
Chapter 18 - Leaving The Divenson Mansion

Madeline's POV

"Madeline, wake up." I heard Lily called my name softly while she taps my shoulder, and when I open my eyes, I saw her standing at the edge of her bed, and when I looked at the time on the clock on her nightstand, I realize it is still four o'clock in the morning, and I wonder why she is up this early.

"Why are you awake at this hour, sweetheart? You should go back to sleep, Lily." I said as I closed my eyes again.

"I thought you want to leave this house, Maddie." She replied, and I got up quickly.

"Of course, I want to, and why at this hour?" I asked, confused.

"If you want to leave without being detected, then this is your chance. I will ask Tony to take you to the City. I know he will help you, he is one of the Divenson mansion drivers, and Tony is a friend of your father, and I am certain he will help you. He usually runs an errand for my father early morning." Lily said, and she walked to her door and summoned me to follow her. I walk behind her feeling disoriented since I still feel sleepy. We go to my room tiptoeing, and she opened my door, and I get inside and change my pajama into my faded jeans and T-shirt. Then I quickly put on my sneakers, and I get my backpack to put my important documents.

I put my phone on top of the dresser table because I want Hunter to find it. I don't need a cellular phone to live. I only need some cash, maybe Gina will let me borrow some money from her, and after I look for a decent job, I will pay her off. I don't plan to stay with my aunt since I am sure Hunter will find me there. I am unsure where I will stay from now on, but my desire to leave this house set aside my worries about where I should stay. I looked around the room, feeling sad that I am leaving this beautiful place behind, but the people living here are heartless, and only Lily has a good heart.

"Take this with you, Madeline, and please don't open it here; open that Manila envelope when you arrived at your destination." She declared, and I wonder what is inside of this thick envelope.

"What is inside of this envelope?" I asked.

"Nothing, just a letter and some of my drawings that I want you to have. I like you, Maddie, and I hate to let you go, but I don't want to see you in pain. When I become an adult, I will look for you because you are my best friend and sister. You appreciate me, and you like my company. I know my big brother loves me, but I hate him for turning into a big jerk. You are beautiful and kind, yet he only hurt your feelings. Though you came here to our home because he used his money, I hate to say I am glad he bought you from your aunt because we meet. I wish I meet you on a different circumstance, Madeline." She said, and I can't stop my tears from falling, and I take her into my arms, and I feel her arms curled around my waist.

"Thank you, Lily, you make my stay here bearable, and I will never forget you. I hope I will become successful someday so that you will be proud of me." I said as I tuck some strand of her hair on the back of her ear.

"Whatever you will become, Madeline, I will always be your friend." She responded, and I smiled widely at her. We got out of my room and walk through the corridors quietly. I am holding my breath because I feel so worried that someone might see us, and I almost jump on my feet when we met Cerila on the stairs; and I can tell she is surprised to see Lily and me early this morning.

"Ms. Lily and Ms. Brownwood, where are you going at this hour?" She asked.

"I asked Madeline to join me with my early walk, Cerila," Lily replied.

"At this hour?" Cerila asked in confusion, and I am shocked that she is talking with Lily in this manner. She usually avoided a conversation with me. I can tell Lily is a charmer because all the mansion staff adores her. I know Cerila doesn't believe Lily's reason because she is eyeing me from head to toe, and she can tell I am wearing an inappropriate dress. And I felt glad when she nodded and turned her heels away from us.

"Don't worry, Cerila is my friend, and she won't tell a single soul." She whispered after we walk past the elegant living room, and I can tell Lily is taking a secret passage. Since I have never been to this place, she used her phone to light our way, and I felt so thrilled because it feels like we are thieves or fugitives. She opened a massive wooden door, and I am shocked when we stepped outside; I realized we are already at the back of the house.

She continues walking, stepping on the stone footpaths beside the back garden, and I can smell the flower's fragrance, and I can feel the morning dews on the leaves of some shrubs that touch my arm. From a distance, I can see cottages before us, and I realized these are the dwelling place of the mansion's staff. The lined houses look so beautiful, with stucco walls and porches that surround each cottage. It has the same white color and design. There are hanging plants all over the house, and the trees surrounding the area make the entire spot fresh. It would be enough for me to have this kind of place.

Lily quickly went to the farthest house and then knocked softly, and a man of his early forties opened the door, and he looked so shocked upon seeing her at this hour.

"Oh, my goodness, Young Miss Divenson, what are you doing at this early morning? " He said while he tried to comb his hair through his fingers.

"Can we come in?" Lily asked, and he nodded his head and opened his door widely and gestured to us to go inside. I am impressed by the cottage's interior design, and I can see it is a two-bedroom house with a spacious living room, and the L-shaped sofa with a grey cover looks comfy.

"Hello, Tony, I am sorry for disturbing you this early; I want you to meet Madeline. And she is supposed to be my elder's brother fiancee, but it seems he has another plan now that Kaye arrived. Maddie meets Tony." Lily introduced us, and Tony extended his hand to me, and he offered me a friendly smile. I relaxed a little after I shook hands with him.

"Wow! You look so beautiful, and I couldn't believe you are the daughter of Frank. Maybe you inherited your mother's physical appearance." He declared, and I smiled shyly at him.

"Thanks, " I muttered.

"So, what can I do for you, Young Lady?" He asked and looked at Lily, and now I can say she acts and thinks maturely than her age; the way she looked at Tony with authority is telling me this girl will turn into a powerful woman someday.

"I want you to take Madeline with you in going to the City Center today. She is miserable here, Tony, my parents want her to be gone, and my sister Charlotte is trying her best to get rid of Maddie by bringing her friend Kaye. And I know you understand what I mean." She declared.

"And it also means, Mr. Hunter Divenson doesn't know anything about this plan of yours?" He asked her, and I answered for her.

"Tony, Hunter doesn't need to know all about this, Lily is only helping me to get out from here, and I have to be honest with you, I am in love with Hunter, but he is hurting me, so I guess you understand that I am in pain. I can't marry someone who only wants something from me, and I want to marry for love." I said, and I can see his face softened.

"Do you realize I will be in big trouble if Hunter finds out? I help her?" He said and looked at Lily in the eyes.

"I know, but I will take responsibility, and no one saw us, so I think it is safe to bring Madeline with you." Lily answered.

"Oh, my dear Lily, why can't I say no to you." He spoke and ruffled her hair, and I feel so delighted that Tony will be helping me.

"Because I know you can't resist my charm, Tony, besides you love me as your daughter." She said, and Tony laughs.

"Okay, I will help you, Madeline, I will change into something decent clothes, and I think we should leave before my fellow employees wake up. Please take a seat and wait for me." He said, and he turned to his bedroom.

"So, I guess I will say goodbye now, Madeline, and I wrote my contact details on one of my drawings, so if you have a new contact number, please text or call me, Maddie." Lily said, and I scooted closer to her.

"Of course, you are the first person I am going to text and call, Lily. Thank you for everything." I said.

"You are welcome, Madeline; I wish you to have a happy and successful life." She responded, and I bring her closer to me. I felt so lucky that amid the chaos that I face, I meet an angel like Lily. Tony gets back wearing his driver's uniform, and I can't stop the pounding of my heart. I am now on my way to flee this place, and I will be away from his parents' and siblings' mockery, and I will be out from Hunter's life for good.. I know it will take time to forget him because I can tell I fall for him hard and deep, but I should focus on living my life with dignity and happiness.

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