
Chapter 95 - Making Decision

Madeline's POV

As the days go by, I realized my husband became more in love with me, I can feel it by how much Hunter wants to spend time with me; ever since he told me he is falling in love with me. My husband seldom comes home late, and he always gets out of his office ahead of time. He picked me up from the university, and I rarely take my car lately, and Mindy keeps texting me asking for the progress of our mission; and I find it so hard to commit, but I don't have a choice but to make a decision soon. 

"Are you sure you want to go, Madeline? No one force you to do it, Maddie." Gina said after she settled on the passenger's seat of my sports car, and I want to drive this time so I can stop the nervousness that I feel as I move away from Archois to the town where the MM Mental Care Homes located.

"Do I have a choice, Gina? And if you are in my shoes, what would be your decision?" I asked my best friend without looking at her face, but I am so familiar with her mannerism, and I can tell right now she opened her mouth, but no words came out, and it took her a long while before she answers my questions.

"If I were in your shoes, and I am honest, I will choose to stay with Hunter, and I will pretend that I haven't meet Rebecca because I am a selfish type of person, Maddie. And he is your husband, and you have all the right to fight for your love, and Hunter Divenson is the kind of man I will never let go, and he is too handsome and too hot for me to give up, Maddie." She replied, and I know she is going to give me an honest answer.

"Thank you, Gina, for making it more challenging for me to decide." I said as I focus my attention on the road, and I know Gina was right. I am Hunter's wife. Still, I am more afraid if he will discover about Rebecca on his own, and I know he will hate me when he learns I know about it, but I never tell him anything about it, and most of all, I can't stop thinking about Rebecca. She needs to get out of the mental home to recover quickly from her illness, and I can't take her out alone. I need Hunter's helped because I can't do it without his assistance, and I am so worried about Clark Divenson.

I am sure Hunter's father will hunt me down once he learns I help Rebecca escape from the mental care homes.

"Madeline, I know you are having the most difficult situation in your entire life, but I don't think Hunter will give you up quickly, and you must also remember that your husband is now in love with you. And I don't think he will let you go that easily." Gina said.

"Gina, we both know how crazy he is with Rebecca, don't give me false hope because it would become devastating for me. It would be better to brace myself for the possible result after I tell him about Rebecca, and I know the impact of this information on Hunter would be too much, and I pity him, Gina. His father played with his emotions because of money. And all I can do is save him, and I love him so much that even though he already get rid of Rebecca's stuff, he still blames himself for her death." I declared.

"He feels so guilty about what happened to her, and I don't want him to spend the rest of his life blaming himself, even if my husband looked so strict. I know he has a good heart, Gina." I added.

"Of course, I know your husband is a philanthropist, Madeline, and he will not spend millions if he doesn't have a soft heart." Gina responded, and we both fell silent for the rest of our ride. And as we got near the mental care homes, I can't stop myself from feeling so nervous about meeting Rebecca again. The same guard opened the gate, and he smiled at us, and he didn't ask for our identification again. After I parked the car we quickly got out, and we proceed to the office of Mindy. She looked so ecstatic to see us and asked us to take a seat.

"Thank you for coming again, Madeline and Gina. It is my pleasure to talk with you today, Maddie, and I guess you already made the final decision." Mindy declared, and I need to swallow my saliva before I speak with her.

"It was so hard on my part to give up my right as Hunter's wife, but I want to help Rebecca." I answered.

"Thank you, Madeline. Hunter will play a significant role in treating Rebecca's illness, and I am sure she can recover immediately the moment she will meet Hunter because she only speaks about him and her child." Mindy said.

"When are you going to tell your husband about her, Maddie?" She asked and I became speechless; it feels like something had stuck in my throat, and it took me a long while before I got the courage to talk with her.

"Can I speak with Rebecca? Can I spend time with her?" I asked.

"Of course, as what I have told you the last time you were here, Rebecca is harmless, but if she does not drink her medication, she will become violent, and she will be shouting Hunter's name, and then the will break down and cry looking for Hunter." Mindy replied.

"Before I will ask my husband to come here, I want to talk with her first; I want to know her a little, at least I have an idea what kind of woman my husband fell in love with, that it made him ten years after his fake death to love again. It was so hard on my part to let my husband go because he is now in love with me." I declared.

"Well, Madeline, the decision will always be in your hands because I will never urge you to do it if it is against your will. You have to do it wholeheartedly, and I don't want you to feel obligated to do it. All we want is for Rebecca to get well soon. Still, it seems the process would be so complex because we do not know what would be Hunter's decision after he finds out that his ex-fiancee is still alive. One more thing, Rebecca thought he was married to your husband, and if ever Hunter will finally visit her, he should pretend he was her husband." Mindy declared, and I am shocked to find out about this information.

"But you don't need to worry. It would be Hunter's decision if he will let Rebecca continue to stay here, and he will only visit her three times a week, depending on his availability. Still, we suggest that for her fast recovery, she must remain with Hunter, and he must find a place where he can settle Rebecca." She said.

"Does it mean I can't tell her I am Hunter's wife?" I asked, and she nodded.

"You can't because if she learns about that information, she will completely lose her mind; it would be alright to tell her later after Rebecca spends more time with your husband, and she regains her sanity." Mindy replied.

"Wow, this is more complicated than I thought." I replied.

"Yes, it is, but it is all up to you, Madeline." She replied.

"I think I am going to lose my mind before I can even make a decision." I said as I let out a heavy sigh.

"That is why I am going to take you now to her room." Mindy said, and she got up from her chair.

"Gina, I am sorry if you can't come inside Rebecca's room; only Madeline can enter." Mindy said.

"It is okay, Mindy. I will wait for Maddie outside in the garden near Rebecca's room." Gina replied, and he looked at me with concern all over her face, and I walked closer to her.

"Hey, don't worry, Gina, I need to do this, so I can formulate a plan on how to help Rebecca and Hunter. You don't need to worry about me, Gina. Besides, I am not going to decide without thinking about my love for Hunter, and I need to do this to weigh my options." I declared, and she smiled weakly at me.

"I want you to remember I will always be here for you, Madeline." She replied.

"I know, Gina, you don't need to tell me because I know you will always be there giving me support." I replied, and Gina stopped walking and stayed at the bench inside the garden, and I proceeded to Rebecca's unit together with Mindy. I can't stop myself from feeling so nervous even though I have seen her already. My hands are shaking, and I tried to control myself and do my best to look calm. This time I can't stop myself from feeling so worried about this visit because I can tell this will play an important role in making my final decision.. I hope the outcome of my judgment will not ruin me as a person, but instead, it will help me grow into a better woman even though I will experience pain, and I need to make some sacrifices.

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