
Chapter 80 - My Husband's Spell

Madeline's POV

I got inside my vehicle and leaned my body on the backrest of my car while my hands are on the steering wheel. I still couldn't believe that Clark will talk to me again, and this time I know, he became more serious with his warning. I can still feel the shaking of my entire body, I want to drive my car, but I am worried if I will break down in the middle of the road. It became harder on my part because I know I am having a hard time facing my husband every day, and now I have another problem, his father's threats. I get my phone from my bag, and I realized my battery is empty, I charge my smartphone using the USB port of my car, and I know no one will text or call me at this hour.

I don't know what to do anymore, and I wish Hunter will show that he still cares about me, or else I don't have a choice but to burn all Rebecca's things, but I realized I could never do that to Hunter because I know how his ex-fiancee stuff means to him. And even though every single day he hurts me, yet I am still in love with him, and I respect him as my husband.

After feeling better, I start my car and drive away from Jack's restaurant. It is almost midnight, but I can see the city is still full of life, and I want to have some fun, but I know how can I be happy knowing I will go home to an empty house. I was driving fast when I heard the ringing of my phone, and I felt nervous when I see Calixto's name on the screen. I slow down as I answered his call, and I can tell even Cal is avoiding me nowadays. It took him longer to answer my messages, and I know his loyalty will always be with my husband.

"Hello, Cal!" I exclaimed.

"Where are you, Madeline?" I can hear the worried tone in Cal's voice, and I can't stop myself from smiling, thinking that at least there is still someone out there who is still concerned about me. 

"I am on my way home, Calixto, and why are you looking for me? It is a miracle that you call me at this hour, and I know you have been avoiding me recently, Cal, and it hurts me because you are one of the few closest friends that I have." I declared, and I can't stop myself from feeling sad.

"Madeline, I am sorry if I got so busy with my work lately that I seldom text you." He said.

"Hunter asked me to call you, but I can't contact your number. I have been calling you how many times and your husband got paranoid, and he was angry why you are not in the house at this hour. Please, you must go home now, Madeline." He said, and he released a heavy sigh, and I don't know if I feel happy that Hunter was looking for me. I hate to think why my phone died when Hunter tried to contact me, but my happiness cut short when I understood it was Calixto who made the effort of calling me, and I realized I am just a piece of work for Hunter because he let Cal look out for me. I am his wife, for heaven's sake. I was frustrated about his father, and maybe it is about time to give Clark Divenson what he wants. But a big part of me wants to stay and help Hunter and make him realize that his ex was gone. Rebecca is dead, while I am still alive, his wife, who is always waiting for him to come home to me.

"Don't worry, Cal, I already told you. I am going home, and I am near the house." I replied.

"Okay, Madeline, drive safely." He declared and said his goodbye before he ended the call.

Maybe if nothing changed about my husband's treatment of me, it would be best to stop my craziness about him. I should love myself first, and I need to let him go, but for now, I want to show him that I am willing to do everything for him, and I want to help him get over Rebecca.

He is giving me cold shoulders, and I guess the best thing to do is do the same to him. I will show to his face I am not affected by his actions towards me, and I don't care if Hunter will not show any concern towards me anymore because I should be thankful that I am living in a fancy house, driving an expensive car, and studying at the most prestigious university all over the country. And how I wish I am a materialistic type of girl because it would be easy for me to ignore him and spend my entire free time shopping and spend his money on material things, but I am different. I value and treasure relationships. And all the things he provides for me were meaningless without him by my side.

I almost drive on a red light signal, and I am just glad I was not going so fast because my mind is occupied with Clark Divenson's words, and just thinking about his threat brings shivers to my spine all the way to my entire frame. I don't want to ignore Clark Divenson's warning, but my love for my husband overshadowed the fear that I felt.

The moment I got inside the driveway of our house, I am surprised to see the brightness of our entire home; I can even see the lights on the roof deck, and I suddenly felt nervous, and it made me realized he was home, and Cal was not joking when he informed me that my husband was looking for me. I parked and climbed out of my car, and my steps wobbled when I saw Hunter sitting on the patio chair looking at me intensely, which made me feel knots on my belly. 

I know I should not feel excited anymore because I will only become frustrated; I miss him so much, especially our intimate moments together. He made me long for his every caress and kiss, and I hate him for ignoring me for a while now. And I am so glad that I am wearing a sexy fitted mini dress that hugged my body perfectly, and I felt happy that I took off my blazer after I talked with Clark Divenson to make me feel relax. I was also wearing a pair of stilettos that made me feel more confident and sexy.

My husband was undressing me with his eyes, yet I can see the anger behind his lustful gaze. I hate that I felt so weak right now as he stands up from the chair and he remains footed on the porch floor while his eyes scanned my entire body, and they lingered on my long legs, and it stopped on my chest, and he slowly raised his head and captured my gaze. He looked so hot wearing only casual clothes, I can see the ripped muscles beneath his white t-shirt, and his haircut made him looked so boyish, and it feels like forever that we haven't seen each other. And I heavily breathed as I walked my way to the main entrance of our house while I can't take my eyes away from his handsome face. I take the front steps with graceful strides, and I wonder why he was waiting for me at this hour because he seldom visits me in our room. We sleep separately, so I'm not used to seeing him every night. 

"Where have you been, Madeline?" He asked in a cold voice as he comes closer to me, and his eyes are looking at my lips; and I want to kiss him, feel his soft lips on my hungry mouth and feel his muscular arms around my body. And I can't stop the pounding of my heart on my chest when I feel his presence. I want to walk past him and ignores his question because I am still upset about his treatment towards me, but his hypnotizing gaze made me halt in front of him, and we are an inch away from each other that I can smell his heavenly scent. His natural intoxicating scent is driving me nuts.

 I want to slide my hands under his white t-shirt and trace my fingers on his hard six-pack abs that I am so familiar with, and I can't stop myself from hoping that things will go back to the days we spent in Magnolia Village. Even if my mind tells me to walk away from my husband, my heart is doing the opposite. 

"Madeline, I was asking you a question, and you need to answer me." He asked in a growl, but he never takes his eyes off me, and when he moves forward, I step back. His strong arms caught me before I will fall on the steps behind me, and I can feel the electricity that pulsated from his touch to my inner core. I can feel the butterflies on my chest as he steadied me, but he never let go of my waist, and his proximity is making me dizzy.

"I...atten..ded, the opening of Jack's restaurant downtown." I stuttered, and I can see how his face darkened, and I move my head slowly to the side to avert his gaze, but he cupped and lifted my chin so I will be facing his handsome face.

"You don't realize how much I worry about you; it is almost midnight, for heaven's sake, Madeline! " He said in a stern tone, and I couldn't believe that he will get angry with me. He has no right to be furious with me because he had been avoiding me, and all this time, I had been waiting for him to sleep beside me on our matrimonial bed. I try to get away from his hold, but he pulled me closer to him, and I felt so mad that I pushed him hard, but he was so strong that I couldn't make him budge. 

And the words that I am about to say were left unsaid when my husband's hungry mouth claimed my lips with urgency. He slithered his tongue inside my mouth, and I can't stop myself from moaning as I can feel his hands all over my body. It made me feel goosebumps on my skin, and my stomach flutters with excitement, and no matter how I want to stop him, I realized I am still under my husband's spell.

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