if anyone else told her, and she was willing to bet her deepest records that this was the first time in history since the creation of the universe that such a thing had happened.

To begin with, it was impossible for such a thing to happen, unless....

"Unless the true ruler of the universe gets personally involved..." Eternal Phoenix muttered. 

It was true that existences like her received titles such as Empress, Emperor, Monarch, God, and so on. But, everyone knew in their hearts that the true Leader, God, and Monarch of the universe and all life living in it was none other than the Soul Record.

It didn't matter if it was a First Order soul evolver or if it was the 8 Eighth Order Leaders; everyone had to respect the rules of the Soul Record whether they liked it or not.

The Soul Record needed only a simple lightning strike to dethrone the strongest king, stripping them of their records and turning them into nothing more than a stray dog or mortal remnants.

With all this in mind, Eternal Pjoenix couldn't help but ask to the void in front of her, "Why on earth would the Soul Record hide a small Lower World?"

Of course, she received no answer. But Eternal Phoenix was neither disappointed nor annoyed, because she did not expect someone or something to answer her doubts to begin with.

Curious but mostly feeling a strange excitement she hadn't felt in too many years to remember exactly how many, she flapped her beautiful wings and without hesitation advanced in the direction of the unknown planet.

'At least its glow is beautiful...' She thought to herself before disappearing.

Eternal Phoenix had come to this place mainly because of how strange the circumstance in which one of her subordinates had died had been, but the focus of her attention had now shifted almost completely.

Almost; because the appearance of the mysterious blue planet certainly had something to do with the death of the Fifth Order phoenix... Or at the very least something living there had something to do with it.


Not long after Eternal Phoenix entered Earth's atmosphere, a handsome man over 2 meters tall appeared at exactly the same spot where she had stopped before.

With four pairs of fleshy wings identical to those of a golden dragon, Long Tian looked at the surroundings and his nose twitched slightly for a few seconds. Finally, he looked at the blue planet in front of him and without hesitation lunged forward.

Unlike Eternal Phoenix who had been in this part of the universe recently for which she knew that Earth should not be there let alone as a world in its Third Stage of Evolution, this was Long Tian's first time visiting this area of the cosmos. 

After all, he had done his best to run away from the ghost of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius back then so he had no idea that less than 1 year ago the Earth was invisible and unreachable even to them, the most powerful beings in the universe.

In short, unlike Eternal Pjoenix, Long Tian had no idea how strange, peculiar, and perhaps even dangerous his action was to dive into a world that the silent ruler of all life had covered up for some reason unknown to all.


Approximately 10 minutes later, two silhouettes emerged from a small spatial rift.

The man was extremely handsome with long golden hair down to the small of his back. However, this man was wearing pajamas with pictures of childish animals such as pink pigs, white horses, and blue elephants.

Naturally, this man was Lucifer.

"...It looks like the party will be big this time." He said staring at planet Earth.

Lucifer's eyes glowed with a strange light for a split second and even he couldn't comprehend his emotions as he looked at the place where he was born; his home, the planet he thought had been destroyed millions of years ago.

Although Fire Sorrow was not as strong as Eternal Phoenix or Long Tian she was still a Seventh Order soul evolver; probably one of the most powerful in existence. Therefore, she could also sense a faint trace left behind by two very strong existences.

"L- Lucifer, what do we do now...? These must be dragons and phoenixes..." Fire Sorrow immediately began to become anxious and emotional.

For her, Earth had no longer been her home since the moment all her friends left together with her for another part of the universe and her only attachment was memories. However, the existence of a certain Second Order youth made the importance of Earth to Fire Sorrow even higher than it was to anyone else.

It was precisely because Earth, or rather, someone living on Earth was so important to her that when Fire Sorrow discovered the fact that two powerful Higher Existences had arrived here it made her feel incredibly uncomfortable and alert.

After a moment of silence, Lucier nodded: "Let's go too... I want to see what the hell is going on here to understand better this great chessboard in which we are but pawns."

The pawn was the weakest piece on the entire chessboard, and leaving aside its potential to become any desired piece except King there was nothing special about it. The fact that Lucifer, one of the most powerful and ancient evolvers in the history of the universe would point to himself as a mere chess pawn was certainly surprising; surprising and terrifying at the same time.

If it was before Fire Sorrow might have said something about it, but after seeing how strange things were on Earth and especially after witnessing with her own eyes what that person could do despite being only a level 100 soul evolver she couldn't help but agree with Lucifer.

From the mystery of Earth to how abnormal the growth rate of its inhabitants was; it was all a sign that the truly important pieces of the chessboard resided there, on that beautiful blue planet.

As for Bai Zemin; Fire Sorrow had not the slightest doubt that he was indeed a very important piece in the great chessboard that the Soul Record had been very carefully shaping all this time.

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A/N: Guys, I just arrived in my country. I'm sorry I've been uploading 1 chapter a day, but please consider it a mini vacation for me. Starting tomorrow we will go back to the normal schedule of 2 chapters a day unless something bad happens.

Thank you for all your support, from the bottom of my heart.

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