
Chapter 266 - Greatest Birthday Gift

Madeline's POV

The days passed in a blur, and I am so excited today; because it is my husband's birthday. I already briefed all the household staff not to greet my husband since I wanted them to welcome him later tonight when he came home. I was pretending to be asleep even if I tried to kiss him back when he said his goodbye to me before he left going to his office, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

"What are you doing here, Gina? You are supposed to be in the office?" I asked my best friend when I found her in the living room waiting for me, and she was smiling from ear to ear.

"You asked me not to bring your gift in the office since you wanted to give it personally to Hunter later tonight, and I don't need to report today since I have my work online, so the best thing to do is enjoy the rest of my day with my best friend." She responded, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Are you sure Hunter didn't pay you to accompany me, Gina?" I asked, and she was laughing hard.

"I am aware your husband is so in love with you, Madeline, but why should he hire me when you already have so many men outside this house protecting you? I am not good with martial arts, and I don't even know how to hold a gun, so there is no reason for Hunter or your grandfather to hire someone like me." She said, and I scowl at her, and I knew she was right.

"I will be happy to assist your needs today, you know I am good with computer, so I will be finished with my job for the day before you know it, and before you can even start with your decorations, and I wonder why you didn't hire when you have all the money, and for goodness sake, you are about to give birth, Madeline, you could have employed someone to do the job," Gina complained. I covered my ears so I could not hear what she was saying.

"Okay, if you won't listen to me, fine, but I will tell you, I will find a way to decorate the venue without you, and you should trust me, Maddie, I can make the place glamorous, and you will love it," She added.

I was shocked when aunt Francine arrived together with an event organizer with her staff, and I knew it was all because of my best friend, and I couldn't believe she would ruin my day, but I couldn't deny they did a good job, and I was so happy with the outcome, and I couldn't wait for my husband to come home.

Flying balloons and floor balloons are scattered everywhere, and it feels like we have a children's party, but I don't care. I wanted this birthday to be special for Hunter since this is our first time celebrating his birthday here at the castle. I could see the chocolate fountain at the center of the dessert table, and my mouth watered as I looked at the fruit platters.

I asked everyone to keep silent while the lights were out after Roman called and told me they were approaching the castle's main gate, and it seemed like we didn't have electricity. I made sure to celebrate his birthday in the family room and not the ballroom since it was only a small gathering suitable for our family and close friends.

"Hey, what is wrong? Why is it so dark?" Hunter asked when he found me on the front porch waiting for him while lighting his way with the flashlight in my hand.

"Well, something has broken on the mainline, and suddenly the generator didn't work but don't worry, Leonardo was on it. Can we get inside now?" I said as I offered my hand to him, and he asked me to give him the flashlight I was holding. Still, I didn't hand it to him as we got inside, and when we neared the family room, the whole place illuminated, and I could see the surprised look on my husband's face as he looked at all the guests in front of us.

I only invited his mom, Lily, and Calixto; I didn't include Charlotte and his father, while Parker is busy, and Rebecca stayed with her husband. My aunt, together with her husband, grandpa, and some of Hunter's staff in his office, and of course, the household staff. And as we sang happy birthday, he was holding my hand, and I could see the tears that welled upon his eyes.

"Thank you, everyone; I thought everyone had forgotten my birthday, including my lovely wife. And I could tell this is her plan after all." My husband said, and everyone laughed.

"Thank you, my love," He said, and he kissed on the lips, just on time, I felt a slight pain in my stomach, and then I could feel the fluid on my thighs down to my legs, and I realized my water break.

"I think I need to go to the hospital now; my water broke!" I said, and all eyes were on me, and then I could see the panic on everyone's eyes, including my husband's face.

"Hey, you need to relax, Hunter; I will be okay," I said as he carried me, and even if I could feel the contractions, I asked them to eat and continue the party without us, and I couldn't wait to give birth to our little boy.

"How could I relax when I know you are in pain?" He asked as he descended on the front steps.

"You better put me down since I can still walk on my own," I said, but my husband never listened to me. I felt so glad Roman got the car ready in front of the main entrance of the house, and my husband carefully lay me down at the back of the vehicle, and he sat beside me holding my hand while I knew Gina was on the other car with my things which she helped me get prepared one week ago.

But the pain became too much for me to keep silent, and I was trying my best to control myself, but I could no longer hold the pain.

"Roman, please!" He yelled, and I could hear Roman blowing the horn nonstop as he drove the car at full speed. They could have called an ambulance, but I know my husband panicked. I didn't have the time to argue with him because I couldn't deny he looked like hell right now, and if I was not in labor, I could have enjoyed this moment looking at my husband's face. My tears fell, and I was clutching on Hunter's arm until I could feel my fingernails dug on his flesh as I felt the contractions. And I wanted to say to him I was fine so he would relax a little, but the pain was too much for me to handle that I could no longer pretend I was okay.

"Hold on, Maddie, we are always there!" Hunter said, and I was trying to control my breathing. I inhale-exhale while I was talking to my baby to wait until we arrived at the hospital, and then, I could feel too much pain in my entire abdomen, back, and on my groin, and I could even feel the pain on my sides and thighs. And I was moaning in pain.

"Hunter!" I said, and I could feel him wiping the bead of sweat on my face and forehead while he was caressing my arm, and I could see the worries on his face.

The drive going to the hospital felt like forever, and I was moaning the entire time; when we arrived at the hospital, I was met by my OB at the entrance of the Emergency Room, and I realized my aunt had called her right away.

"Hello, Maddie, don't worry, my dear, you will finally meet your little angel in a while." My OB said with a beautiful smile on her face, and she talked with my husband, and that was the only time I saw him relax a little, and they brought me to the labor room right away, and after two hours, the doctor was shocked when I was almost 10cm, she couldn't believe I am about to give birth.

"I could tell your baby must be very eager to meet you, Madeline, now I want you to get ready to push," She said. I couldn't wait to meet my baby boy either, and I felt so glad he didn't let me have long labor after three strong pushes, and he was out, and I couldn't stop myself from crying when I heard my son's first cry. It was the most satisfying moment of my life when he was lifted up onto my chest, and when I saw him, my tears of happiness continued to fall, and I couldn't believe my husband and son had the same date of birth.

"Oh, Madeline, you gave me the greatest gift on my birthday, and it was our baby boy!" Hunter said the moment he got inside and sat beside me on my bed in one of the VIP rooms of the hospital, and I could see the tears in his eyes.

The first time he held our son, I wanted to capture the moment as I could see the love and too much affection on my husband's face, and Hunter was overwhelmed with happiness when he finally met our little boy, Frank Luis.

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